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Tree of Life Dreadlocks and Accessories - Manchester, United Kingdom - Business Services, Hair Salon. Funnies's post on Vine. Gnod Summary. Gnod Summary. The 50 Scariest Books of All Time. The air is getting crisper, the nights are getting longer, and All Hallow’s Eve draws near.

The 50 Scariest Books of All Time

You know what that means: it’s time to curl up with a book guaranteed to give you the shivers — or at least make you check the locks twice. Here, for your horrifying pleasure, are 50 of the scariest books ever written in the English language, whether horror, nonfiction, or speculative futures you never want to see. One caveat: the list is limited to one book per author, so Stephen King fans will have to expand their horizons a little bit.

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Top 20 Films that make you cry - Cultoid

But not so for me. I am a massive crier. I cry at the slightest hint of emotion in film or TV. So much so that I even cried in Dumb and Dumber when Lloyd has been driving in the wrong direction for hours, and he and Harry have a roadside argument – Harry berates Lloyd for being an idiot and Lloyd shouts back with tears in his eyes “I’m sorry MR PERFECT! I forgot you never made a mistake”, following which they go their separate ways and the Crash Test Dummies’ Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm kicks in. So that’s my weepy back story. Oh and I need to add that I’ve never seen The Notebook. Oh and honourable mentions to Patch Adams and Grave of the Fireflies. 20. This slow burn tale of revenge is one of the few films on this list that all men will admit to crying at. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. Privnote - Send notes that will self-destruct after being read.

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10 Foods to Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin

It’s time to throw away all those ineffective products and start eating foods for perfect skin. I went from terrible acne five months ago to not having acne now. It was hard, but it was possible and less expensive than turning to pricey products. While some foods can aggravate your skin, others can enhance it. Check out a list of 10 foods to eat every day for perfect skin. Red bell peppers are a tasty vegetable that can be enjoyed either cooked or raw. Moreover, it is rich in carotenoids that can help prevent wrinkles and increase blood circulation to your skin, helping it look more youthful. A red bell pepper is a perfect, low-calorie snack that contains about 30 calories and has a really satisfying crunchy bite.

Musicovery. The top 50 foreign language films of the last decade. It is quite clear that mainstream cinema no longer applies just to Hollywood blockbusters, or the odd British comedy.

The top 50 foreign language films of the last decade

With the advent of mass home cinema in the last decade, and the increasing availability of pretty much anything and everything on DVD, Blu-ray, or streaming services like Netflix, world cinema has finally crossed the divide of being the preserve of the connoisseur, or the type of thing you’d stumble on late at night on TV. In the last ten years, world cinema has made a massive impact on film-of-the-year lists, and many people’s personal favourites. General Biology Video Lecture Course. - StumbleUpon. Eating 10 hot dogs in 6 minutes and belching the national anthem may impress your friends, but neither of those feats will do much for your body—at least not much good.

Instead, why not train yourself to do something that may actually pay off? We're not talking bench presses and interval training (though those do help). You can teach your body to cure itself from everyday health ailments—side stitches, first-date jitters, even hands that have fallen asleep. Just study this list, and the next time your friends challenge you to an ice cream eating contest, chow down: You know how to thaw a brain freeze—and 17 other tricks that'll make everyone think you're the next David Blaine.