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Facebook Twitter True ghost stories, demons, vampires, hauntings, paranormals, psychics, and eerie tales. Chernobyl 25 Years Later. 25 Years ago Chernobyl was headline news. On April 26th 1986 at 1:23 A.M. reactor number four at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, near the town of Pripyat, ruptured a vessel during several extreme power spikes. Several explosions followed and these caused the graphite moderator components of the reactor to be exposed to air, setting them on fire. The fire sent a plume of radioactive fallout into the atmosphere. It drifted over large parts of the Sovjet Union and Western Europe. 50 People died as a direct result of the disaster and it is thought up to 4000 people have died as a result of being exposed to the radioactive materials which entered the atmosphere.

Over 350.000 were evacuated from contaminated areas around Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In 2011, 25 years later, the area surrounding Chernobyl still looks like a ghost town. 101. 202. 303. 404. 505. 606. 707. 808. 909. 1010. 1111. 1212. 1313. 1414. 1515. 1616. 1717. 1818. 1919. 2020. 2121. 2222. 2323. 2424. 2525. 2626. 2727. Ghost town. A ghost town is an abandoned village, town or city, usually one which contains substantial visible remains. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed, or due to natural or human-caused disasters such as floods, government actions, uncontrolled lawlessness, war, or nuclear disasters. The term can sometimes refer to cities, towns, and neighborhoods which are still populated, but significantly less so than in years past; for example those affected by high levels of unemployment and dereliction.[1] Some ghost towns, especially those that preserve period-specific architecture, have become tourist attractions.

Some examples are Bannack, Montana; Calico, California; Centralia, Pennsylvania; and Oatman, Arizona in the United States; Barkerville, British Columbia in Canada; Craco in Italy; Elizabeth Bay and Kolmanskop in Namibia; and Pripyat in Ukraine. Visiting, writing about, and photographing ghost towns is a minor industry. Definition[edit] Dancing Pigeons - Ritalin. 9 Insane Natural Phenomena. People generally place the natural world in high esteem. Property values are high near parks. “Getting back to nature” is considered a good thing. Even our screensavers and desktop backgrounds show vistas of rolling hills, sunshine or the aurora borealis.

But we usually gloss over the fact that while Mother Nature is normally a very sweet lady, she can sometimes go off the deep and blow your mind... or ruin your shit, as evidenced by this nonet of natural madness. While not as mysterious as some of the other entries you’ll see on this list, fire tornadoes are among the most badass examples of extreme weather... proof that Mother Nature remembers her younger days and still likes to get crazy from time to time. When wildfire meets tornado, the fire and the fuel can go airborne, creating a swirling vortex of pure, lethal awesomeness. Naturally the high winds can help spread fire, help it burn and make it unpredictable, so you should probably stick to observing them via YouTube for now. Thing in a Jar. Thing in a Jar 7 inches by 4 inches, mason jar Pictured above is the Thing in a Jar that's usually sitting in my office at work. The coolest thing about the Thing is that everyone responds to seeing it by asking questions.

Where did I find it? Is it an internal organ? Is it some sort of fetus? Would it go well with pasta? The Thing in a Jar is made out of Sculpey, acryllic paint and rubber cement. This is the third Thing in a Jar I've made. Here's a conceptual sketch I made of this Thing before I sculpted it. 1.5 by 2.5 inches, ballpoint pen Usually when I make a Thing in a Jar, I try to keep the shape ambiguous enough so that the viewer cannot really pin down exactly what they're looking at.

The glass jar acts as a physical barrier, preventing the viewer from directly accessing its contents. I think this is much cooler than, for example, a painting, which basically has this big implicit sign hanging off of it that says, "I am just a painting of an object, not the object itself. Update. Awesome - Ghost In A Jar Video. Easy, Do-It-Yourself Ghost. Today is a good time as any to scare your friends. And here’s a new trick on how to get a few good screams. You simply need the fence you would normally use around your house.

This should be easy to shape and stand up on its own. Now simply follow the pictures, shaping is the easy part. Whenever on a picnic, fishing or hiking, you can place your ghost in the forest and wait for the effect! Halbot mail. Kliknutím na tlačítko "OK" vstupujem do ďalších úrovní stránok a podstránok umiestnených na verejnej sieti Internet a to na doméne a všetkých subdoménach, vrátane subdomény a týmto potvrdzujem nižšie uvedené skutočnosti:Je mi viac ako 18 rokovPokiaľ sa nachádzam v štáte, v ktorom sú hranica dospelosti a samostatnej právnej zodpovednosti stanovené inak ako je v Slovenskej republike, potvrdzujem, že spĺňam všetky podmienky dospelosti a samostatnej právnej zodpovednosti a možnosti vstupu na všetky stránky a podstránky hore uvedenej doménySúhlasím s prezeraním a použitím sexuálne orientovaného a pornografického materiálu, materiálu zobrazujúceho mŕtvych ľudí alebo zvieratá, znetvorené osoby alebo zvieratá, časti ľudských tiel alebo zvierat, dopravné a iné nehody, vulgarizmy, či iný materiál, ktorý by mohol ohrozovať mravnú výchovu detí a mládeže (ďalej len "Materiál") pre svoju osobnú potrebu a to výlučne v súkromí.

Top 10 Incredible Recordings - Top 10 Lists | Listverse. Weird Stuff Before I start on the list, I feel that I should advise that a couple of the items here are quite horrific and I would recommend that those who are weak of heart or who have a nervous disposition avoid them. The items I am referring to are marked in the text. The items are not in any particular order as it is very hard to rate the historical importance versus the just plain weird value. Alessandro Moreschi Only Recorded True Castrato The Castrati were men who were forcibly castrated at an early age in order to ensure that they would not experience the hormonal changes of puberty that lead to the lowering of the male voice. This meant that as adult men they sang like a modern soprano (they retained their boy soprano voices). Mado Robin Stratospheric Coloratura This amazing French singer has one of the highest recorded notes in classical music.

Florence Foster Jenkins Worst Singer Pope Leo XIII Executed For Treason . Principality of Sealand. The Principality of Sealand is a micronation located in the North Sea. Its mass consists of what was HM Fort Roughs, a former Second World War Maunsell Sea Fort, off the coast of Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.[1][9] While it has been described as the world's smallest country,[10] or the world's smallest nation,[11] Sealand is not recognised by any established sovereign state, although Sealand's government claims it has been de facto recognised by the United Kingdom (after an English court ruled it did not have jurisdiction over Sealand as territorial water limitations were defined at the time)[1] and Germany (see below).

History[edit] History of HM Fort Roughs[edit] Occupation and establishment[edit] Passport stamp from Sealand In 1968, British workmen entered what Bates claimed to be his territorial waters in order to service a navigational buoy near the platform. Sealand Rebel Government and the 1978 attack on Sealand[edit] Post-1990 history[edit] Sealand several months after the fire. The cantilevered void house.