> Justhinkaboutit
Pentateuch/Torah. Scientific Facts in The Bible. Also See.
Bible Study Guides, Read, Listen, Watch. The Hebrew Name for God - Elohim. The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language.
The masculine plural ending does not mean “gods” when referring to the true God of Israel, since the name is mainly used with singular verb forms and with adjectives and pronouns in the singular (e.g., see Gen. 1:26).
Spiritual Warfare. Bible Characters. The Brick Testament. A Witness To Jehovah's Witness. A Witness To Latter-Day Saints [Mormon]
A Witness To Roman Catholics. 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL. Aboriginal Hebrews. Black Hebrews? The very words cause many people to grin at what appears to be simply a play on words. No one reads about such people in european authored history books and there are only a few references to "Ethiopian Jews" in white Jewish sources. Yet Black Hebrews have existed since biblical times.
Learning Hebrew - Lesson 1. Yhwh Our Righteousness. His Name Is Yahweh (Part 1/10) (HQ)
Bible Doctrines. THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. Apocrypha.org: Online Apocrypha with Search Tools. Life in Bible Times - Pagan gods:
#A99. AmpedStatus - Knowledge Is Power. AnonOps Communications. One account.
All of Google. Sign in to continue to Blogger Find my account Forgot password? Sign in with a different account Create account One Google Account for everything Google. Free-Energy Devices, zero-point energy, and water as fuel. Build Your Own. HAARP, chemtrails, weather modification. Wind and Solar Energy. Bilderberg. Bilderberg | Commission Trilatérale. Masonic Corporate Symbol Archive. Zionism Research - The French Connection - Fighting Criminal Zionism. Zeitgeist Refuted and Exposed. Even secular scholars have rejected the idea of Christianity borrowing from the ancient mysteries.
The well-respected Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard writes in Theories of Primitive Religion that The evidence for this theory... is negligible. The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred years after the origin of Christianity. So if there was any influence of one on the other, it was the influence of the historical event of the New Testament (resurrection) on mythology, not the reverse. The only known account of a god surviving death that predates Christianity is the Egyptian cult god Osiris. In this myth, Osiris is cut into fourteen pieces, scattered around Egypt, then reassembled and brought back to life by the goddess Isis.
JFK Secret Society Speech Re-edit. Hebriac studies. Lost Books of The Bible - Book Of Jubilees. Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Tetragrammaton Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yahushuah. A "Bible Revelations" Presentation - Created 1998, updated November 9, 2013.
Yahshua University - Home Room. Hebrew study links. Hebrew and Israel. Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History. Images of the True Israelites. "VIEWS OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD" (VOL.3)International Publishing Co.
Ltd. Jerusalem - 1960 p.110 ... Dead Israelites p.167 ... Israelite Exiles "GENESIS - WORLD OF MYTHS AND PATRIARCHS" by Ada FeyerickNew York University Press - 1996 p.76-77 ... (4) races of Man p.190-191 ...
Restored Name King James Version for EliYah's Home Page. Ancient Hebrew Research Center - Home Page. Hebrew Alphabet / Flashcards - Create Free Flashcards. Most ancient Hebrew biblical inscription deciphered, scholar says.
A breakthrough in the research of the Hebrew scriptures has shed new light on the period in which the Bible was written. Professor Gershon Galil of the Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has deciphered an inscription on a pottery shard discovered in the Elah valley dating from the 10th century BCE (the period of King David's reign), and has shown that this is a Hebrew inscription. The discovery makes this the earliest known Hebrew writing. The significance of this breakthrough relates to the fact that at least some of the biblical scriptures were composed hundreds of years before the dates presented today in research and that the Kingdom of Israel already existed at that time. Prof.
THE HEBREW ALPHABET. We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for visiting our website and for your concern in our 'Hebrew Alephbet Flash Cards'.
These flash cards are free for your use and it is our sincerest hope that they may be a blessing to you in learning the Hebrew Alephbet. Shalom Scripture Studies, Inc. has from it's very beginning in 1974 never charged for our services. There is no charge placed upon anything we distribute (See: I Corinthians 9:18). Nevertheless, your prayers and support is needed. Please consider, as you download and learn the Hebrew Alephbet with the help of our flash cards, supporting Shalom Scripture Studies, Inc., by clicking on the 'PayPal' link below.
The Hebrew Israelites Network Home Page. Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua. The True & Faithful Yahshua son of YHVH. Bible. The Book of Jasher.
Sacred-textsApocrypha Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel Faithfully Translated "Is not this written in the Book of Jasher?
"--Joshua, x. 13.
Bible Study Tools Online – Verses, Commentaries, Concordances, Verses, Parallel Versions. Home Page. WWYD? What Would Yahushua Do?
JUDAISM. Ahyahasherahyahyahuwah. HisLoveisinHisLaw. YHWHYahuahTransliteration study on the Name of the MessiahSabbathMessianicNatsarimIsraelYahushuaLewWhiteFossilizedCustomsTorahNazareneIsraelPaganChristianityKipa.
The Transliteration of the Name What Is the Hebrew Name for JESUS?
It is definitely not "JESUS". For those who want to get to the answer, we'll be skipping the Greek and Latin to find out. A Very Hairy Situation Going backward through languages, "JESUS" becomes "ESAU" in Hebrew! Try to follow the logic here; we're going to use the same logical flow, only in reverse: Whenever we see discussions on the difference between "Yahusha" and "Jesus", it's important to realize it is somewhat like comparing apples with oranges.
One is Hebrew, the other Greek. Many miss that the question is referring to "it", a singular identity for what people mistake to be 2 beings. Our Husband's Name is not Greek, it's Hebrew Also, the one incidence at NekemYah 8:17 is acceptable as an abbreviated form.
Hebrew Name for God - The Messiah (Mashiach)
The honor and majesty with which David tells us (Psalm 104) that GodHimself is clothed He will bestow on the Messiah.
As it is said,'His glory is great in Thy salvation, honour and majesty hast Thou laid upon Him.' (Numbers Rabbah 14) Introduction. Podcast - Passion for Truth Ministries. Spelling the Tetragrammaton: V or W. Hebriac studies. Hebrew Roots. Messengerofthename's Channel.