> Jobernstein
Journey Into Frequency - Pineal Activation Meditation. How to Decalcify and Detoxify the Pineal Gland. 100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers. YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo!
News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point. Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools.
Die Scheuklappen-Diskussion. „Jute statt Plastik“ lautete ein Slogan, mit dem die Fair-Trade-Organisation GEPA vor rund 40 Jahren auf die Notwendigkeit der Plastikvermeidung und Nachhaltigkeit hinwies.
Das Bewusstsein für notwendige Veränderungen entstand also schon lange vor den derzeitigen Fridays for Future- und Extinction Rebellion-Bewegungen. Für einen grundsätzlichen Wandel in der Gesellschaft braucht es jedoch mehr als Proteste, besonders Visionen, die von vielen Menschen umgesetzt werden. Der Künstler Joseph Beuys sagte: „Die Zukunft, die wir wollen, muss erfunden werden. Sonst bekommen wir eine, die wir nicht wollen.“ Es kommt auf uns selbst an. Ein Visionär, der bereits vor etwa 30 Jahren an neuen Konzepten arbeitete, war Prof. Dem Erfindungsreichtum von Prof. Zumindest war das Thema Ozonloch damals medial allgegenwärtig. DuPont war bis 2017 ein US-amerikanischer Chemiekonzern, der ab dann mit Dow Chemical fusionierte. Rosin und Preisedanz gelang es also, eine halogenfreie Kältemischung zu entwickeln.
International Living Future Institute. Making passive construction easy. $30 Wind Turbine Build Tutorial v1.2 - Windgenerator für den Balkon soll Stadtwind ernten - Security in a Box - Digital security tools and tactics. Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online Communications. We’re the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an independent non-profit working to protect online privacy for nearly thirty years.
This is Surveillance Self-Defense : our expert guide to protecting you and your friends from online spying.
Startseite - Stop TTIP (de) Stop TTIP (de)
How To Make Your Own Clay Paint. Clay paint is very easy to make and can lend even drywall a very earthen appearance.
As natural builder, clay paint is a great way to give color to a home. For some reason, it’s taken me a long time to try mixing up and using a clay paint (also known as a clay alis). Whatever the reason is, after attending the Natural Building Colloquium in October and talking to several folks about the ease of applying clay finishes on drywall, I knew I finally had to try it out in our new home here in Kentucky. Clay paint has many possible applications.
On or Off grid energy. Learn to Code and Build Projects for Nonprofits. Beyond greener pastures - Sanctuary Magazine. Issue 33Words: Emily Braham Sanctuary takes a look at some leading examples of low carbon, community-focused developments in suburban and regional Australia.
Several progressive suburban and regional developments with a genuine commitment to better design and sustainability outcomes are seeking mainstream appeal. In Victoria, the first house is now up at The Cape, a planned 219-dwelling development with a commitment to more than 50 per cent open space, which includes restored native habitat and walking tracks, and a minimum star rating of 7.5, on Victoria’s south east coast. The all-electric development will include a 2.5 kilowatt solar system for each house, while several solar-powered electric vehicle station are planned for community use.
Britain's first 'energy positive' house opens in Wales. Britain’s first low cost ‘energy positive’ house, which can generate more electricity than its occupants will use, opens on Thursday despite George Osborne axing plans to make housebuilders meet tough low carbon housing targets from next year.
The modest three-bedroom house built in just 16 weeks on an industrial estate outside Bridgend in Wales cost just £125,000 to build and, said its Cardiff University designers, will let occupants use the sun to pay the rent. Using batteries to store the electricity which it generates from the solar panels that function as the roof, and having massive amounts of insulation to reduce energy use in winter months, it should be able to export electricity to the national grid for eight months of the year.
P2P Foundation.
Ridesharing - The flinc ridesharing service. Der beste Weg, Monsanto zu stoppen. European Commission preparing for EU-US trade talks: 119 meetings with industry lobbyists. Negotiations on an EU-US ‘free trade’ agreement (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP) started in July this year amid strong controversy and public concern about the impacts such an agreement could have on environmental regulations, food standards, data protection and other issues.
The European Commission, which represents the EU in the negotiations, has reacted with a propaganda offensive that includes a Q&A website full of misleading claims about the TTIP talks and a ‘@EU_TTIP_team’ that counters critical messages on twitter.
Anders Wirtschaften mit Genossenschaften. Montag, 26.
Mai 2014 Anders Wirtschaften mit Genossenschaften. Tax justice network. LobbyCloud. A Manifesto for Economic Sense. OCEAN2012. Collaborative consumption. Trans-Pacific Partnership undermines health system - Opinion. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a deal that is being secretly negotiated by the White House, with the help of more than 600 corporate advisers and Pacific Rim nations, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.
While the TPP is being called a trade agreement, the US already has trade agreements covering 90 percent of the GDP of the countries involved in the talks. Instead, the TPP is a major power grab by large corporations. The text of the TPP includes 29 chapters, only five of which are about trade. The remaining chapters are focused on changes that multinational corporations have not been able to pass in Congress such as restrictions on internet privacy, increased patent protections, greater access to litigation and further financial deregulation.
Schluss mit der Nahrungsmittel-Spekulation!
The World in Action. Credit Unions Online - Find a Credit Union, Credit Union News, Financial Calculators, and Jobs. Petition gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung - zeichne mit!
Stop the Net Grab. Stop the Net Grab To voting members of the World Conference on International Telecommunications: I strongly oppose any attempt to undermine the fundamental freedoms of citizens online.
I urge you to use your voting power to reject the proposal that would change forever the rules that govern the internet. I value my access to the internet as information source, a vital mode of communication... I value my access to the internet as information source, a vital mode of communication and a source of connection and global exchange. .
- Charge users for services such as email and Skype;- Allow governments greater powers to restrict access to the internet;- Increase government ability to monitor and constrain internet usage; and- Hurt internet users in the poorest countries most of all. This is a direct threat to my right to access the internet that has implications for freedom of association and freedom of speech.
Echte Demokratie Jetzt!
Filmtipp: Damals, am 15. Oktober 2011. Mehr Demokratie e.V.: Europa-Kampagne. The Guerrilla Gardening Homepage. Kleine Blockheizkraftwerke: Die Heizung, die auch Strom liefert: Artikel der Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen zu Bauen, Energie, Umwelt. Strom selbst erzeugen und die dabei anfallende Abwärme ebenfalls verwerten: Blockheizkraftwerke (BHKW) können dies längst und werden seit dem 1. April 2012 wieder gefördert. Energievorräte werden knapper, Energiepreise steigen und der wachsende Hunger nach Energie hat problematische Folgen für Klima und Umwelt.
Transition-handbook%281%29. BürgerEnergie Berlin – KommunalWiki. Die BürgerEnergie Berlin eG i.G. ist eine 2012 gegründete Genossenschaft in Berlin mit dem Ziel, 2014 das Berliner Stromnetz zu erwerben und in Bürgerhand zu bringen.
Water campaign. Sign the letter now!