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industrial design magazine + resource / blog Posted by Kat Bauman | 11 Apr 2014 | Comments (0) Yep, it's Friday, get ready to waste some time and feel fine doing it. Skip your next Facebook break and try out the addictive game Super Planet Crash—build planetary systems, watch as they destroy themselves, collect points and think about gravitational relationships for fun! Super Planet Crash was made by Stefano Meschiari, whose real job involves real planets. The goal: Build the most complex star system that can last for 500 years. Via Motherboard. At Holz-Handwerk we saw not only thousands of tools, but several companies creating systems to store and transport those tools. First up is OPO Oeschger. Starting with the boxes, their Comfort model is made from birch and features a lid that slides rearward into a fixed vertical position. Their smaller Compact III model is also made from birch, though this one's made for those who solely use hand tools, no on-board power. continued... Posted by Carly Ayres | 11 Apr 2014 | Comments (0) industrial design magazine + resource / blog
Siggi Eggertsson
The Design blog: Design trendsetter

January 30 A new multi-part, multi-material thing: And the pieces are like this: Like the Tetrabox piece last month, which went well and is now in stock, this one is held together with rare-earth magnets and improved with glow-in-the-dark glass. December 24 Thanks again for a great holiday season! And since I just realized I didn't announce it here, for completeness: Behold the Glow Cuttlefish Bottle Opener. December 10 This year's factory seconds sale is on. Update: Well, that lasted about two days. December 2 Why so serious? WhaleSnail In other news, I set up gift certificates through Paypal: December 2 Christmas Shipping When to order to be reasonably sure your package will arrive on time. Our last shipping day before Christmas is Monday the 23rd (cutoff at noon Eastern time!) Best wishes for a great holiday season! October 22 I made a sculpture that comes in four pieces and assembles to make sort of a box. I don't have stock of this yet – just my proof – but I've ordered parts for more. August 26 Sculpture - News Sculpture - News
30 Minimal Logo Designs that Say More with Less 30 Minimal Logo Designs that Say More with Less A logo is the visual cornerstone of one’s branding. While some logos are complex, often the most memorable ones are those that are simplistic. Instead of relying on detailed graphics and icons, these minimal logos rely on creative typography, simple shapes, and clever negative space to tell the story. Here is a showcase of 30 minimal logo designs that say more with less. About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 1753 shares Examples of Effective Minimalism in Logo Design When trying to create something visually impressive, it’s tempting to use lots of eye candy or overloaded detail. Read More 317 shares 40 Brilliant Type-Only Logo Designs Logos do not always have to include some type of symbol or icon to be effective.
The Design Community Offers Its Favorite Bits of Advice Design Informer
Design Principles Voici une collection d’ordinateur portable design, de la marque “Ego”. Ce sont des ordinateurs portables de luxe, très féminin et chic que l’on peut porter comme un sac à main! Ces ordinateurs sont équipés de toutes les nouvelles technologies, mais à la différence de nos ordinateurs portables classiques, ceux là sont vraiment très beaux!!! Vous pouvez les acheter ici :

Article 1 - Objet du Concours La Société COCA-COLA SERVICES FRANCE. S.A.S. au capital de 50 000 euros - 404 421 083 RCS Nanterre - dont le siège social se situe au 27, rue Camille Desmoulins - TSA 22222 - 92784 Issy-Les-Moulineaux Cedex 9 (ci-après dénommée la « Société organisatrice »), organise du 11 février 2013 au 25 juin 2013 un concours intitulé « Prix du Design Durable» (ci-après, le « Concours »). Article 2 - Modalités de participation Pour l’édition 2013, le concours est ouvert : - aux étudiants inscrits dans un cycle d'enseignement supérieur (écoles supérieures de design, d’arts appliqués, d’arts plastiques, mais aussi d’architecture, d'ingénierie, de commerce...) - aux jeunes professionnels de moins de 30 ans (indépendants ou salariés). Les candidats peuvent se présenter seuls ou sous forme de collectifs. Article 3 - Dépôt des candidatures L’envoi d’une version papier est optionnel, le cas échéant, merci de nous l’envoyer à l’adresse suivante : La création ne devra néanmoins pas : Le Prix du Design-Durable Edition 2012 Le Prix du Design-Durable Edition 2012
Dentelles métalliques
dossier réalisé par Monsieur Didier BATALKA professeur et formateur en arts appliqués Le design est une démarche globale associant une étude des fonctions et des formes. Le design de produit est une activité qui consiste à créer des OBJETS qui seront ensuite fabriqués et commercialisés en série ou non. Il concerne des domaines tels que le design industri el, le design textile et le design vêtement. L’ Objet : Il est conçu par un designer à partir de trois paramètres : La forme + la fonction + le sens. Le domaine du « design de produit » doit permettre de mettre en place une démarche analytique (réflexion analytique et comparative) de cas concrets, et d’aborder différentes notions (formes, fonctions, matériaux). · Fonction d’usage C’est la qualité d’usage ou la qualité des services rendus par un produit, pour un utilisateur donné. - A quoi ça sert ? Fonction d’estime C’est le lien affectif qui peut s’établir entre l’utilisateur et le produit. Dans leurs dimensions L’analyse Analyser Comment ? Design de produit Design de produit
Portail du Design
This is Pacifica This is Pacifica The OFFF has transcended its own kind of festival to become synonymous of modernity, aesthetics and technology. The mission of OFFF is spreading the work of a generation of avant-garde designers who dictate new boundaries. Artists that mixes the arena of commercial art and design, from music to illustration, ink or chalk to the pixel. Artists that have grown with the web and receive inspiration from digital tools, even when their work is not exclusively that. The Project OFFF invited us to create, develop and implement the OFFF Daily News. The challenge would be create, browse and embed a content about the each day preceding, in a genre almost real time, where the pressure and the timing would have to be friends of the moment. The Concept For the Daily News we create a singular and unique project. Printing We established a collaboration with typographer Hugo d'Alte (Underware, Xbold) for the use of three printers with different characteristics: Kaas, Kiosk, Rolland.

Moroccan Inspired Interior Design Part II Moroccan Inspired Interior Design Part II Helllllooooooooooo out there! I have been looking at the statistics for my blog and I am thrilled to see I have readers ALL over the world! India, Spain, Netherlands, Thailand, Brazil, Poland, South Africa, Czech Republic, Germany and Mexico just to name a few. With that said, I am in a bohemian state of mind today, as always - ha! So I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far!! (All images via Google image search)
Maison marocaine - DESIGN MAROC - La création et la décoration du Maroc, d'Algérie, de Tunisie... du grand Maghreb et d'ailleurs

Design 1
Design 3
Who is Nina Ros? - Nina Ros










