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Classroom collaboration tool

Two variants of run-length encoding are the diagram encoding and the pattern substitution algorithms. The diagram encoding is actually a very simple algorithm. Unlike run-length encoding, where the input stream must consists of many repeating elements, “aaaaaaaa” for instance, which are very rare in a natural language, there are many so-called “diagrams” in almost any natural language. In plain English there are some diagrams such as “the”, “and”, “ing” (in the word “waiting” for example), “ a”, “ t”, “ e” and many doubled letters. Actually we can extend those diagrams by adding surrounding spaces. Let’s say we’ve to encode the message “successfully accomplished”, which consists of four doubled letters. // 8 chars replaced by 8 chars!? The problem is that if the input text contains numbers, “2” in particular, we’ve to chose an escape symbol (“@” for example), which we’ll use to mark where the encoded run begins. // the compressed message is longer!!! A Few Questions Pattern Substitution Algorithm of the Week: Data Compression with Diagram Encoding and Pattern Substitution Algorithm of the Week: Data Compression with Diagram Encoding and Pattern Substitution
Convergence Classroom
Education Futures
PISA en español PISA en español 'PISA in Focus' N°11: ¿Cómo se están adaptando los sistemas escolares al creciente número de estudiantes inmigrantes?N°10: ¿Qué pueden hacer los padres para ayudar a sus hijos a tener éxito en los centros educativos? N°9: Autonomía y rendición de cuentas en los centros educativos: ¿están relacionadas con el rendimiento de los estudiantes? N°8: ¿Leen actualmente los estudiantes por placer? N°7: Centros privados: ¿A quién benefician? N°6: Cuando los alumnos repiten un curso o son transferidos a otros centros: ¿Qué repercusiones tiene esto en los sistemas educativos? N°5: ¿Cómo algunos estudiantes superan su entorno socioeconómico de origen? N°4: ¿Se ha deteriorado la disciplina en los centros? N°3: ¿Vale la pena invertir en clases extraescolares? N°2: Mejorar el rendimiento desde el nivel más bajoN°1: ¿La asistencia a educación infantil se traduce en mejores resultados en el aprendizaje escolar? Las pruebas de PISA son aplicadas cada tres años. La participación en PISA ha sido extensa.
Create & grade quizzes with Google Forms - Docs Editors Help Make a new quiz & answer key Tip: The quickest way to create a quiz is to go to . Open a form in Google Forms. At the top of the form, click Settings. Make an answer key, assign points & add automatic feedback Create an answer key To add a question, click Add question . Note: You can assign points and add feedback on all question types. Grade quizzes You can see automatic summaries for all quiz responses, including: Frequently missed questions Graphs marked with correct answers Average, median, and range of scores Grade individual responses If you collect email addresses, you can assign points and leave feedback on individual responses. In Google Forms, open a quiz. Share results If you collect email addresses in your form, you can send results immediately or wait until you’re ready to share them. By default: Grades will release immediately Email addresses won’t be collected. Change how you release grades At the top of the form, click Settings. Email results after review Create & grade quizzes with Google Forms - Docs Editors Help
Collaboration Tools & Platforms

10 great online collaboration tools for designers | Design tools Individuals in design teams don't always work together in the same office. You may be positioned in distributed groups, or working from home, and clients can come from all over the world. This is where collaboration tools come in – they make it easier and faster for designers to get feedback and approve artwork in a professional manner, and they come in all sort of forms, from free Android apps to Chrome extensions. Here we gather together some of the best available online tools to allow designers to collaborate together in real time. 01. Want to improve communication with your team? Perfect for anyone managing a team of remote employees, Slack enables project development to move forward more smoothly. 02. A tool created specifically for designers, Invision is a web-based and mobile app that turns your designs into fully active prototypes with gestures, transitions and animations. 03. Google Keep is a fantastic way to share lists and ideas (or keep them to yourself). 04. 05. 10 great online collaboration tools for designers | Design tools
Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - Tour Create diagrams online Real time collaboration - Tour Draw Blog and Wiki images on Cacoo Diagrams created on Cacoo can be embedded in your Blog or Wiki in PNG format. If you edit the diagram in Cacoo, the embedded image will be replaced automatically. Export as PDF and SVG! Share the diagram with anyone You can even share the diagram with someone you don’t know.
Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students
Games for Learning English, Vocabulary, Grammar Games, Activities, ESL
10 tools that simplify collaboration The key to collaborating effectively is to find tools that make working with others easy and efficient. Jack Wallen shares a list of tools that have greatly improved the collaborative process for his projects. One of the most important things I do as a writer is collaborate. You might notice that not all tools listed were actually designed specifically for the task of collaboration. Note: This article is also available as a PDF download. 1: Google Docs That's right. 2: Track Changes In both Microsoft Office and LibreOffice, anyone who is collaborating on a document can take advantage of track changes. 3: Comments Another collaboration feature in both Microsoft Office and LibreOffice is the ability to insert comments into text. 4: Gobby/Kobby Gobby and Kobby offer the same function -- real-time collaboration on text documents in Linux. 5: Instant messaging I know, I know. 6: Zoho Zoho is an incredible Web-based collaboration tool. 7: Campfire 8: MindMeister 9: TextFlow 10: Kablink Other tools? 10 tools that simplify collaboration
Collaboration tool Collaboration tool A collaboration tool is something that helps people collaborate. The term is often used to mean collaborative software, but collaboration tools were being used before computers existed. A piece of paper, for example, can be used as collaboration tool. Everything that helps to solve a predefined task together in a group more easily is an effective collaborative tool. Collaboration means, in this context, working together to fulfill a shared, collective, bounded goal. See also[edit] Sources[edit] Eugene Eric Kim (2005).
Best Online Collaboration Tools - Free and paid tools for online collaboration Previously, businesses were confined to their offices, where employees dutifully clocked in, worked their eight or nine hour shifts, then clocked out. Now, employees grab their BlackBerrys, laptops or iPads, find wi-fi access, and are good to go at anytime and anywhere ... with the help of online collaboration tools to get the job done. To help businesses make the most of their mobile workforce, many collaboration tools have been created with a variety of features to suit any company, whether large or small. Choosing the right tool will help you not only share documents easily, but also create the right atmosphere for team-building, regardless of where team members are located. 1. Huddle has a highly intuitive easy-to-use interface, so those who have never used an online collaboration tool will be able to quickly figure out how to make the best of all the features provided. 2. The interface is very simple, perhaps too much so, as it is so plain that at times it looks unfinished. 3. Best Online Collaboration Tools - Free and paid tools for online collaboration
20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration 20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration The 2014 Gates Foundation report, Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools, indicates that teachers want tools “supporting student collaboration and providing interactive experiences”. This doesn’t come as a big surprise since these types of tools are fun and engaging. They also support 21st century skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity. You know what else teachers like? This week on EmergingEdTech, we’ve put together a listing of 20 top notch free tools that are being used in schools and classrooms to collaborate and interact on assignments, projects, and other active learning efforts. These tools deliver a wide array of functionality, from communication to collaborative document editing, whiteboards, and gaming, to full Learning Management System capabilities. 1. Twiddle provides a really easy to use collaborative online whiteboard. 2. 3. 4. 5. Yammer is a private social network. 6. 7. Vyew is a collaborative interactive white board.
Tools to Help Students Collaborate In previous blogs, we focused on web tools to collect and organize content and tools to help students create and present ideas. In this module, we focus on how to use web tools to foster collaboration. Randy Nelson (Pixar University) provides a brilliant definition of collaboration by using two principles of improv. First, accept every offer and second, make your partner look good. Principle 4: Shut up and Listen Good improvisers are not necessarily more clever, or more quick-witted. Principle 5: Action beats inaction Don't talk about doing it, do it. Principle 8: There are no mistakes Earlier I said that we have to be willing to make mistakes. As a quick example, watch this video (caution, one bad word near the end). Imagine what would have happened if the cast would have cut him off. Extending Class and Thinning the Walls A variety of web tools provide opportunities for students to collaborate with each other (in or out of the classroom) or with others outside of the class. Tools Tools to Help Students Collaborate
Online Collaboration Tool & Platform | Blackboard Collaborate
Classroom Collaboration Tools
5 Fun and Mathematical Ways to Teach Your Child About Money This is a guest post by Troy Edwards who writes for the “What is Economics?” blog. For many of today’s students, having to take and master math has as much appeal as a visit to the dentist. For this reason, the savvy parent recognizes that a little “creativity” and fun can go a long way. It can be considered the equivalent of a mother administering a little honey with a spoon of medicine to make it more palatable. photo credit: ~jjjohn~ Since money is a currency of exchange that kids can understand and relate to, there are many ways to work monetary concepts into exercises, real life examples, and games to achieve educational goals. Here are a few things to consider. With this in mind, here are 5 fun and mathematical ways to teach your child about money. 1. photo credit: merfam Allow the little ones to accompany you to the next visit to your local grocers. 2.Play with coins photo credit: midnightglory 3. photo credit: Thomas Hawk 4.Add a language photo credit: bradipo 5.Be the banker
Here are eleven techniques that you can use in your classroom that will help you achieve effective group management and control. They have been adapted from an article called: "A Primer on Classroom Discipline: Principles Old and New" by Thomas R. McDaniel, Phi Delta Kappan, September 1986. 1. Be sure you have the attention of everyone in your classroom before you start your lesson. Inexperienced teachers sometimes think that by beginning their lesson, the class will settle down. The focusing technique means that you will demand their attention before you begin. A soft spoken teacher often has a calmer, quieter classroom than one with a stronger voice. 2. An effective way to marry this technique with the first one is to include time at the end of the period for students to do activities of their choosing. The teacher is more willing to wait for class attention when he knows there is extra time to meet his goals and objectives. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Make ample use of praise. Discipline by Design
SRI International - an independent, nonprofit R&D organization dedicated to client success.
TED-Ed Launches Groundbreaking Website with New Tools for Customized Learning TED-Ed Platform Allows Teachers to "Flip" Video Content and Create Tailored Lesson Plans NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TED, the nonprofit organization devoted to "Ideas Worth Spreading," today launches the second phase of its TED-Ed initiative: a groundbreaking website [ housed on that enables teachers to create unique lesson plans around TED-Ed video content. "Kohl's is committed to kids' education and we are thrilled to partner with TED to provide inspiring educational tools for teachers and students around the world" TED-Ed seeks to inspire curiosity by harnessing the talent of the world's best teachers and visualizers – and by providing educators with new tools that spark and facilitate learning. The TED-Ed site was built with a $1.25 million commitment from Kohl's Department Stores, and optimizes TED content for use in educational settings. TED-Ed website launches in beta, lets teachers customize video lessons
Hitachi StarBoard WT-1 Interactive Wireless Tablet The WT-1 Interactive Wireless Tablet's compact and portable design allows you to comfortably control your computer and present up to 30 feet away – even while standing up. Whether you're in the boardroom or in a meeting, you can quickly jot down notes – from mathematical formulas to flow charts. Easily mark up Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and highlight information with digital inks. Get education pricing from Virtual Ink PAD WIRELESS INTERACTIVE TABLETWRLS mimio pad interactive stylus pen USB mini-B cable USB RF wireless receiver Pen tip extractor tool with 2 replaceable pen tips Rechargeable Nokia type battery Virtual Ink MimioTeach Interactive System The MimioTeach interactive system transforms any dry erase board into a fully interactive whiteboard. Product Focus: Classroom Collaboration Tools -- THE Journal
The Global Classroom Project | Empowering teachers to connect, learn, share, collaborate, and lead – globally!
globalcollaborations - home
As you begin to explore the possibilities for cross-cultural interaction, global classroom projects, and new learning opportunities, the following organizations can assist you in your efforts. ePALS Classroom Exchange - Connects users from around the globe, providing the tools and meeting places to create a worldwide community of learners. The tools include ePALS SchoolMail™ and SafeBrowser™ as well as built-in language translation designed for schools. Whether you want project ideas for your class-to-class partnership, or discussion areas where you can contribute your views on a matter, ePALS strives to make it easy for members to make meaningful connections with each other. Global Connections and Exchange Programs An online resource on the website of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Global SchoolHouse - GSH has a registry of collaborative projects organized by topic, grade, and project date. Kidlink - Global, non-profit organization. ED Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet-- Pg 2
List of collaborative software
The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students
Global SchoolNet: Collaboration Center: Tools for Collaboration
20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration
102 Free (or Free-to-Try) Online Collaborative Learning Tools
Six Steps for Planning a Successful Project
Collaboration Tools | 15 Free Online Collaboration Tools | Collaborative Learning
The Lunch Box Project - About
Computer Lab: Cartoon festival!
Climate Action project
Postcards connecting the world - Postcrossing
Project Collaboration

Classroom tools


Collaboration Tools

Collaborate Tools

Web Tools for Collaboration


Educational Metasites



Collaboration Resources

Visual Collaboration Tools

Online Collaboration Tools


Collaboration tools



Ux tools and collaboration