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Customize Your High Heel Shoes. Customize Your High Heel Shoes Everybody has that favorite shoes we are always using more than the other ones.

Customize Your High Heel Shoes

Maybe because they are extremely comfortable and beautiful or maybe because we get used to wear only them, it is really sad when they start getting worn and old. It is always painful get rid of shoes we love and some people prefer don´t do it. If you are like this, we will give you some suggestions to customize your shoes in very simple DIY projects that you can do easily. Before starting any projects it is important to be sure your shoes are cleans and dry. Spray Paint Shoes This simple project is the most efficient way to cover any damaged part or change the color of your shoes. Patent US8322053 - Adjustable height high heel shoe - Google Patents.

This application claims the benefit of U.S.

Patent US8322053 - Adjustable height high heel shoe - Google Patents

Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/672,475, filed Apr. 18, 2005. The present invention is directed toward an adjustable heel for high heel shoes and more particularly, toward a shoe heel that may be adjusted from a low heel to a high heel and vice versa. The Science of High Heels: How Physics Keeps Women From Falling Down. In one of her music videos, Lady Gaga dances in 10-inch stiletto heels by designer Alexander McQueen.

The Science of High Heels: How Physics Keeps Women From Falling Down

What keeps her from falling over? Physics. How on Earth do women walk in high heels? Seriously now . . . shouldn't they tip over? The answer is: Science. Lady Gaga's massive 10-inch tapered heels may be purely for show, rarely making an appearance outside of the artist's music videos. "Many of my physicist colleagues have no trouble understanding quantum mechanics but can't figure out how women can wear high heels," admitted Dr. Yet the recipe for safe stilettos seems fairly straightforward: Two parts sacrifice and a dash of solid steel, said Fred Allard, creative director for Nine West, one of the world's largest manufacturers of women's shoes.

"In the center of the mold, a steel rod is inserted for safety and solidity purposes," Allard told Got it? High Heel Fashion Pump Shoemaking Course, 7 Day Intensive Workshop. 7-Day Intensive Workshop Course Plunge into fashion shoemaking in a total, hands-on, creative design, shoemaking experience.

High Heel Fashion Pump Shoemaking Course, 7 Day Intensive Workshop

In this course, the creative process is explored. Creativity is not something only other people have! It is part of you. We free up “creative space” by teaching more shoe techniques and concepts, making room for the birth of your creative style. If you think that you are not creative and all thumbs, then this is the course where your creative side is liberated and you find your hands. Even after three decades of creative shoemaking, students still amaze me!

It was late in the day, and, up to this point, the students still thought they were going to make plain brown practice shoes. Faces changed. Beginning with sizing and consideration of your foot dynamics, you learn to completely make a fashion pump. No prior shoemaking experience is necessary. For a preview of Bill’s workshop and teaching style, see this video at Oregon Art Beat » For the Love of Fashion: The Anatomy of a High Heel. The Anatomy of a High Heel Have you ever wondered the different parts of the object of torture you’re wearing on your precious feet?

For the Love of Fashion: The Anatomy of a High Heel

Here’s a basic lesson so you can make informed choices in the future. As a wise man once said “pain is beauty” Breast: The forward facing part of the heel, under the arch of the sole Counter: A stiff piece of material at the heel of a shoe positioned between the lining and upper that helps maintain the shape of the shoe. Feather: The part of the shoe where the upper's edge meets the sole Heel height~ This can be anywhere from 2” to 6” or higher.

How high heel is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used, parts, components, steps, product, machine, History, Raw Materials, Design, The Manufacturing Process of high heel. Background Shoe height has historically reflected nobility, authority, and wealth.

How high heel is made - material, manufacture, making, history, used, parts, components, steps, product, machine, History, Raw Materials, Design, The Manufacturing Process of high heel

France's King Louis XIV (1638-1715) was only 5 ft 3 in (1.6 m) tall until he donned specially-made high-heeled shoes with curved heels constructed of cork and covered with red-dyed leather, with the red color symbolizing nobility. On special occasions, his 5 in (12.7 cm) high heels were ornamented with hand-painted scenes of his military victories. Today, curved heels preserve his legacy and are known as Louis or French heels. Other heel-wearers used their footwear to boast of their wealth; the heels were so high that servants had to break them in, so to wear high heels also proved one could afford servants for this task.

Today, heels are blessed for the elegance they lend to the wearer's appearance and cursed for the damage they inflict on ankles, calves, and backs. History The entire shoe was elevated in the style called the chopine that originated in Turkey in about 1400. Raw Materials Design The Future. Shoe Dictionary of Shoe Terms and Definitions.