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Zeitgeist Movement

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The Zeitgeist Film Series Gateway. The Zeitgeist Media Festival. The Zeitgeist Movement Global. TZM Events/TownhallsTown Halls. Overview Formally, TZM has three types of events which are periodic and open to tandem or isolated participation by the community.

TZM Events/TownhallsTown Halls

Our two annual event days, "Zeitgeist Day" and the "Zeitgeist Media Festival" occur in March and August of each year, respectively. These event actions are encouraged for all Chapters of TZM globally to not only communicate new ideas and values, but to also show global unity as a Movement. Please see our FAQ and the respective websites for details. [ ] & [ ] The other type of common event is the Townhall Style Event.

Townhalls The Zeitgeist Movements Townhall Meetings are live, public events conducted by Official Regional Chapters. Ideally, these events should be synchronized globally. Space & Format: Keep it simple. THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT GLOBAL FORUM. Chapters. What is ZDay? ABOUT:“Zeitgeist Day”, or ZDAY for short, is the flagship annual, global event day which occurs in the middle of March, each year.

What is ZDay?

The goal is to increase public awareness of The Zeitgeist Movement and our potential for a new society. If you are not familiar with the tenets and goals of The Zeitgeist Movement: What is the Zeitgeist Movement? It all started in in 2009, with over 400 events in over 70 countries. These events were well documented by news agencies across the world, including the New York Times in America.

A Zeitgeist Day Event can take many forms, ranging from a simple showing of DVD media to prerecorded lectures to interactive question-and-answer events with Chapter Organizers in various regions, giving their own unique presentations. While it is not required to be in a regional Zeitgeist Movement Chapter to have an event, it is recommended. HOW IT WORKS:Once you submit an event, your event is posted on this site after approved by our Admins to assure authenticity.

Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide. The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement.

Zeitgeist Movement Activist and Orientation Guide

It does not recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and potential. Tool Kit. Zeitgeist debunked for good. Part 4.

Zeitgeist debunked for good.

Time to put the dog to rest. The proposal: What they propose is for capitalism and money to be erradicated once in for all and for all of us to unite in a world village in which there will no longer be differences since like money religion will be erradicated, countries will be erradicated, constitutions as well and we will serve under the RBE (Resource Based Economy), through the understanding of HUMAN BEHAVIOUR the implementation of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD to solve all of our problems instead of RELIGION or any other view that is NOT SCIENTIFIC, and thus being united things like corruption, war, famine, hunger, global warming, etc. will dissappear.

"The society without money is not a new concept, it is actually an old one salvaged by the globalizing elite to exercise an absolute power over every individual, in august of 1975 Frank Church declared that The government has the technological capacity to impose complete tyranny in case a dictator shall rise to power. Why religion? Aquarius - The Age of Evil (Zeitgeist Movement Debunked)

Zeitgeist: Addendum, Debunked. Peter Joseph (creator of Zeitgeist) believes that I'm mentally ill because I disagree with him.

Zeitgeist: Addendum, Debunked

You can read all about it on his forums (linked from this forum post). You better not disagree with him, or you'll be labeled insane next. Perhaps I'm crazy for pointing out his forum post? The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Debunked - The UK Libertarian. This post is going to be a collection of all the rebuttals to the fairytale nonsense that is The Venus Project (heavily advocated in the film Zeitgeist).

The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Debunked - The UK Libertarian

Followers of this misguided movement seem to be many so having a single page to point them to rather than spending hours of your life going over economic theory from scratch should be a useful time saver. Firstly, bitbutter addresses the main problems with the idea in a short succinct video: Fringe Elements ongoing response: PPOE Steering Committee, Advisory Board, and Musical Ambassadors. Steve Robertson – Founder/Executive Producer of Project Peace on Earth, LLC. and Founder/CEO of Steve Robertson is a former professional motocross racer turned Fortune 500 sales executive (computer process control industry), philosopher, entrepreneur, philanthropist and global peace event and concert producer.

PPOE Steering Committee, Advisory Board, and Musical Ambassadors

He is the Founder and CEO of (PPOE) and On Christmas Day (12.25.11) from Bethlehem Palestine, Robertson brought his cumulative sales, marketing, production experience and acclaimed list of musical Grammy winning talent to produce the first annual worldwide Project Peace On Earth concert, a global musical prayer for peace which was broadcast to almost 80 million homes worldwide. Peter Joseph. Peter Joseph[1] (born 1979) is an American independent filmmaker and social activist.

Peter Joseph

He has written, directed, narrated, scored, and produced three documentary films called Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007), Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008), and Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011). He is the founder of the Zeitgeist Movement and on the steering committee of Project Peace on Earth.[3] Joseph also writes and produces the web series Culture in Decline.[4] In 2013 he directed the Black Sabbath music video "God Is Dead? " Media attention "God is Dead? " Peter Joseph directed a "short-film" music video for the heavy metal music group Black Sabbath, entitled "God Is Dead? " See also References External links.