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English Pronunciation and Accent Reduction Lessons with Free Pod
Monday August 28th 2017 English Pronunciation Podcast 22- The Vowel / ɔ /Recognizing and Using the Vowel / ɔThis podcast teaches you how to recognize the vowel /ɔ/ by its spelling and offers practice exercises for using this vowel in your everyday speech Read and Listen Share Friday August 25th 2017 English Pronunciation Podcast 21- The Vowel / ɔ / This podcast teaches you how to pronounce / ɔ / correctly with a standard American accent and offers practice expressions, idioms and words that contain the vowel. Read and Listen Share Thursday August 24th 2017 English Pronunciation Podcast 20- How to Pronounce Long Words of Three or More Syllables: This podcast teaches you a method for accurately pronouncing long words with an American accent. . Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share Read and Listen Share
Aprende a estudiar inglés
Hace algún tiempo escribí un post bastante genérico sobre cómo estudiar inglés. La idea principal que quería transmitir entonces es que no debes aburrirte y para ello debes combinar el inglés con la vida diaria y buscar personas que te motiven. En este post seré mucho más concreta; diré exactamente cuáles son los pasos que debes seguir con cada uno de los temas más importantes. En primer lugar, hay que aclarar que una cosa es estudiar para un examen del instituto o colegio y otra muy distinta es estudiar para aprender inglés por tu cuenta o con la ayuda de algún curso o clases particulares. Por tanto, intentaremos, "aprender," no solamente "estudiar". En este artículo trataré el tema de cómo estudiar para realmente aprender inglés por tu cuenta o con la ayuda de un profesor o curso. Estos son los pasos a seguir: 1) Ordena tu cabeza. Cómo se ordena una cabeza Uno de los mejores métodos para ordenar una cabeza es coger un cuaderno o libreta y un bolígrafo para apuntar tus ideas. Cuidado aquí.
Tipos de frustración Hace ya varios años conocí a una persona que habido sufrido una gran desgracia en su vida y había decidido tomarse la justicia por su mano haciendo desgraciado a todo aquel que se cruzaba en su camino. Era algo así como si se hubiera dicho a sí misma: "la vida ha sido cruel conmigo, yo voy a hacer que sea cruel con todos los demás." No cogía una pistola o una navaja para atacar, pero sus enredos eran ciertamente mortíferos. Poco antes de dejar de verla supe que había conseguido con su actitud que gente generalmente inofensiva en otras situaciones, se pusiera a conspirar en su contra hasta conseguir que la despidieran. Sin duda hay gente que consigue sacar de los otros lo peor que llevan dentro y ella era un ejemplo perfecto de ese tipo de personas. La persona que he descrito sufría una frustración absoluta y constante afortunadamente, no muy frecuente. ¿Por qué nos frustramos? ¿Por qué es importante no frustrarse? Consejos para evitar la frustración Novedades:
Combatiendo la frustración con el inglés
Curso de inglés
Con este curso de inglés llegarás a dominar el idioma siguiendo tu propio ritmo. Consta de 76 capítulos, destinados a dotar al alumno de las habilidades de "escuchar, leer, escribir y dialogar". Lo recomendable es que aprendas una lección en un máximo de dos días, para que puedas finalizarlo en el plazo aproximado de un año, aunque tú decidirás en cuánto tiempo lo terminas, según el tiempo libre del que dispongas, tu capacidad de asimilación y constancia. ¡Ánimo!. Su autor y profesor de inglés Omar Ali Caldela, te invita a visitar su portal web: en el que podrás opcionalmente solicitar un diploma-certificado oficial de estudios avalado por la Secretaría de Educación Pública del País de México y válido en todo el mundo. Página web del autor: Empieza el curso: Capítulo 1 - Presentación y objetivo general Nuestras novedades en tu e-mail 460 opiniones del curso El curso más completo de inglés Valoración usuarios: 9,51/10 Re: Videos... saludos
BBC Learning English
Welcome to EnglishClub Pronunciation for ESL learners. If your questions about pronunciation are not answered here, feel free to ask a question at the Help Each Other With English forum. pronunciation (noun): the way in which we pronounce a wordpronounce (verb): to make the sound of a word What is Pronunciation? English is not Phonetic Always remember that English is not "phonetic". Glossary of Pronunciation TermsDefinitions of words and expressions used when talking about pronunciation Printable Phonemic Chart The symbols on this chart represent the 44 sounds used in British English speech. Interactive Phonemic Chart Click to hear each symbol and sample word. Pronouncing The AlphabetListen to how we say the letters of the alphabet; and learn how to pronounce them correctly. Improve your pronunciation on MyEC Join the Audio Speaking Group on MyEnglishClub and practise reciting our weekly podcasts. Word Stress in English with QuizThe secret key to English pronunciation! Homophones What is it?
English Exercises
Audio Guide to British English Pronunciation |
In an attempt to take some of the pain out of learning the kind of clear English pronunciation that prevents communication problems, I have here devised a set of memorable sentences as practice drills. The full range of English sounds is gone through systematically and spoon-fed in a form overseas students will want to repeat to themselves and then to the world. They might think it's just a form of entertainment, but before they know it they'll be speaking like a native! David V. Appleyard Start by creating a new folder with a simple name like "Pronunciation" or "Drills". Under "Visualizations" select "Album Art" to display the phonetic symbol of each sound being practised. The Japanese language has roughly half as many sounds as English, but this doesn't prevent it from eagerly soaking up vast quantities of western words and expressions.
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Listen to English - learn English! - The podcast website for people learning English
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Lesson 2a - Conditionals - English Grammar
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ESL Podcast Blog
Welcome to ESL Podcast Blog So Go Ahead and Sue Me, Taylor Swift I can’t say that I have never, never, never listened to a song by Taylor Swift, but I can say that I’m not exactly (I’m not really) a fan of her music. Ms. Swift is, however, extremely popular in the United States and internationally, known for her catchy (easy to remember) tunes (music) and lyrics (words to a song). But if you’re not careful, Swift may just decide to sue you (take you to court and demand money from you for something you did wrong). What phrases are we talking about here? The reason behind Swift’s trademarking of these phrases is not just meglomania (the desire to dominate everyone around you, to have great power). You might be wondering about whether we here at ESL Podcast have trademarked anything. ~Jeff Image credit: “Swift performs in St. Podcasts This Week (March 2, 2015) Get the full benefits of ESL Podcast by getting the Learning Guide. ON MONDAY ESL Podcast 1082 – Traveling to a Remote Island - Lucy
5 Minute English - ESL Lessons - Helping you learn English
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EnglishTalk.ORG - Resources for English as a Second Language!
Forum . Penfriends . Test . Online English Lessons . Newsletter . Return to this page every day to read a new English idiom. Idiom 28WET BEHIND THE EARSInexperienced / naivePeter is still too wet behind the ears.
An Idiom a Day
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Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students (English Tests)
<CENTER><a href=" HTML-Only QuizzesGrammar | Places | Vocabulary | Idioms | Homonyms | Scrambled Words | Misc. There are about 1,000 of these "HTML-only quizzes" on our Activities for ESL Students website. All of these quizzes are also linked from our "grammar" and "vocabulary" menus. We maintain this separate "HTML-only" listing for those who are using portable devices or computers that cannot use the Flash plugin or do not support JavaScript. Students using a JavaScript-enabled browser or a browser with the Flash plugin installed should be directed to use the "category" menus which can be accessed directly from our main page at
English - English Immersion TV
Why Yabla? Authentic English Our videos are 100% native speakers, speaking in real English. Subtitles All videos are subtitled and translated. Slow Play Click the slow button at any time to slow down the audio. Dictionaries Click any word to see a definition, and save to your flashcard list. Listening Game Test your skills with a fill in the blank listening game. Entertaining Content We have a wide variety of programming to keep you coming back for more. Control the Playback Navigate the video phrase by phrase. Flashcards The words that you don't know are automatically saved to a personalized word list so you can study them later. “My favorite thing about Yabla is the ability to pause, go back, go forward... — D.
5 senses
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Andrew Betsis ELT
There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners. The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. You can also go directly to each page of my website: English For Beginners and Early Intermediate English Themes for Beginners and Early Intermediate English For Intermediate and Advanced English Themes for Intermediate and Advanced Bilingual Exercises For English Language Learners Examples of Student Work Science For English Language Learners Geography and United States History For English Language Learners World History For English Language Learners The Best Websites (under construction) I also have a page that has links to a number of articles I’ve written that teachers might find useful: Published Articles Another part of my website is oriented more towards native English speakers or advanced English Language Learners. Science Math
Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website
Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests
T.S. Eliot – The Waste Land
More and more students are pursuing a Masters degree. Norwegian institutions are constantly working to design Masters programmes that will give students in-depth knowledge, research experience and an attractive degree for future employers. A Masters degree is awarded by the universities, specialised university institutions, several university colleges and some private institutions. An important part of this degree is independent research work of between 30-60 “studiepoeng”/ECTS credits leading to a Thesis. Admission to a Masters degree programme is usually based on a completed Bachelor's degree. An increasing number of Norwegian institutions are offering Masters programmes where the language of instruction is English. Professional degree programmesVarious professional qualifications are awarded by all the state higher education institutions and a number of the private higher education institutions.
Study in Norway/What can I study?/Masters programmes/
English Worksheets
Free Online Reading Comprehension Exercises
EnglishMaven Free online Reading Comprehension Exercises and Quizzes. We love reading comprehension. We think you do too. Short Stories In these reading comprehension exercises, students read a short story and then answer questions about details in the story. Exercises by ReadTheory "Time to..." - Low Beginning. 10 questions. 77 words. Informational Passages These exercises are interactive, colorful, unique, and provide interesting information about a range of subjects. "Bees" - Mid Beginning. 10 questions. 200 words.
After English - Thinking about your future as an English graduate
What can I do with an English degree? | AllAboutCareers
Skills Your head might be crammed full of useful (and some not-so-useful) information, but your English degree will also help you to develop a wealth of useful skills… Analytical Skills You’re better than Shearer and Hansen put together. Attention to Detail You can spot a needle in a haystack. Communication (Oral) All mouth, no trousers? Communication (Written) You may not be a romantic poet, but you can write in a professional, succinct and appealing fashion. Creativity You have the ability to come up with creative and innovative ideas. Critical Thinking When you’re presented with a problem or idea, you have the ability to think about it from a critical perspective. Independence You don’t need somebody holding your hand the entire time. Leadership You’re a shepherd, not a sheep. Negotiation Articulate, methodical and composed, your negotiation skills are top-notch. Problem Solving You’re a bit like Jimmy McNulty in The Wire. Research Teamwork You’re not an angry loner. Time Management
English - using your degree - CareersWiki
From CareersWiki Introduction A degree from Scotland's first university is an excellent start to any future career. The skills you gain through studying English are marketable in most career areas. Typical employers include: banks; publishers; advertising agencies; PR companies; accountants; local government; UK Home Civil Service; the National Health Service (NHS); retailers; finance; educational institutions; voluntary and charitable organisations; the media; libraries; leisure industries; the tourist trade; social services; as well as a wide range of local, small to medium-sized enterprises. Well Known English Graduates from St Andrews: Siobhan Redmond - actress Eric Anderson - Provost of Eton Sarah Hall – author, shortlisted for Booker prize Hugo Swire - MP for North Devon Roger Lewis - author Where do our graduates go? Alex Meltham Where are they now? Alex is an English graduate of the University of St Andrews. Network with alumni Postgraduate study/research Subject-specific opportunities
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