The Monkey Cage. Democratic National Convention. Stories tagged with “Democratic National Convention” This 32-Year-Old Florida Woman Is Dead Because Her State Refused To Expand Medicaid One English Town’s Innovative Response To Sea Level Rise Women From Koch-Funded Conservative Groups Lambaste Equal Pay Measure Election Poll: Obama Approval Up 7 Points After DNC By Aviva Shen on September 7, 2012 1,307 Tweets 1,823 Shares Zach Wahls And President Obama Round Out Democrats’ Embrace Of LGBT Equality By Zack Ford on September 7, 2012 48 Tweets 24 Shares ‘It’s Arithmetic’: The Best Of Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech, In One Infographic By Adam Peck on September 6, 2012 613 Tweets 1,591 Shares Recent Tweets Tweets by @thinkprogress Get ThinkProgress Alerts in Your Inbox: Want daily updates on important issues?
Security MSNBC Host: Democrats’ Jerusalem Move Was ‘Craven Capitulation,’ ‘It’s Bad Policy’ By Ben Armbruster on September 6, 2012 25 Tweets 25 Shares Alyssa Bill Clinton Gives Us Nostalgia For What We Never Had By Zack Beauchamp on September 6, 2012 53 Tweets Health. INFOGRAPHIC: Why We Should Be Glad We Didn't 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt' By Adam Peck on February 21, 2012 at 12:55 pm "INFOGRAPHIC: Why We Should Be Glad We Didn’t ‘Let Detroit Go Bankrupt’" “If General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye,” said Mitt Romney in his 2008 op-ed for the New York Times that was entitled “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.”
Of course, General Motors and Chrysler were rescued by the federal government, and as a result, the US auto industry is surging just a few years later. General Motors recorded its highest ever profit in 2011 and regained the title of world’s largest automaker from Toyota, while Chrysler returned to profitability for the first time in more than a decade.
Amazingly, just last week Romney defended his demonstrably false statements about the auto rescue, and claimed that it was “crony capitalism on a grand scale.” (Click the image below for full-screen version.) Left, Right & Center. Provocative, up-to-the-minute, alive and witty, KCRW's weekly confrontation over politics, policy and popular culture proves those with impeccable credentials needn't lack personality.
This weekly "love-hate relationship of the air" features three of the most insightful news analysts anywhere. Click on the "comments" link below to post your thoughts and comments. The Imperial President or Small Ball? After the State of the Union, is it the imperial president or small ball? A GOP breakthrough on immigration.The Democratic war on trade and the agony of the 1%. more >> More Past Shows Host Robert Scheer Robert Scheer (Left) is Editor of the Webby Award-winning political website
Schedule. AJE. Democracy Now! FY2012 Progressive Budget. Budget of the Congressional Progressive Caucus Fiscal Year 2012 Read the People's Budget Read The Technical Analysis by the Economic Policy Institute (External Link) Read And Share The One-Page Handout Presupuesto del Pueblo (Español) The People’s Budget eliminates the deficit in 10 years, puts Americans back to work and restores our economic competitiveness.
Our Budget Eliminates the Deficit and Raises a $31 Billion Surplus In Ten Years Our budget protects Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and responsibly eliminates the deficit by targeting its main drivers: the Bush Tax Cuts, the wars overseas, and the causes and effects of the recent recession. Our Budget Puts America Back to Work & Restores America’s Competitiveness • Trains teachers and restores schools; rebuilds roads and bridges and ensures that users help pay for them • Invests in job creation, clean energy and broadband infrastructure, housing and R&D programs Support for the People's Budget President Bill Clinton Paul Krugman.
Before Shooting, A Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric. Machine Gun SocialDean Allen, a conservative candidate for state office in South Carolina threw a "machine gun social" in September, drawing 500 people for the chance to win a $700 AK-47 semiautomatic rifle.
All attendees got to shoot 20 rounds from a machine gun of their choice. (He didn't win.) Armed and Fiscally ResponsiblePamela Gorman, a conservative in a crowded Republican primary field in Arizona's third district, got some much-needed publicity with a web ad that showed a montage of her shooting different kinds of guns. She also blasted out press releases with titles like: "Armed and Fiscally Responsible.
" She lost to Ben Quayle, who went on to win the general election and was sworn in last week. Quayle himself put out a dramatic primary ad that got a lot of attention, in which he spoke directly into the camera, "Barack Obama is the worst president in history. ... Our Nation Was Founded On ViolenceStephen Broden, a Republican challenger to Rep. "We can get new faces in.