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Classroom Rules and Expectations Resources #2

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Classroom Rules- High School Level. Class Rules Set #1 Arrive on time.Raise your hand before speaking.Listen to others and participate in class discussions.Use the pencil sharpener during noninstructional time.Stay on task.

Classroom Rules- High School Level

Do your assignments.Bring materials and have them ready. Listen to directions. Cooperate with your group. Pick up after yourself. Class Rules Set #2 One person at a time leaves the room with the hall pass.Clean your work station appropriately.Absolutely no food, drink, gum, or candy permitted. PE / PE Class and Expectations.

Physical Education 2020-2021 Grades: K - 8th Discipline and Grading Criteria Coach Tewers Coach Thirsk The Physical Education teachers would like to welcome you and your child to Sunset Ridge Elementary School.

PE / PE Class and Expectations

We are very excited to have the students be part of our program. In our daily lessons, the students are offered an opportunity to develop an acceptable level of health and fitness. In order to maintain a safe environment and a teachable climate, we utilize the following discipline and grading criteria. Rules: Discipline action: Warning given to studentStudent will conference with us and sit out with an opportunity to return to the activity.Student will sit out the remainder of class and write a report. *Depending on the seriousness of the offense, some steps may be skipped at the discretion of the teacher. Clothing: Each student is responsible for wearing appropriate clothes for activities. Shoes – athletic shoes only!... Physical Education Guidelines Middle & High School - School Facility Design. California Department of Education (CDE) policy requires each district acquiring or building on a site of 70% or less of the recommended site size to document how the district's educational program, including physical education, can be carried out on the smaller site (Title 5 Section 14010(a) and (b)).

Physical Education Guidelines Middle & High School - School Facility Design

This document outlines a process districts can use in demonstrating how the physical education program can be offered. The document is also useful in the master planning of sites and in developing educational specifications regardless of the size of the site. The following guidelines are advisory only and utilization or compliance is not required by regulation or CDE. CDE's discretionary approval of exemption requests will be determined by specific circumstances on a case-by-case basis. For requests following this guidance, CDE should reasonably be able to determine if an exemption is approvable. Legal Requirements for Middle and High School Physical Education Each teaching station must: Microsoft Word - SchraderProcedures0910.doc. Physical Education Rules and Regulations - Delran High School. Mrs.

Physical Education Rules and Regulations - Delran High School

Bradbury's Classroom and Gym Rules Use of electronic devices are prohibited in class. They should remained locked in your locker. Warnings will not be given and any electronic device seen in class will be turned in with a Disciplinary Referral. Disrespect and/or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Physical Education Department Rules and Regulations Locker Room Policy: All students are to be in the locker room before the bell rings to begin the class. Dress Code: Students that do not dress appropriately for physical education classes will have five (5) points deducted from their preparation grade for each unprepared? -Attire: Students are expected to bring a change of clothes appropriate for physical activity, sneakers (must have laces, must be tied, no open backs, no platforms).

-It is recommended that students be prepared for various weather conditions by keeping sweatshirts and/or sweatpants available. Physical Education / Class Expectations/Consequences. Elementary Physical Education Classroom Rules. Classroom Rules and Character DevelopmentDuring physical education we will be stressing personal character development.

Elementary Physical Education Classroom Rules

Be caring: help others, be kind Be a good citizen: be a good classmate, make your class a better place to be Be fair: follow the rules and take turns Be respectful: treat others the way you want to be treated, settle disagreements peacefully Be responsible: do what you are supposed to do, keep trying to do your best Be trustworthy: be honest, don't cheat Consequences 1st offense: warning 2nd offense: 2 minute time out 3rd offense: email or letter home Classes are only 25 minutes long so having 3 offenses in that short amount of time means that parents will need to be notified.