TiendAnimal - Tienda Online de Productos para Mascotas
Diagnostico Veterinario, casos clínicos Veterinarios para profesionales.
Ferdemente-Cuadra Martul.
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Animal Sleep - StumbleUpon
Most animals have a daily pattern of rest and activity. Some animals are more active during the day (diurnal) and some are more active during the night (nocturnal). How much time do animals spend sleeping? Well, it depends on the animal: References: This table was adapted from four sources: Aserinsky, E., Eyelid condition at birth: relationship to adult mammalian sleep-waking patterns, In Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, edited by B.N.
Stray Pit Bull saves woman & child from attacker - ...
PORT CHARLOTTE, Florida - February 2011 The wandering 65-pound Pit Bull mix might have seemed menacing to some passerby, but one woman will always remember him as her “guardian angel.” The dog, which authorities think is lost and not a stray, successfully thwarted a robbery attack on a mother and her 2-year-old son, who were held at knifepoint Monday afternoon. The Florida woman, who has been identified by authorities simply as “Angela,” was leaving a playground with her toddler son in Port Charlotte when a man approached her in the parking lot with a knife and told her not to make any noise or sudden movements. Angela didn’t have to do either to protect herself and her child — a dog mysteriously ran to the scene and charged the man, who quickly fled. “I don’t think the dog physically attacked the man, but he went at him and was showing signs of aggression, just baring his teeth and growling and barking. Another beautiful story with a happy ending shared via my guestbook:
Birdwatchers are rushing to Avebury, near Marlborough, Wiltshire to hopefully catch a glimpse of a rare albino jackdaw. Author Andrew Collins was the first to photograph the bird which locals have named Jackie. Other fabulous albino animals include: According to Wikipedia there is no reported case of a true “albino” horse even though white horses have been referred to as albino in literature and some registries. All so-called “albino” horses have pigmented eyes, usually brown or blue, and thus are not true albinos. Many albino mammals, such as mice or rabbits, typically have a white hair coat, unpigmented skin and reddish eyes. Dominant white in horses is caused by the absence of pigment cells melanocytes, whereas albino animals have a normal distribution of melanocytes In other animals, patches of unpigmented skin, hair, or eyes due to the lack of pigment cells (melanocytes) are called piebaldism, not albinism nor partial albinism.
Albino Animals
Rainforest Animals
As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation
Endangered Species Guide
Latrodectus is a genus of spider, in the family Theridiidae, which contains 32 recognized species. The black widow spider is perhaps the best-known member of the genus. The venomous bite of these spider species is considered dangerous because of the neurotoxin latrotoxin, which causes the condition latrodectism, both named for the genus. The female black widow has unusually large venom glands and her bite is particularly harmful to humans; however, Latrodectus bites rarely kill if proper medical treatment is provided. The prevalence of sexual cannibalism, a behaviour in which the female eats the male after mating, in some species of Latrodectus has inspired the common name "widow spiders". [1] The female's venom is at least three times more potent than that of the males, making a male's self-defense bite ineffective. Description[edit] In common with other members of the Theridiidae family, the widow spiders construct a web of irregular, tangled, sticky silken fibers. Species[edit]
Spider Identification Chart - Venomous or Dangerous?
Safari Album
Practice Farm and Domestic Animals Vocabulary with this ESL Memory Game. This game is also excellent for Vocabulary Teaching and Practice. ESL Learners and Teachers can use it to review English vocabulary or simply practice these words. Please play this game at least twice to practice all words - The first time you play, only 6 words will be used, second time, other words will show up. Games are great for motivating students to learn.
Domestic Animals Memory Game
Practice Farm Animals Vocabulary with this ESL Vocabulary and Grammar Interactive Crocodile Board Game for Beginners (dog, cat, cow, duck, sheep etc). ESL Learners and Teachers can use it to review English vocabulary and grammar or simply practice these words. There are images and in some cases audio in these types of games. Please note that if you want to stop hearing the introductory audio repeating, simply click the start button. Click on the dice to roll. A random number will show up and you will advance. More Games
Farm Animals Crocodile Board Game
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Animal Facts for Kids
Text and Non-Netscape Browsers, [Start Here] Select a Species from the Pick List, the Image Map above, or the Menu below. Return to:
Electronic Zoo Animal Species
Photo credit: David Bygott, Giraffa camelopardalis. CC BY-NC-SA It is estimated that around 9 or 10 million species of animals inhabit the earth; the exact number is not known and all estimates are rough. Animals range in size from no more than a few cells to organisms weighing many tons, such as the giant squid. By far most species of animals are insects, with groups such as mollusks, crustaceans, and nematodes also being especially diverse. All animals are members of the Kingdom Animalia, also called Metazoa. Animal cells lack the rigid cell walls that characterize plant cells. The development of most animals is characterized by distinctive stages, including a zygote, formed by the product of the first few divisions of cells following fertilization; a blastula, which is a hollow ball of cells formed by the developing zygote; and a gastrula, which is formed when the blastula folds in on itself to form a double-walled structure with an opening to the outside, the blastopore. References

What is an Animal?
Animals 1
Les plus belles photos d'animaux de compagnie et d'animaux sauvages
Dans le langage courant, le terme « animal » ou « animal non-humain » est souvent utilisé pour distinguer le reste du monde animal des humains[3]. La science consacrée à l'étude du règne animal est la zoologie. Le registre fossile des animaux est dominé par l'explosion cambrienne (−541 à −530 Ma), qui a marqué un développement et une diversification extrêmes, avec l'apparition de tous les grands plans d'organisation actuels. Les animaux complexes sont cependant apparus au moins des dizaines de millions d'années auparavant, sans doute pendant l'Édiacarien (−635 à −541 Ma). Les fossiles les plus anciens ont été trouvés à Terre-Neuve et datent d'environ 571 Ma, mais le biote édiacarien est resté peu diversifié jusque vers −560 Ma. Ils ont besoin de se procurer leur nourriture en se déplaçant ou en l'attrapant, et grâce à un système digestif, de dissocier les organismes en substances nécessaires qui leur sont utiles, puis de les assimiler. Graphique de la biodiversité animale.
Animaux, chiens, chats, rongeurs : le site des animaux de compagnie - Wamiz
Amazing Animals A lesson about what makes animals so amazing. Raccoons: Nature's Little Rascals The different characteristics of raccoons. Bats Learn facts about bats, where they live, and what they eat. Polar Bears Learn facts about polar bears, including how they have adapted to their environment. Elephants Students will learn about elephants. Giraffes Students will learn about giraffes. Hippopotamus Students will learn about the hippopotamus. Rhinoceros Students will learn about Rhinos. Zebras Students will learn about zebras. Cheetahs Students will learn about cheetahs. Jaguars Students will learn about jaguars. Lions Students will learn about lions. Mountain Lions Students will learn about mountain lions. Tigers Students will learn about tigers. Alligators and Crocodiles Students will learn about alligators and crocodiles. Frogs and Toads Students will learn about frogs and toads. Lizards Students will learn about lizards. Salamanders Students will learn about salamanders. Snakes Students will learn about snakes. Owls
Animals Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Teaching Activities
Farms and farm animals are an enduring theme with children, and we've got a great collection of... Here's a collection of fun farm animal colour by number pages. Two versions available - one UK... Farm animals are a classic "theme" with little children, so we decided to pull together... Scroll down for our collection of farm animal worksheets for kids to use for fact-finding, research... All young children seem to love farm animals - so we have created a collection of farm animal... Farm animals are fun for kids, especially the little ones, and they enjoy having them around. Here's something a little different! What did the philosopher pig say? If you are doing a farm animals themed unit, visiting a children's farm, or just having some... Looking at farms in the spring time when lots of baby animals are being born is a popular topic so... Here's a brand new collection of colouring pages, posters and worksheets to help your children...
Farm Animals for Kids
Describing animals.Listening English. - Escuchar inglés.1) Elephants are very big. They have got four legs, a long trunk and two long tusks. They live in Africa and Asia. Los elefantes son muy grandes. Las jirafas viven en África. Las ballenas azul es muy, muy grande. Los canguros viven en Australia. a grey snake a green snake a red snakeLas serpientes no tienen patas. Las ranas son animales pequeños. 7) Lions are big and strong. Los leones son grandes y fuertes. Los cocodrilos viven en los ríos. VocabularioEscucha y repiteHave got - tenerlegs - patas (animales), piernas (personas)tail - colalong - largostrong - fuertebig - grandesmall - pequeñoleaves - hojasneck - cuellooceans - oceanosland - tierrarivers - ríosrun - correrwalk - andarjump - saltarlive - vivirmouth - bocateeth - dientes Curso ingles online.
Clases de Inglés: Inglés para niños Describing animals
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Ruleta de Palabras: PASAPALABRA ANIMALES (biología - 3º primaria - animales)
Pasapalabra de Animales | COKITOS
INFORMACIÓN DEL JUEGO Juego de pasapalabra con animales. Responde con las letras del alfabeto en el pasapalabra, qué animal tiene una joroba, qué insecto tiene ocho patas, qué mamífero vive en el mar y tiene un gran tamaño, etc. Juega con la foca, el elefante, la ballena, la araña, el jaguar o el dromedario. EL pasapalabra de animales es un rosco con todas las letras del alfabeto que se irán poniendo rojas o verdes en función de si respondes correctamente o no a las preguntas de animales. Haz clic en la flecha naranja para empezar el juego. Etiquetado en (19 votos, promedio: 3,37 de 5) Cargando...