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Active learning

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For Back to School, Reimagine Classroom Design. Teaching Strategies Lenny Gonzales By Therese Jilek As the school year begins, most classrooms across the country will mirror traditional class design: rows of desks with passive children sitting quietly listening to a teacher in the front of the class.

For Back to School, Reimagine Classroom Design

How to Apply Design Thinking in Class, Step By Step. By Anne Stevens For educators ready to try the idea of design thinking, you’ll be glad to know it does not require extensive transformation of your classroom.

How to Apply Design Thinking in Class, Step By Step

La salle de classe planétaire. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Flore Vasseur Daphne Koller a une dent contre l'école.

La salle de classe planétaire

Enfant, cette Israélienne veut découvrir les équations du troisième degré et la danse, l'histoire de la Grèce antique et la poésie. Comme tous les élèves, elle doit subir le programme, rentrer dans les cases. Sa soif d'apprendre se cogne à l'éducation formatée. Elle abandonne l'école, avec le soutien de ses parents. Daphne commence par devenir professeur. Devenue l'une des enseignantes les mieux notées de l'un des campus les plus réputés, l'ennui revient pourtant : "Passer ma vie à aller dans la même salle de classe, faire la même leçon, raconter les mêmes blagues, au même moment..., ce n'est pas une bonne utilisation de mon temps ni de celui des élèves. " Lors d'une conférence au Google Education Summit, cette petite brune à l'énergie adolescente assiste à une présentation de YouTube sur l'éducation. C'est le concept de "flip education", le renversement des tempos et la revalorisation du professeur.

Educators Guide to the use of Pinterest in Education. Some educational Pinners to follow This is the editor of the famous blog cool cat teacher.

Educators Guide to the use of Pinterest in Education

It has over 69 boards all with more than 600 pins. Some of her best boards include "Teaching Ideas and App", Collaborative Writing", and " Global Collaboration in Education ". This guy is one of our favourite educational writers. He has several boards covering different topics such as: Google chrome extensions, Twitter apps and resources, web2.0 tools for educators and his own personal learning network. Classroom Design Principles for an Increasingly Online World  In my travels, I have the opportunity to speak with education leaders around the world.

Classroom Design Principles for an Increasingly Online World 

When I ask these presidents, provosts, deans, faculty, and chief technology officers what keeps them up at night, increasingly their answers all center on two areas; 1) Cost (of instruction delivery tuition), and 2) the explosion in online instruction models. In the evolving education landscape, these factors are front and center in shaping the future of learning. But often over-looked, or less well understood, is the critical role that the physical learning space has in complimenting a new, lower cost, instructional model.

Believe it or not, the average "functional age" of a school building in the United States is more than 42 years. The focus of our education research at Steelcase is on understanding how the physical learning environment can change to meet the needs of new pedagogies, new technologies, and today's students. Purposeful Design. Why technology integration matters so much in today’s classroom.

Purposeful Design

GUEST COLUMN | by Aileen Strickland Improving educational outcomes is a nearly universal goal, yet how to achieve it remains a focus of continuing research and debate. Classe Techno et apprentissage actif. How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation. The leaders of a school or school district play a big role in setting the culture and work environment for teachers.

How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation

And when it comes to trying new things, the attitude of principals and superintendents can sometimes make or break a teacher’s willingness and ability to weave new ideas and methods into the teaching practice. In most schools, strong, effective leaders can make all the difference. In addition to setting the tone for nimble and progressive teaching that’s geared towards what students need most, school leaders can also find ways to integrate technology in smart ways that work on the same goals. And they can help to remove roadblocks when necessary.

“A key leadership role is to try to build a shared vision for blended learning,” said Eric Williams, Superintendent York County School Division in Virginia. Williams also tries to model blended learning for his staff, to help them get acclimated to an idea that didn’t exist throughout most of their careers. Related. New Active Learning Spaces. The body of research supporting active, student-centered learning is growing rapidly now.

New Active Learning Spaces

Active learning includes instructional methods and tangible elements, such as furnishings As a direct result of recent evidence-based studies, the practice of building learning environments to encourage and promote student engagement is gaining widespread momentum. These spaces enable students to work together, have discussions, move around as necessary, and engage on a deeper level. In an effort to create holistic learning environments, The University of Southern Mississippi has begun transforming classrooms (as well as informal spaces) to help students interact with each other and with the course content in the classroom and beyond. The Think Center itself exemplifies an active learning environment that is based on quantitative and qualitative research.


L'école du futur. BYOD / BYOT. Flipped classrooms - pédagogie inversée.