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CNLP 343: Nicky Gumbel on Why He Changed His Mind About Church Online, Why Online is a Better Outreach Tool Than In-Person Ministry, and How He Repositioned His Church and Alpha for Explosive Growth. CNLP 343: Nicky Gumbel on Why He Changed His Mind About Church Online, Why Online is a Better Outreach Tool Than In-Person Ministry, and How He Repositioned His Church and Alpha for Explosive Growth CNLP 343: Nicky Gumbel on Why He Changed His Mind About Church Online, Why Online is a Better Outreach Tool Than In-Person Ministry, and How He Repositioned His Church and Alpha for Explosive Growth CNLP 343: Nicky Gumbel on Why He Changed His Mind About Church Online, Why Online is a Better Outreach Tool Than In-Person Ministry, and How He Repositioned His Church and Alpha for Explosive Growth more Currently Playing Nicky Gumbel is pastor of Holy Trinity Brompton, London, one of the largest churches in the UK and pioneer of Alpha, a ministry that’s reached over 20 million people with the Gospel and a former barrister (attorney).

CNLP 343: Nicky Gumbel on Why He Changed His Mind About Church Online, Why Online is a Better Outreach Tool Than In-Person Ministry, and How He Repositioned His Church and Alpha for Explosive Growth

Welcome to Episode 343 of the podcast. Guest Links Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Alpha | HTB. 3 Barriers to Local Mission  · For The City. The heart of God for the poor and marginalized is clear throughout scripture.

3 Barriers to Local Mission  · For The City

3 C's to Being on Mission in the Margins of the City · For The City. According to the United Nations, two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050.

3 C's to Being on Mission in the Margins of the City · For The City

Most estimates project there will be 9.8 billion people by 2050. This means 6.5 billion people will reside in cities in the next 3 decades. Because of population density every city has a mixture of cultures, values, and diversity. What makes each individual city unique is the way those three dimensions blend together to create a distinct culture. Whether it’s Tokyo, Mexico City, or Delhi, cities should matter to Christians. Why We Should Stop ‘Sharing the Gospel’ I first awakened to the importance of how we talk about evangelism while taking a language course in Central Asia.

Why We Should Stop ‘Sharing the Gospel’

The instructor was a veteran missionary. In his class on spiritual vocabulary, he lamented a growing trend among local churches. They had begun to import a foreign phrase brought by American Christians; they now talked about evangelism in terms of “sharing the gospel.” We might wonder what could be wrong with Christians sharing the gospel. One Overlooked Mark of a Great Commission Church. I commonly tell my church that we just want people to be spiritually fed—they don’t necessarily need to eat at our restaurant.

One Overlooked Mark of a Great Commission Church

There are a number of good places they can go in our city. We simply want the level of spiritual hunger on our planet to be reduced. A Great Commission church, therefore, looks around to see if there are other churches in its area that can be helped. Maybe other churches have fallen on hard times. Øystein Gjerme on The Church Scattered. You may know that you are God’s masterpiece.

Øystein Gjerme on The Church Scattered

Yet have you ever told someone what you did for a living as if it was your identity? We have all been there. Actually, I found myself telling others one day that I studied theology but wanted to be a church planter. Someone awkwardly replied, “Seriously, you are getting a degree to plant flowers in the graveyard?” Dear Church: It's Time We Stop Idolizing the Millennials. A decade ago, my wife and I were a young newlywed couple in the process of launching our adult lives, among the first group of so-called millennials to do so.

Dear Church: It's Time We Stop Idolizing the Millennials

Having started out as Baptist and Methodist, we had denominationally sojourned our way through college and grad school, and picked up degrees in Theology and Religious Studies along the way. So, of course, we were church shopping through the denominational delicatessen of Houston’s greater metro. 9 Groups of People Your Church Isn’t Reaching. Paul wrote the following in his first letter to the Corinthians: “I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people — not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters.

9 Groups of People Your Church Isn’t Reaching

Why Jesus Never Commanded Us To Plant Churches. Guest post by J.

Why Jesus Never Commanded Us To Plant Churches

D. Payne I recently spoke with a church planting leader for a particular denomination. As we talked over coffee, he inquired about the direction of our church when it comes to church planting. 7 Misconceptions That Cause Ministry Leaders to Derail. It's difficult to escape common leadership misconceptions fully.

7 Misconceptions That Cause Ministry Leaders to Derail

They are a result of our training, culture and the way we think. Even our personal wiring and insecurities contribute to leadership misconceptions. If not corrected, these mistaken leadership beliefs become practices and end up as harmful habits that decrease our influence. 7 Moves Free Video 2 3 VID. The Shame List. . . And How To Talk About Sex. . . Last week, the folks at Campus Pride, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a safer college environment for LGBTQ students, released its 2016 Shame List of the absolute worst campuses for LBGTQ youth. As I scrolled through the list of colleges and universities, I began to feel like I was scrolling through one of those old Campus Life guides to Christian colleges that we used to make available to youth group kids and their families.

It was not at all surprising that the list was overwhelmingly populated by religiously-affiliated schools. Included on the list was my own alma mater, Geneva College. The Campus Pride site includes these words about the list from Executive Director, Shane Windmeyer: “Religion-based bigotry is careless and life-threatening. LGBTQ young people face high rates of harassment and violence, especially our trans youth and LGBTQ youth of color. I’ve been thinking about Shane Windmeyer’s words for several days. You Won't Believe How Many Pastors Let LGBTs Serve in Church. Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at More than 100,000 same-sex couples have tied the knot since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriages nationwide last year.

But for preachers, being asked to do a same-sex wedding remains rare. A new survey by Nashville-based LifeWay Research found 11 percent of Protestant senior pastors have been asked to perform a same-sex wedding. Baptist pastors (1 percent) are the least likely to say they were asked to perform a same-sex wedding. Overall, pastors who identify as mainline were three times as likely to have been asked than evangelical pastors (18 percent vs. 6 percent). Top 10 Ways Churches Drive Away First-time Guests. Kal-Cal. 12 Key Apostolic Principles Nehemiah Used for Restoration. 9. He set up systems of communication to unite all for battle (4:13, 16-22). The people were not only committed to their vision but were committed to protecting and advancing their vision. To fulfill vision, every person on the team must be trained for battle and be mobilized instantly when an attack comes that threatens the vision.

5 Ways You Can Build Transformational Small Groups. 5 Ways You Can Build Transformational Small Groups Details Written by Rick Warren These five steps could help you to see transformation in the lives of your congregation members. Why the Missional Church Will Fail by Mike Breen - - Christian Leadership Blogs, Articles, Videos, How To's, and Free Resources - Page.

Mike Breen believes the missional church movement lacks at least one vital aspect. Missional Church Leadership Structures. 2of possible ways a church could be led. Some churches have one pastor, several deacons, andmany church members who lead teams or committees and vote on all decisions. Other churcheshave a plurality of elders who make the majority of decisions for the church while utilizing the deacons and laity to accomplish many of the church’