How to structure and write a self-published e-book. In his second article in a series on self-publishing, author and digital publishing specialist Nik Peachey explains how to get on with the task of writing and structuring a book.
Getting started Once the euphoria from raising the funds to write your book wears off, you are left with the task of actually producing it. Working alone on this can be a daunting task. When you crowd-source funding through platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter, they usually give you a completion deadline by which you should honour your commitment to your backers and deliver the finished product. When I raised the funds for my book, this deadline was three months. Find out what your readers want Before I wrote my book I decided to crowd-source its content. Instead, I asked teachers what they wanted or expected to see in the book. Take suggestions on board, but be selective There were lots of great suggestions, so I took them all and built the chapter structure around them.
Ebooks from independent authors and publishers. Fun ESL Beginner Puzzles & Games Package: 150 Printable Filler Activities. Publiez un roman avec Edilivre. Votre mise en page et publication : Nous publions tout type de manuscrit à partir d'une page A4 : nouvelle, roman, poésie...
Nous vous publierons gratuitement à travers la mise en page de votre livre aux formats papier et numérique (Pdf et Epub). Une fois que vous aurez validé la maquette de votre livre, à travers son Bon à Tirer, nous lui attribuerons des numéros ISBN et nous en déposerons un exemplaire papier à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Afin de parfaire votre ouvrage, nous vous proposons également de pouvoir bénéficier de services optionnels de relecture, d’aide à l’écriture et de création de couvertures.
Sachez que tout au long de votre processus éditorial, notre équipe vous accompagnera par téléphone, par mail ou sur rendez-vous. AFNIL. Si vous pensez remplir les critères mentionnés, choisissez l’un des deux formulaires ci-dessous en fonction de votre statut, téléchargez-le et renvoyez-le dûment complété accompagné des documents demandés le cas échéant : 1.
Formulaire de demande ISBN : SOCIETE S'adresse aux : Maisons d'éditionsSociétés non spécialisées dans l'éditionAssociations, fondations, fédérations, syndicatsCollectivités (exemples : mairies, écoles, collèges, lycées)Auto-entrepreneursAutres organismesATTENTION : Pour les administrations centrales et les services déconcentrés de l'Etat, il faut faire une demande auprès de la BnF. Work with us. 1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context – EnglishClub ESL Store. 1000 phrasal verbs listed alphabetically for quick and easy reference2000 example sentences (2 sentences for each phrasal verb)Read the sentence, get the meaning, check your understandingGrammar notes, usage tips and related phrasal verbsSpaces to write your own notes and examplesSuitable for self-study at home or classroom useLinks to hundreds of exercises, quizzes and fun interactive gamesPlus!
1000 phrasal verb quiz questions (with answers) 100% 90-day Money-Back Guarantee. We guarantee to refund your payment in full if you request a refund anytime within 90 days. No questions asked. Each phrasal verb is presented in its own table, and each table has: two example sentences, one with the phrasal verb colour-highlightedpatterns of usage (e.g. Runs on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android Format: PDF Printable: Yes Pages: 157 Filesize: 2.7mb Publisher: TEFL Games Co. Design-2-ebook-cover-in-24-hours?context=adv.cat_3. What is the best way to convert a pdf to kindle friendly or other ebook reader friendly format? - Quora. Calibre - E-book management. How to Sell Books From Your Website: Top 3 E-commerce Solutions for Authors by Anne Hill. By Anne Hill (@AnneHill) Anne is a colleague and friend who is very involved with training authors and bloggers here in Northern California, and she recently ran a terrific workshop on building your author platform at BAIPA.
Although I’ve featured Anne’s writing in This Week in the Blogs, this is her first guest appearance. And it’s a great one. If you’ve ever thought about selling direct from your website, you’ll want to dive right in. Authors have come a long way in the past few years. But while blogs and social media have made those conversations easier to have, selling books through Amazon and other online retailers prevents us from connecting with readers at the critical moment of sale.
We get sales figures, but we don’t know anything about who bought our books. The solution is to sell books directly from author websites—and I don’t mean linking to your book listing on Amazon. Does this mean that authors have to be writers, marketers, and customer service reps too? ESL Grammar eBooks. 1.
GrammarBank Exercises eBook For English Teachers: Beginner to intermediate level grammar worksheets with answers that you can download and print to use in your classes. This eBook can save you a lot of time and trouble of looking around for worksheets or writing them yourself. See below if it's a good fit for your students.Sample Chapters / Complete Table of Contents For English Learners: This book will help you improve your English and/or prepare for school exams, major exams such as KET, PET, TOEFL. 2.
What are the differences between eBook f... An eBook is a digital book that can be read on a computer or mobile device.
Here are the different eBook formats that may be available to you when you borrow an eBook from your school or library: OverDrive Read Read in your browser. No software or downloads are required to read OverDrive Read eBooks. Reading progress and bookmarks are stored in the cloud, so you can always pick up where you left off no matter what device you're on. You can download and read EPUB eBooks using Adobe Digital Editions on a computer or OverDrive's app. You can download and read PDF titles using Adobe Digital Editions.