Explore Startup Timelines. Startup Timelines - Welcome! I have always found the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine to be a highly underrated resource, despite how valuable it can be.
It is humbling to see how simple many startups were when they first got started, and also how quickly many have grown. I have taken screenshots of notable companies from the Internet Archive and collected some of the interesting pics onto a timeline, so that others can easily see each startup's evolution over time. Although I have only included the homepages, I hope others can also find them interesting. If you do, please consider donating to the Internet Archive today. Click on any company below to see its timeline: Forbes Top 20 "Unicorn" Companies Collection XiaomiUberAirbnbPalantirSnapchatSpaceXFlipkartPinterestDropboxTheranosDidi KuaidiSpotifyMeituanSquareWeWorkSnapdealZenefitsClouderaDianpingStripe The Transportation Wars Collection UberLyftBlaBlaCarCurbHailoOlaShuddleSidecarZipcar Ycombinator Summer 2015 (S15) Batch Collection Airbnb Basecamp Bisplease BlaBlaCar Ola.
Explore Startup Timelines. 135 Startup Failure Post-Mortems. No survivorship bias here.
A compilation of startup failure post-mortems by founders and investors. On his many failed experiments, Thomas Edison once said, I have learned fifty thousand ways it cannot be done and therefore I am fifty thousand times nearer the final successful experiment. And so while we have dug into the data behind startups that have died (as well as those acqui-hired) and found they usually die 20 months after raising financing and after having raised about $1.3 million, we thought it would be useful to see how startup founders and investors describe their failures. While not 50,000 ways it cannot be done, below is a compilation of startup post-mortems that describe the factors that drove a startup’s demise. We analyzed 100+ startup failure post-mortems and identified the top 20 reasons startups fail.
. *2015 Update 1 (8/15/2015) From Zirtual to Circa to Secret, we’ve added 34 startup post-mortems from 2015 YTD. Title: Sunset Product: Secret Product: Zirtual. Startuplister - Promote your startup on the best websites. Lessons from Failed Startups. Where to get press coverage for your startup. Geektime. 10 lessons learned from a non-technical founder. Building something people love is really hard.
IMHO, getting started (and not quitting) is the biggest challenge. This post is designed to help other entrepreneurs overcome the emotional roller-coaster of bringing their ideas to life. A little background: I had no business starting a tech company — I’m not technical.I had no business designing our first product — I’m not a designer by trade.I had no business raising money — I’ve never taken a finance class. Sometimes you just feel so compelled for a thing to exist in the world. As a non-technical founder, here are 10 lessons I picked up along my journey.
Before starting Glimpse, I had this crazy idea to redesign New York’s lost & found system. My thesis: People want to return what they find, if made ridiculously easy. As a solo, non-technical founder I needed help. I needed more social proof. So I conducted an experiment. 57 of 100 were returned! More importantly, people were impressed that I did some actual field testing.
6 Great Business Models to Consider for a Startup. People often throw around the term business model in discussing startups.
But just what is a business model? Which ones work best and why? How do you know if your startup has the right one? A business model explains which consumer pain your startup chooses to relieve, why your solution works better than competing ones and how big a wedge a company can drive between what customers are willing to pay and the costs. I recently spent three hours with some clients, executives from Beijing, to discuss these questions: I presented several business models and their financial benefits. After sharing the idea of the business model canvas, developed by Alexander Osterwalder to help entrepreneurs design a customized business model, I gave the Chinese executives an hour to "paint" a new business idea. They did so brilliantly, picking two business ideas that clearly passed these three tests.
Related: The Business Model for Disruption 1. Related: How to Filter Conflicting Advice From Multiple Mentors 2. 3. IdeaMensch - Interviews with Entrepreneurs. [45] 마케팅 비용 한푼도 안쓰고 10만 사용자를 얻는 방법 (What are key strategies to acquire first 100K users with zero marketing budget?) 이번 포스팅의 내용은 미국판 지식IN 서비스라고 할 수 있는 Quora에 올라온 한 질문과 그에 대한 답변입니다.
질문의 내용은 ‘마케팅 비용 지출 없이 첫 10만 사용자를 얻기 위한 핵심 전략’을 묻는 것이었는데, 이 질문은 미국뿐만이 아니라 우리나라에서도 아마 인터넷 & 모바일 서비스 사업을 하시는 거의 모든 분들이 궁금해 할 내용이라고 생각합니다. 답변자는 무려 20가지가 넘는 전략을 제시했고, 해당 전략과 관련있는 글의 링크까지도 친절하게 달아주었습니다. 관련 사업에 종사하시는 분들, 준비하시는 분들 모두 읽어보시기를 권해드립니다. (번역문-원문 병기) ‘마케팅 비용 한푼도 안쓰고 10만 사용자를 얻는 방법’ What are key strategies to acquire first 100K users with zero marketing budget? New Startups - Showcasing the brightest new startup ideas. 비즈니스 모델 시리즈 - 10가지 영향력 있는 BM 소개 (1/2)