Distance Learning for ELLs: Planning Instruction. Teaching online is like traveling to a new country.
You're not really sure where anything is, you are afraid to try new things because you might be embarrassed, and you miss the ease of your old daily life and the ability to connect seamlessly with others. On the other hand, it can be very exciting to see student learning in new and different ways, you can take pride in the growth you experience while learning new instructional strategies, and you will make connections that sometimes can be even more meaningful because you have the opportunity for one-on-one interactions. This article will give you some ideas on how to navigate this journey as you plan instruction for your English language learners (ELLs) through distance learning. Needs Assessment It’s important to start your planning by looking more closely at the factors that will impact the success of your students' experiences with distance learning.
District planning examples Distance Learning Strategies 1. Keep in mind that: 2. 3. EL Principles for Principals. A MiddleWeb Blog Much of my work is at the grassroots level to empower teachers who work with children like I was.
This is life-giving work, yet I am haunted by comments made repeatedly by teachers all around the world about how some policies and procedures at their schools inhibit their work with language learners. For that reason, I’m writing this blog post to highlight ideas shared in Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success so that principals can learn about the four principles crucial to supporting ELs and their teachers. ► Provide language learners with the opportunities to learn the same content in the same classes as others. ► Provide the faculty with opportunities to learn ways to support, scaffold, and differentiate instruction for language learners.
ESL Talks! 5 Easy TED Talks for ESL Inspiration. Every ESL teacher has seen at least one TED Talk at this point.
It seems like there are millions of those videos out there. And our colleagues never stop sharing them! They cover every single topic you could imagine—technology, finances, personal growth, life inspiration, career development, language learning, teaching. This massive collection of short videos shows people on stage at conferences around the world, talking about any subject they care about—as long as they’re experts in their fields, and as long as the subjects are compelling and engaging. Effects of the Implementation of Proposition 227 on the Education of English Learners, K-12: Findings from a Five-Year Evaluation: Final Report. Second Life calling: language learners communicating virtually across the world. Abstract Language learners are motivated to learn when they understand a given context and are able to relate to the authenticity of the situation.
Many of these activities are traditionally achieved through role-playing. In Second Life (SL), people from different corners of the globe can participate in live, synchronous communication in a shared virtual space through their virtual representations or ‘avatars’. One advantage of SL for such role-play is that the focus is on the avatar, not directly on the language learner. This paper reports the results from a pilot study conducted at a New Zealand polytechnic on the perceptions of learners of English using the multi - user virtual environment of Second Life to complement their learning.
Citation Gaukrodger, B. & Atkins, C. (2013). Keywords References View References & Citations Map Deutschmann, M., Panichi, L., & Molka-Danielsen, J. (2009). Page 6: Linguistic Supports. Page 6: Linguistic Supports Culturally responsive teachers create a classroom environment that makes students feel comfortable, regardless of their language differences.
Students with diverse language needs can adequately meet academic goals when teachers use appropriate strategies and check for student understanding. Also important for ensuring student success is for instructors to provide supports, examples of which are offered below. K-8 Common Core Writing Curriculum & Assessments. Putting It All Together The WHERETO Framework. The SIOP Model - Writing Effective Content and Language Objectives.
ELD SDAIE Strategies. CLASSRM CULTURALLY REL LIT. 22 Diverse Book Choices for All Grade Levels. In a vibrant, multicultural society, representing the richness of students’ lives in a class or school library takes a conscious effort. Including writers and fictional characters with a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and life circumstances is a way to increase the chances that students will find both windows and mirrors in the library—books that reflect their lives, and ones that give them insight into the lives and experiences of people who aren’t like them. No book shelf is going to represent the fullness of this nation. From the descendants of people who arrived here more than 15,000 years ago to the newest immigrants, we’re simply too much.
But the inclusive set of books below—many of which were recommended by multiple teachers—span all grade and Lexile levels up to 1140L, and include award winners and best sellers, books that have stood the test of time and newer options. Grades pre-K to 2. 10 Teacher-Tested Ways to Scaffold Learning. Imagine someone plopping a giant box of odds and ends in front of you and telling you to figure out what to do with them with no further instructions.
Without any guidance as to the purpose of the activity, specific expectations or basic information, it would be overwhelming and discouraging, to say the least. Why Visuals Are Important for ELLs.