The National Curriculum - Handbook for Primary Teachers in Enland (1999) National Curriculum (2014) Statutory Requirements: Year Group Maps. You will find below the National Curriculum (2014) statutory requirements, for each National Curriculum Year Group, mapped by core and non-core subject.
The documents show the statutory areas that the children must be taught by year group for the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and non-core. All non-core subjects are broken down by Key Stage and we are in the process of building our curriculum plan to ensure progressive coverage of these areas. If you intend to use the documents for planning purposes, please ensure that you read these in conjunction with the English and Maths National Curriculum appendices. All documents are from the National Curriculum (2014) as produced by the DfE and are Crown Copyright. If you work in another school please feel free to download and use the files. Please also note that Pupils in Y2 and Y6 (2014-15) should still follow the previous National Curriculum for English, Maths and Science. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 English Glossary.
184962383X.PDF. Key Stage 2 writing moderation in 2012. Local authorities Local authorities are responsible for organising moderation visits for key stage 2 writing.
The guidance available from this page outlines their role and responsibilities. Local authorities must notify schools of the dates for their moderation visits during the final week of the spring term. Moderation visits must be completed by the end of the summer term. Schools Schools are responsible for ensuring that teacher assessment accurately reflects a child's attainment. Standards and Testing Agency STA oversees the moderation of the early years foundation stage profile (EYFSP), key stage 1 and key stage 2 writing.
Exemplification for key stage 2 writing is available from the menu on the left-hand side of this page. STA will provide LAs with a moderator standardisation exercise for use when recruiting moderators. Year 1 literacy planning. * Where the unit title is asterisked, detailed planning exemplification is available. ** Numbers of weeks identified for each unit are suggestions only The combined content of these units, together with continuous and discrete work at word and sentence level, carries the learning that children can be expected to achieve in Year 1.
Further work on presentational skills and speaking and listening will be ongoing throughout the year. Literacy learning in Year 1 is summarised in the objectives in the twelve strands. The year divides into 16-17 weeks on narrative, 12 weeks on non-fiction and 6 weeks on poetry, but these timings and the ordering of many of the units can be flexible. It is expected that the non-fiction units will take place before, after or alongside units from across the curriculum that will provide the content and purpose for speaking, listening, reading and writing. The framework teaching sequences are exemplar materials on which to model good practice. Literacy Framework.
Primary Framework. The school curriculum. Primary curriculum subjects. Primary curriculum subjects.
Independent Review of the Primary Currriculum: Final Report - 2009-IRPC-final-report.pdf - (Current Session: This 18-05-13) DfES-Primary-Ed.pdf. New_Primary_Framework.