Teaching the nitrogen cycle and human health interactions. Audrey Rule, SUNY Oswego and Margaret Townsend, Kansas Geological Survey , Author Profile This activity was selected for the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Collection Resources in this top level collection a) must have scored Exemplary or Very Good in all five review categories, and must also rate as “Exemplary” in at least three of the five categories.
The five categories included in the peer review process are Scientific Accuracy Alignment of Learning Goals, Activities, and Assessments Pedagogic Effectiveness Robustness (usability and dependability of all components) Completeness of the ActivitySheet web page For more information about the peer review process itself, please see This page first made public: Jan 30, 2008 Summary This activity uses objects, pictures, and text in a matching game to define the nitrogen cycle and the environmental and human health impacts of nitrogen.
Used this activity? Context Audience Skills and concepts that students must have mastered 1. Goals 1. 1. Serc.carleton.edu/files/NAGTWorkshops/health04/activities/Instructors_notes.pdf. Cpbio.middlesex-high-school.groupfusion.net/modules/locker/files/get_group_file.phtml?gid=998393&fid=4721642&sessionid=c99f17a26947f80579425df72bcc81b5. A Literate Life - Writer's Notebook. Town planning project for high school. Www.mscoleman.com/Math Files/Polyhedraville.pdf. A Brief History of African Popular Music. During the 1980s, the West rediscovered the folk music of Africa.
Afro-rock started with commercial groups based in the west, such as Osibisa. The cross-pollination took place in both directions: western popular music adopted elements of African music, while African music adopted elements (particularly the studio techniques) of western music. During the 1980s, the styles and genres of the various African countries, such as South Africa's "mbaqanga", Zimbabwe's "jit", Zaire's "soukous", Nigeria's "juju" and Ghana's "highlife", had a chance to develop and proliferate around the world. Congo TM, ®, Copyright © 2003 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved. See African music of the 1950sAfrican music of the 1970sAfro-pop of the 1980s Congolese keyboardist and musicologist Ray Lema Ansi Nzinga relocated to France, where he achieved the rumba, rock, funk and reggae fusion of Kinshasa- Washington DC- Paris (1983). Ghana Nigeria South Africa South Africa had a melting pot of its own.
Rai Mali 1980s1990s Senegal. Exploring Africa. Module Thirteen: African Music Teacher's Edition A brief background and history of African Music The African continent is the second largest continent in the world, and its people constitute a 10th of the world’s population with about one thousand indigenous languages spoken throughout the continent (Stone, 1998, p.2).
Carnegie Hall presents Honor! A Celebration of the African American Cultural Legacy - A History. Press Partners Supporters Jessye Norman Home › A History Acknowledgements and References › A History of African American Music Chart© 1992 Portia K.
. © 2001–2008 Carnegie Hall Corporation. Miss-ruzanski.wikispaces. History worksheets. Music Lesson Plans. Problem Based Learning Activities. Constitution Day projects & Essays resources es/ms/hs Actively seek out alternative information ADA - assessment and action project Alternative Energy Sources and Conservation Attendance Improvement Campaign Benjamin Franklin Extraordinary Biodiversity Exploration Investigation ms/hs Birds - examine status of local species Bird Species List for FeederWatch - make one Biomes - learn about biomes as you select a new home Bloggez- vous?
Bonus Army treatment and veterans today Bridges or earmarks what is the national priority? Cars - Event recording device - privacy, safety & justice Charity begins at Home Civil Rights - What are yours? Project Based Learning. Creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers. HIGH SCHOOL LESSON PLANS (Teachers.Net) High School Activities. Www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/nonpwdpubs/media/field_investigation_guide.pdf. Movie Sheets - Teacher Submitted Movie Worksheets for the Classroom. Audubon Adventure: Record the Natural World. Enjoy being outdoors?
Interested in art? Combine both! John James Audubon was a scientist and self-taught artist who did just that by studying the natural world and creating exquisitely detailed paintings of birds and nature. You can follow in his footsteps with this art project that has you create a naturalist painting. Use this guide to spend some time outdoors, appreciate nature, and learn to record the world exactly as you see it. What You Do: Pick a Specimen. Use this same general template for insects and other specimens that you collect or observe. For more information on naturalist paintings, check out Audubon's work.
Marik Berghs is graphic designer with 30 years of experience. Design A Hiking Trail by BECKY REMIS (ID: 834)