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Free Website Builder. 20-things-you-should-leave-off-your-resume-and-your-linkedin-account. A resume may be the only opportunity you have for making a good first impression with a prospective employer, and getting your foot in the door for an interview.


It is therefore worth your while to invest some time making it the best resume possible. Beyond neat typing and printing on beautiful stationery, or in the case of submitting online, a clear and easy-to-read PDF, here is a list of 20 things you definitely need to omit from your resume for a better chance at scoring that interview. 1. How to Write a Killer Resume. A resume alone will never help you get hired.

How to Write a Killer Resume

It has to be relevant and compelling enough to get your foot in the door. Having reviewed thousands of resumes myself, I've found that most of them read like a cross between an obituary and a museum exhibit timeline. First, let's debunk a couple of resume myths. Resumes are not read, at least not at first.

They are scanned, scored and sorted. Goal Planning Worksheet. SMART Goals Template. Generic SMART Goals Worksheet. Skills Analysis Worksheet. Individual Development Planning Worksheet. Individual Development Plan. World's Largest Professional Network. Glassdoor – Get Hired. Love Your Job. O*NET OnLine. Career Ladder/Lattices - User Guide.

Explore new career options and expand your job search. My Next Move. Catchafire - Projects. 50 Ways to Get a Job. WorkReady Classroom. Domain:Job Seeking Skills Competency:Demonstrates mastery of interview skills Rating: Materials: Worksheet: Interview Questions Flip chart and markers Prizes: Payday or 100 Grand bars The_Job_Interview_Game_WS.pdf Time:40 minutes Activity Source: WorkReady Philadelphia, Pre-Employment Training 2003 Facilitator Steps: Divide participants into small groups.Ask each group to develop a team name and symbol.Record team names and symbols on the flip chart.Facilitator acts as an upbeat game show host.Say Welcome to The Job Interview Game.

WorkReady Classroom

Workplace Connections: Why is the job interview such an important part of the job search? YouTube Videos: This site contains links to other web sites that may be of interest to you. Get that job! Job interview board game for eslPinigig. This board game is great for practicing typical job interview questions.

Get that job! Job interview board game for eslPinigig

The download includes the board and 20 vocabulary cards (3 sheets in total). Cut out the vocab cards and place in a pile (face down) next to the board. Students throw the die, work their way around the board and answer the questions. I always ask the students to think of a job they’d like to apply for before starting so that they give specific answers and avoid general responses. When they land on a ‘vocab card’ square they must pick up a card and either give the definition of the word or use it in a job application related sentence.

Some of the vocabulary is quite challenging so check understanding of key words and phrases before starting. Hope you have some fun with this! Pinigig Privacy Policy. Home : Welcome : Out for Work. CAREER PATH. Gap Year Programs - USA Gap Year Fairs. Dynamy Internship Year is the oldest and only residential internship program in the country.

Gap Year Programs - USA Gap Year Fairs

Our mission is to offer young people, ages 17-22, a transformational gap year (or semester) opportunity. Located in Worceste... Expedition Education Institute Do you want to be an Ecological Leader, to become deeply rooted in the natural world and in your own power to make change and create a better, more resilient world? Organized as the e... Cow House Studios is thrilled to offer FieldWorks, a hybrid residency and enrichment program designed to give students ages 18 to 22 an opportunity to make new work in a remarkable location while being challenged to appr... Semester at Sea voyages offer a truly global experience each fall and spring. For nearly 50 years, the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) has been the leader in wilderness education.

The Up with People program provides an international gap year experience like no other. Unleash the actor in you! Irish Gap Year: Explore.