John Heine
John Heine & Sons is the leading Foundry Shop in Sydney, Australia provides metal casting, machining and crusher wear parts services for mining, quarry and power generation industries.
Chrome Ceramic - Custom Wear Parts Manufacturers Australia. Pump Castings is the process of that use to design pump parts and cast using various types metals and alloys.
John Heine is the leading pump castings manufacturer and specialist in Sydney, Australia. We are specialist in producing wide range of pump castings and casting pump parts and supplying wide Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia. Over the years, John Heine and Son has been able to help customers with special requests. In these instances, the original manufacturer was either unable to assist or unable to be found.
Using our vast experience and extensive in-house capabilities, we have been able to reverse engineer and manufacture a suitable spare part. Sometimes our customer is looking for greater performance from his components. Manganese Wear Plate from John Heine & Son - Foundry Australia. Manganese Wear plate is the unique solution where the heavy or forceful wear is integrated with shocks or huge pressure effective of work used it Austenitic stainless-steel structure.
Manganese wear plates are wide used for many applications such as jaws of crushers, hammers or pulverizers, cutting edges of large excavators, liners of shotblasting units, cores, and wall of parpen moulds, and screens. This high manganese grade is a brilliant work solidifying, scraped spot safe steel. This steel is a non-magnetic austenitic steel, available in full sheet or as sketched pieces by plasma cutting. Appropriate for wear applications where high effect/gouging scraped spot prompts a work solidifying impact. Components of Jaw Crushers. Components and Parts of Jaw Crushers To run the Jaw crushers, it involves two main components such as brackets, the pitman, and the sheaves.
These are jaw crusher parts that produce the smashing action and give the energy necessary to crush the rocks. We should take a gander at the chain of occasions in the wrecked cycle and perceive how they fit together. The initial segment of the smasher is the drive engine. Drive Engine use reducer sheave attached to the eccentric shaft. The objective of the flywheel is to produce power in the type of action. This is the place the vitality originates from, and the smashing activity itself is delivered by the eccentric shaft, and the axis is called pitman. Arm stretching out from the switch plate at the flip plate. As indicated by the production of the jaw smasher, the exchanging plate can give another significant capacity. Not at all like gyratory smashers, the essential oil utilized on jaw smashers is oil as opposed to oil. Heavy Machining. What is Metal Casting? What are the Advantages of Metal Casting? - johnheineau’s diary.
Metal casting is the process of melt the metal that poured in to moulding container a hollow cavity to shape and enable to cool the melted one to make the desired parts.
The term ‘casting’ is used to define a part made by a casting process 6000 years ago. It has been used to create complex and larger parts that can be difficult or expensive to manufacture using other manufacturing processes. Jaw Crusher Parts for Sale Australia. Heat Treatment - Steel Casting for Manganese Parts of Jaw Crusher.
John Heine & Son – family owned ferrous casting foundry in Sydney, Australia manufacturing and supplying wear parts all over Australia and SE Asia.
We provide quality spare parts for Quarrying, Mining and Power generation industries. Machining in Sydney, Australia - John Heine. At John Heine, we are equipped to handle almost any precision machining job.
It doesn’t matter how large or difficult it may be. Our comprehensive facilities allow us to cover the full spectrum of manufacture from scrap steel to finished machine tool, including assembly and even on site service. The Company specialises in machining wear parts in Heinehard, Ni-Hard, Ni-Resist and Hi Chrome Iron. We are able to machine up to 750 BHN depending on shape and mass.
With a machine shop brimming with technology, and well over 100 years experience behind us, we enjoy a challenge. For those who would like more details, we have listed the highlights for your convenience. Machine Shop Capacities. White Iron Castings - John Heine. Combined with over a century of experience in machine tool manufacture and superior technology, John Heine has become synonymous with high precision iron castings, steel castings, metal casting and white iron castings specialising in wear resistant alloys for the quarrying, mining and power generation industries.
The foundry uses Solid Works for managing CAD drawing files and AFS Solidcast for modelling the solidification of castings prior to manufacture in order to ensure sound castings. Impact & Mining Wear Parts Sydney. John Heine produces a large range of components for the quarrying, mining and power generation industries.
We produce components for ball mills, slurry pumps, impactors and many other types of equipment; and also supply feed chutes and liners. Our range has been extended to include Jaw crusher wear parts, concaves and mantles. Ongoing R & D is crucial to this area of castings, and our competent team of metallurgists and design engineers are continually developing new grades of iron and steel wear resistant materials giving lower crushing costs for specific applications. Our trade name of HEINEHARD has gained international acceptance with customers that have tried our products. Castings are heat treated in-house to enable us to maintain strict adherence to our requirements. Many of the components for the mining industry are supplied to original equipment manufacturers for underground coal mining equipment, slurry pumps, screens and ball mills.
John Heine - Foundries in Australia.