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Bilingual babies benefit from learning faster - Science - News - The Independent. Researchers from the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences worked in collaboration with various hospitals in the city to take a closer look at the effects of bilingualism.

Bilingual babies benefit from learning faster - Science - News - The Independent

Singapore has a high number of bilingual families compared to most countries, allowing the clinicians and scientists relatively easy access to the youngsters they needed. Leher Singh of the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore and lead author of the study, said: “As adults, learning a second language can be painstaking and laborious. We sometimes project that difficulty onto our young babies, imagining a state of enormous confusion as two languages jostle for space in their little heads. However, a large number of studies have shown us that babies are uniquely well positioned to take on the challenges of bilingual acquisition and in fact, may benefit from this journey.”

Why Writing by Hand Could Make You Smarter. Masson/Shutterstock Have you ever tried to read your physician’s prescriptions?

Why Writing by Hand Could Make You Smarter

Children increasingly print their writing because they don’t know cursive or theirs is simply unreadable. I have a middle-school grandson who has trouble reading his own cursive. Grandparents may find that their grandchildren can’t even read the notes they send. Our new U.S. When we adults went to school, one of the first things we learned was how to write the alphabet, in caps and lower case, and then to hand-write words, sentences, paragraphs, and essays.

The primary schools that teach handwriting spend only just over an hour a week, according to Zaner-Bloser Inc., one of the nation's largest handwriting-curriculum publishers. Yet scientists are discovering that learning cursive is an important tool for cognitive development, particularly in training the brain to learn “functional specialization”[2]—that is, the capacity for optimal efficiency. . [1] Slape, L. . [3] James, K.H. and Engelhardt, L. (2013). 5 Important Things To Teach Students About The Brain. We’re all used to the term ‘21st century’ popping up in education articles, social media, and even in school staff rooms.

5 Important Things To Teach Students About The Brain

It’s become normal to refer to yourself as a 21st century teacher, teaching in a 21st century classroom, using 21st century teaching methods that are centered on your 21st century students. While this popular term has definitely become quite the buzzword, there has been a lot of progressive methods and ideology that has stemmed from it. One excellent notion that has come from 21st century thinking/teaching is a desire to understand how our brains work, and to figure out what processes are driving our actions and emotions. It is now common practice for educators to graduate from their teaching programs having learned about how the development and function of the brain can affect their students’ experiences in school. While this knowledge was once directed more toward the psychological fields of study, it is now considered as vital knowledge in education as well. 10 Ways To Deliver A Remarkable Presentation.

Presentations are one of the most effective ways to present your ideas to your boss, clients, management or colleagues.

10 Ways To Deliver A Remarkable Presentation

The success of any presentation performance is determined by the structure of the content, design of the presentation, attraction of the slides and many other things like: substantial research, association, speaking skills, and most importantly self-confidence. A good presenter has the capability to attract the attention of his or her audience from beginning to end and forces them to take action. For those who want to learn presentation skills, here are great tips and tricks for a remarkable and unforgettable presentation. 1. Do your research If you want to give an outstanding presentation, then you have to present like an expert on the topic you are communicating. 2. If you want to increase elegance in your presentation skills, first you have to study your audience. It is likely you have been allotted a certain slot and time limit for your presentation.

Reading Techniques Help Students Master Science. At first, Suzanne Black didn't imagine that the reason some of her students struggled was because they didn't know how to read their textbooks.

Reading Techniques Help Students Master Science

Black teaches the most advanced biology class available at her high school in Kenmore, Wash. As the years passed, however, the problem became clear. "The longer I do it, the more I realize that it's hardest for the poor readers," she says. Today her strategy is different. "When a student is struggling in my class, the first thing I'll do is ask, 'Why don't you read me that paragraph?

'" Reading Techniques Help Students Master Science. 12 Hacks That Will Improve Your Studying. 12 Hacks That Will Improve Your Studying. 12 Hacks That Will Improve Your Studying.