Kaboompercussion. La brújula del canto: Todas las series de acordes más usadas en el canto moderno para componer canciones. Ukulele Resources for the Elementary Music Educator. Credit: This year, I am adding four ukuleles to my classroom.
I have had many students begin learning ukulele on their own time because it is a nicer solution for a parent than to buying them a guitar. When they brought the ukulele to me, I realized that I needed to find resources they could use for when they are learning at home and to encourage the learning in my classroom. Tuning the Ukulele. Cool Online Instruments and Games for the Music Classroom. Recursos de aprendizaje. MTT16: Creative composition projects using music technology. In this episode: What types of creative music tech projects can I do with my middle or senior school students?
I share my favourites which include film scoring, video game composition, the science of sound, digital storytelling, song writing, recording covers and more. Listen to the episode here (or on your favourite podcast app): For Education. Studio One. Get tactile control.
The StudioLive CS18AI is the first surface designed by PreSonus to control Studio One. Connected with a single Ethernet cable, you get 18 touch-sensitive moving faders, dedicated Fat Channel controls, markers, transport, scribble strips, filter DCA mix layers, and more. The CS18AI is also a 4 x 2 interface, providing additional I/O. Short on space or just want to get away from your desk? Control your mix and transport from the new Studio One Remote app for iPad, iPad Pro, and Windows Tablets, free for Studio One Professional customers and as an available add-on to Studio One Artist customers. The rugged FaderPort also provides the essential controls you need, including one touch-sensitive moving fader, in a compact space.
Studio One is also compatible with, and offers presets for, the most popular Mackie Control / HUI control surfaces and all MIDI controllers. ProTools. Collaborate in the cloud Easily share tracks and work on projects with anyone—anywhere.
As if you’re all together in the same studio. And now Avid Cloud Collaboration for Pro Tools is better than ever, enabling you to work with up to 10 collaborators, including Pro Tools | First users. Create, connect, and collaborate with talent around the world. Get the details Crank up your creativity and speed From powerful new loop-based music creation and trying ideas via Revision History, to timesaving workflows that simplify editing and post production, Pro Tools enables you to create at the speed of your imagination—without limits. See what's new Access Pro Tools in more ways than ever.
Music production with Live and Push. Soundation — Make music online. Mixcraft 8 - The Musician's DAW. Presenting engaging music lessons: swag your slideshows with Sway. Swag your slideshows with Sway This article has been written by a guest author.
If you’re an educator or music industry professional who is interested in contributing an article to the Midnight Music blog, you can apply here. The author of today’s article is Jacob Garcia. In his role as the Education Manager for the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, Jacob oversees educational outreach programs and concerts and creates lesson plans for use by teachers of K-12 students. In this article, Jacob shares a his tips for creating a visually engaging presentation that incorporates a range of multimedia content. – Katie Wardrobe Presentation tools: which one?
Presenting relevant lessons to students is always a top goal for educators; but finding novel ways to present these to “digital natives” can be challenging. Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. Online Music Notation Software. Namathis. Online Music Theory Flash Cards. The best music library on the planet!
Music Notation Software: Create Sheet Music with Finale Music. Clear What is SmartMusic?
SmartMusic provides the ideal practice environment for students, including access to the world’s largest accompaniment library and instant feedback on each performance. Full SmartMusic compatibility with Finale 2014 is coming soon. Learn more. 07. Sitios en internet - MUSIKATIC. AudioKiosko, podcast, radio, mp3 y más. Música en descarga gratis - Licencias. Download Royalty Free Music from Musopen.org. 12 alternativas a Spotify para escuchar música gratis online » Dotpod. A veces siento que la blogósfera, tuitósfera o lo que sea, es algo obsesiva con los nuevos servicios online.
O sea, me encanta que todos se enchufen con algo pero…¿no les parece que Spotify es un servicio demasiado inflado? El streaming de audio lo venimos usando desde hace tiempo pero lanzan una aplicación de escritorio (sí, de escritorio…algo super retro) y pareciera que regalan boletos para ver en vivo a Madonna muchachos. Encima con las complicaciones que tiene hacerlo andar pierde un poco el sentido, de hecho estuve mucho tiempo sin mover un dedo para instalarlo en mi computadora porque realmente me parecía una verdadera y patética pérdida de tiempo andar buscando proxys para poder registrarme xD. Hermanos bloggers abran los ojos y vean la luz, hay miles de alternativas a Spotify en Internet muchísimo mejores que Spotify y sin ni siquiera tener que instalar una aplicación en la computadora, algo que realmente considero de épocas lejanas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Patatap.
A List of Some of The Best Free Web Resources on Music Education. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has recently started a series of posts covering a plethora of free web resources relevant to the teaching of different subject matters and disciplines.
As we said before, the purpose of this series is to equip teachers with the necessary online resources they need to compliment the materials they use in their classroom teaching. We have already posted about free resources pertaining to the following subject areas : Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Classical music library. Classical music library We provide high quality, interactive sheet music - synced to real recordings.
Chrome Music Lab. Best Music Software for Chromebooks & BYOD Schools. Help!
Which software can I use with mixed devices or Chromebooks? In the past few years, a large number of schools worldwide have decided to adopt a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach to technology for students meaning that students can choose to use a Mac laptop, a Windows laptop, an iPad or an Android tablet. At the same time, a number of schools have selected Chromebooks – which only allow the user to access resources and software that are online and “in the cloud” – as the technology device of choice for their students.
And still other schools find themselves with a variety of technology devices – perhaps iPads in elementary school, Windows laptops for senior students, Chromebooks for middle school and a Mac lab down the hall! What’s the best approach in this situation? The solution is to use cloud-based software and interactive websites.