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Tipitaka: The Pali Canon. The Tipitaka (Pali ti, "three," + pitaka, "baskets"), or Pali canon, is the collection of primary Pali language texts which form the doctrinal foundation of Theravada Buddhism.

Tipitaka: The Pali Canon

The Dynamic Horologion And Psalter. Welcome to the Dynamic Horologion & Psalter This site provides dynamic access to an Orthodox Horologion and Psalter.

The Dynamic Horologion And Psalter

The Psalter is a Septuagint translation called "The Psalter According to the Seventy" by The Holy Transfiguration Monastery. The horologion prayers come from "The Great Horologion" also published by The Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Both are used with their kind permission.

Bible Studies

Patristics. Reference Articles. Blogs (current) Christianarchy. Welcome to MYRIOBIBLOS - The Etext Library of the Church of Greece. Reflections on Biblical and Christian Philosophy. True Orthodox Polemics - Welcome. St. Basil Liturgy (including Gospel) - Coptic Orthodox - Fr. Antonious Tanious - English. Home - Mountain Catholic. Orthodox Calendar. Orthodoxy through Patristic and Monastic Study. Engaging the world <br>with Orthodox Christianity since 1938. Codex Sinaiticus - Home. OODE- ORTHODOX OUTLET FOR DOGMATIC ENQUIRIES. Welcome.  Orthodox Christianity, Culture and Religion, Making the Journey of Faith.

Athanatos Christian Apologetics Ministry - The homepage for Anthony Horvath's defense of the Christian faith... Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese. On Behalf of All – Orthodox Christianity in the diaspora. And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent. (John 17:3) OrthodoxWiki. DEATH TO THE WORLD. Monergism. What's a Christian to Think (and Do)? Salvo Magazine Society, Sex, and Science. Catholic Education Resource Center. Copticlanguagelessons. Encyclopedia Coptica: The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt. : Coptic Hymns, Praises, and Divine Liturgies. CopticChurch.Net - Coptic Orthodox Church Network. The Catholic Thing - Catholic CommentaryThe Catholic Thing.

Clarion: Journal of Spirituality and Justice. Red Pill or Blue Pill?

Clarion: Journal of Spirituality and Justice

How much choice does any individual human actually have? We speak of "free will"—but how much of a choice to accept God's grace does anyone have, given the brainwashing and propaganda to which they are subjected? How much of a choice to accept God's grace does a young boy in a radicalized Muslim school have? How much of a choice to accept God's grace does someone have who is ensnared by some ultra fundamentalist church, where performance-based religion rules?

Being in Christ is a divine invitation to an eternal relationship, open to everyone. But how much of a choice do we really have? 1) I believe God provides an open invitation to all mankind—and that in some way, somehow, God will, in his perfect wisdom and love, eventually draw people to himself. Talking about Anabaptism. The Radical Reformation: Resources.

GAMEO. House Church Theology: Doctrine of Election. The New Testament has fourteen references to "election" or "God's elect.

House Church Theology: Doctrine of Election

" Obviously, those passages refer to those who have found salvation in Christ. But thinkers like John Calvin were not at all content with such a simple explanation. Committed to the strong church-state system that had been in place for over 1000 years, and knowing that some (if not most) of their fellow countrymen were unregenerate, they faced a theological dilemma: Preface to 'Jesus' - a Blending of the Gospels. Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the single most influential figure in the history of Western civilization.

Preface to 'Jesus' - a Blending of the Gospels

His influence touches the daily life of every individual. Yet, most know little about him. More often than not, what they do know has been altered by myth and colored by misconception. The story of his birth is familiar through numberless recounting at Christmas time, as are the details of his death through annual Easter celebrations, but his life and his teachings are little known and less understood. Christ "emptied Himself" (Philippians 2:7) Welcome to the Book of Concord. Christian History for Everyman. Christian history is, by definition, the most exciting stories and interesting facts of all time.

Christian History for Everyman

Everyman … is you! Have you heard of the days when the storyteller was the most beloved man in the village. Children huddled around the fire in the evening, shivering not just from the cold, but from excitement. The Veritas Forum. Theories about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Welcome to the EPS - Evangelical Philosophical Society.

Lutheran Quarterly - Home. Faith Has Its Reasons. CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. A Nicene Creed-based Systematic Theology Survey. » Introducing Anamnēsis. Anamnēsis (an · am′· nē · sis) n.

» Introducing Anamnēsis

[Gr. ἀνάμνησις remembering < ἀνά up, again + μιμνήσκειν to call to mind, attend] a recollective ascent or ascensional recollection Welcome to Anamnēsis, the weblog of Dr James S. Cutsinger, a professor of theology and religious thought at the University of South Carolina. Further information concerning him and his work can be found on his website, As a teacher and author, Professor Cutsinger regularly finds himself on the receiving end of questions and challenges—outwardly diverse, to be sure, but inwardly connected in one way or another to God and the spiritual life.

The issues he is called upon to address are sometimes theoretical and sometimes practical. It has seemed to Professor Cutsinger for some time that his responses to a select few of these queries, those having a more general import and thus of potential interest to a wider audience, might be usefully shared in a public forum. Why Anamnēsis? Gieraths: Life in Abundance - 1. Commandments of Christ. The Commandments of Christ The following is a list of commands which form the basis of our life in Christ.

Commandments of Christ

Most were spoken directly by Christ; many were added for clarity by the writers of the epistles. Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you (Matt. 5:44). Resist not evil: if a man smite thee on one cheek, turn to him the other also (Matt. 5:30-40). Avenge not yourselves: rather give place unto wrath: and suffer yourselves to be defrauded (Rom. 12:18, 19). This page is maintained by Scott Stewart of the San Francisco Ecclesia in San Rafael, California, USA. David Clines - Noah’s Flood I: The Theology of the Flood Narrative. FREE-online. NO Cross, No Crown by William Penn. THE ROMANS Ancient, Medieval and Modern. First Things. Strange Notions. Uncommon Descent - Serving the Intelligent Design Community.

Ethika Politika. BioLogos. Faith & Reason Ministries. Welcome to Descent Of The Holy Spirit.