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12 Gates Of Jerusalem

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The Twelve Gates of Jerusalem - Appendix to the Companion Bible. The Gates of Jerusalem Today and Tomorrow. The walls and gates of Jerusalem have expanded and contracted over the centuries like the breathing of a living being.

The Gates of Jerusalem Today and Tomorrow

Even today, the Old City of Jerusalem is such that we have to enter the city through gates—just as people did for thousands of years. Gates were more than passageways. They served as places for personal business and civic affairs (see Ruth 4:1). Gates often took their names from the distant cities they faced, like Jaffa, Damascus, and Shechem. There are 8 gates of Jerusalem today. 12 Gates of Jerusalem (Part I) 12 Gates of Jerusalam (part II) Continuing the study of the restoration of the gates of Jerusalem (read Isaiah 60:1-3), we will look at the next three gates, each of them representing a work of restoration in the Church.

12 Gates of Jerusalam (part II)

"...and the temple servants living on the hill of Ophel made repairs up to a point opposite the Water Gate toward the east and the projecting tower" (Ne.3:26). In Scripture, water represents the word of God (Jn. 15:3; Eph.5:26; He. 10:22). And the word of God was closely associated with the Water Gate. Note also that it was the temple servants living on the hill of Ophel ( ) who are recorded as repairing the Water Gate.

12 Gates of Jerusalem (part III)