St. Gregory the Great - Moralia in Job (Morals on the Book of Job) - Index. Vulgate - Douay-Rheims - Knox Bible side by side. Home | Obras Raras do Catolicismo. CatholicAudioBooks | Free Catholic Audio Books for All Ages! Free Traditional Catholic Books - Catholic Tradition - Traditional Catholic Reading | Traditional Catholic. Thanks to technology, and perhaps due to Christianity’s low status in our modern liberal age, there is a fantastic treasure trove of good, traditional Catholic books available for free or near-free. Below are links to valuable and timeless Catholic texts (including those written by great saints and Fathers and Doctors of the Church) that you can read and download for free.
Take advantage of this – they have changed my life and will change yours, too. Tolle et lege! Please say a prayer for my sanctification. May God reward you for your charity. (Due to the length of the book list it became necessary to split it in two. NOTE ABOUT THE SEARCH FUNCTION: The searched for terms will be highlighted in yellow throughout all the pages. Catholic life, path to holiness The Imitation of Christ (Thomas a Kempis) – pdf, text, audio; or pdf here and here Uniformity with God’s Will (St. Humility of Heart (Fr. The Way of Salvation and of Perfection (St.
Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence (St. Bl. St. Libros Católicos Gratis (en Español) - Tradición Católica - Lectura Católica Tradicional | Traditional Catholic. Libros Católicos (de sana doctrina) que se pueden descargar gratis. Por favor, diga una oración por mi santificación. Dios se lo pague. Vida cristiana, camino hacia la santidad Imitación de Cristo (Tomás de Kempis) – pdf; formato kindle aqui; pdf también aqui; o audio aqui (en varias partes) El Combate Espiritual (Lorenzo Scupoli) – pdf; pdf también aqui; o formato kindle aqui; o audiolibro aqui (en 5 partes) Conformidad con la Voluntad de Dios (S.
El Abandono a la Divina Providencia (P. El Abandono Confiado a la Divina Providencia (S. La Humildad del Corazón (P. Si Quieres Venirte Conmigo (S. Práctica del Amor a Jesucristo (S. Preparación para la Muerte (S. Carta Circular a los Amigos de la Cruz (S. Arte de Bien Morir (S. Tratado del Amor de Dios (S. Introducción a la Vida Devota (S. Libro de la Escala Espiritual (S. El Camino de la Salvación (S. El Gran Medio de la Oración (S. El Santo Abandono (D. Conformidad con la Voluntad de Dios (P.
La Práctica de la Presencia de Dios (Hno. S. S. Biblias en español buenas y malas | Adelante la Fe. Hay personas que compran una Biblia más por la presentación que por el contenido. Es muy importante saber si la Biblia que compramos es católica y fiel al original, tanto en el texto de la traducción como en las introducciones a cada libro y en sus notas.
Ofrecemos un listado de las traducciones que más frecuentemente podemos encontrar en las librerías con una breve anotación respecto a sus características más importantes. El criterio genérico de que ‘Las Biblias después de 1960 son malas’ no es correcto, ya que han salido buenas traducciones con excelentes comentarios posteriores a este año. Sí es verdad que la mayoría de estas Biblias posteriores a esa fecha son de tinte modernista y desvirtúan la divinidad de los libros sagrados; por lo que tendremos que tener cuidado cuando compremos una Biblia y fijarnos tanto de la versión de la Biblia como del año de la edición que fue hecha.
Malas Biblias en español Buenas Biblias en español Recomendación: Padre Lucas Prados. Liber Psalmorum. Biblioteca Monástica. Rosary Resources - Dominican Nuns. - Free Android Bible - Download Bibles. Glossae Scripturae Sacrae-electronicae (Gloss-e) Thomas Aquinas: Commentary on the Gospel of John. St. Thomas’ commentary on the Gospel of St. John is unique among his many writings on Sacred Scripture. It is the work of a master theologian, delivered at the University of Paris, then the intellectual center in Christendom, when Thomas was at the height of his fame and apostolic zeal for souls. A fourteenth-century list of Thomas’ writings notes that this commentary is a reportatio by Reginald of Piperno and adds “better than which none can be found.” A reportatio is a verbal report of an actual lecture taken down by a scribe or student in the course of actual delivery. A reportatio is not exactly a dictation in our sense of the term; it is more like a student’s notebook in shorthand containing basically the gist of what is being said, but usually with varying numbers of verbal omissions and inaccuracies.
This commentary was very popular in the Middle Ages, and it ranks among the best of Thomas’ work as a master theologian and saintly man of faith. This detailed commentary is St. St. St. Thomas Aquinas's Works in English. St. Thomas Aquinas's Works in English These texts were originally compiled by Fr. Joseph Kenny, O.P. (1936-2013). If you find errors in the texts, broken links, or would like to share other concerns, please submit a pull request at github.com/Geremia/AquinasOperaOmnia, of which this page is a mirror. To consult the complete works of St. Thomas in Latin, see the Corpus Thomisticum. For a continually updated bibliography of St. Donate bitcoin. Home - Obras Católicas - Livros Clássicos do Catolicismo. 1 Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, and has ... PSALMS / ΨΑΛΜΟΙ1 - Bilingual Septuagint.
The Enchiridion Biblicum - in English. Named after the discoverer and first editor, L. A. Muratori (in the "Antiquitates italicae", III, Milan, 1740, 851 sq.), the oldest known canon or list of books of the New Testament. To combat the heresies of the 2nd century, the Church developed this Canon, a list of books in use in the Church in Rome in 200. The manuscript containing the canon originally belonged to Bobbio and is now in the Bibliotheca Ambrosiana at Milan (Cod. J 101 sup.).