Is Social Media Crowdsourcing Making Us Lazy? | Danny Brown | Brand & Content Curation. Social Media Crisis Management. Intentional Listening: The Foundation of Social Media Marketing. If you interact with a significant other, a neighbor, team members or co-workers, no one needs to tell you that listening is critical to almost any relationship. Since social media marketing builds on relationship, there’s been plenty of talk about the nature and role of listening in SM. What we must not overlook is the fact that all listening is not equal. Query your favorite search engine for “types of listening” and you’ll find plenty of content on Discriminating (I-get-to-pick-and-choose), Passive (I’m-not-really-engaged) and a handful of other labels that seem like attempts to quantify the fact that sometimes we listen; often we fake it.
It is not difficult to make a case for Discriminating Listening in selected situations. After all, it is almost impossible to find a market segment that is not flooded with messages, each making as big a splash as possible in pursuit of mind share. And with all the talk about the subject, one can’t help wondering whether marketers are listening. Social Media & Public Relations - 5 Reports. Monday I shared tips on how to leverage Google to find disparate, useful resources for use with sourcing content on blog posts. Working with my new blogging partner in crime, @DFolkens, this post is an output from following that advice. In many companies, social media efforts are managed by those in Public Relations. While social technology reaches across all communication channels in all departments, there’s an inherent fit between PR and “being social.” As Public Relations firms and the PR functions within companies try to make sense of the sheer volume of advice on “social this” and “social that” being published on blogs, newsletters, mainstream media and trade publications, I’ve used Google search to find 5 useful reports giving strategic to practical advice on how Social Media and Public Relations intersect.
Enjoy: Pew Internet & American Life Project: The Future of Social Relations Social Media Comes of Age: The Vocus 2011 Planning Survey. Social media 101: The purpose, planning and tools of listening online. Listening should be part of everyone’s social media marketing machine and the options for doing so are myriad. Monica Shaw of Market Sentinel explores what listening is all about, from purpose to planning to tools. "Conversations are going to occur whether you like it or not.
Do you want to be part of that or not? My argument is you absolutely do. When Dell was founded in 1984, it was the first company to sell custom-built PCs directly to customers. Back then, Dell had no way of listening to what those people were saying. By 2005, blogs had become mainstream and Dell set out to discover what bloggers were saying about the brand. That same year, Dell took listening to the next level by launching the highly successful IdeaStorm, an "online suggestion box" inviting people to offer ideas on how Dell can improve.
Dell listens to online conversations because they know that what people say has a huge impact on how Dell is perceived by the rest of the world. What is listening? How do I listen? Social Media Response Triage. We do a lot of work with associations to help them develop what we call social media triage (or escalation or response) charts. These are one-page flowcharts, which are easy to share with any staff who use social media, and they are meant to help front-line staff decide what is ok for them to respond to themselves, what might require escalation for someone else internally to respond to, and what might be better for someone in the community (a member) to respond to. Here’s one example*. (Right-click and open in a new tab or window for a full-size image). There are several key points encapsulated in a flowchart like this. 1) Learning to participate in the social web – not just listening and monitoring, but responding as well – involves understanding that a level of freedom must be given to any staff member using social media.
There are definitely many, many kinds of positive comments and posts where a simple “thanks for the comment!” 3) It’s ok to wait to see if your community steps in. Bigger Ear Marketing for Authors. Hey, published authors looking for more readers: Want to have some fun? Use FourSquare and Twitter to make a few potential new relationships happen. Here’s what I did: I searched at search.twitter.com for the following text: “I’m at Barnes & Noble” , which came from a FourSquare check-in. Here are the results. Did I sell a few thousand more books? And I did it by growing bigger ears. This isn’t a very efficient use of your time, but it was fun, and it gives you a new way to think about services like Twitter and FourSquare.
ChrisBrogan.com runs on the Genesis Framework The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. With automatic theme updates and world-class support included, Genesis is the smart choice for your WordPress website or blog. Find out more about the framework features Check out the Genesis demo and the wide variety of child themes See example designs in the Genesis design showcase Become a StudioPress Affiliate. Social Media Monitoring Made Simple. If you’ve been monitoring social media for mentions of … social media monitoring, you’ll likely have noticed more people discussing how to listen better on behalf of your brand. There are tools. There are services. And there are case studies on how your organization can sift through social media static and glean out useful nuggets. The overload of information can be a little overwhelming and after a while all the advice on sifting through the static starts to sound, ironically, like more noise.
We know we should be listening but often times it’s difficult to figure out what exactly we should be listening to and how we should be listening to it. So, in practical terms, how can we monitor social media without causing our ears to ring? Bring in the Noise and Inevitably Bring in the Funk Image: smoovey Every day, 100 million pieces of content are shared on Facebook, 90 million Tweets are served, and nearly 50,000 new blogs are created. And most of it doesn’t matter (to you, anyway). Ya heard?