Role-playing games, board games, miniatures, wargames, LARPs, card games, and whatever. We are happy to list any and all such local groups. Be specific, and email Not all these groups are open to all. Greater Bay Area Bay Area Role Playing Society RPGs so far, aims to cover also board games and electronic games. Bay Area DnD / Critical Miss A discussion forum for Bay Area D&D players. Silicon Valley Advanced Squad Leader Wargamers Plays ASL, a squad level combat boardgame, meets monthly in Santa Clara at Game Kastle. Bay Area Diplomacy Association Plays Diplomacy face to face, with games all over the Bay Area monthly as well as 3-4 tournaments a year. Meetup groups Looks like Meetup may be a useful resource if you are looking for a specific game in a specific location. sfbay-stratgame (Yahoo group gone as of 2012-10) a mailing list for strategy gamers. Bay Area Gamers (email gone as of 2010-05) RPGs, board and war games, conventions. San Francisco SF Games Stanford Gaming Society
San Francisco Bay Area gaming groups
If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat different world. - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosopher Thok go through shiny hole. Then me fall down, but me good. This series has been, and will continue to be, about racial and character archetypes as they are found in role-playing games. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons probably began the trend in the late 1970s with their half-orc racial archetype (which they removed for 2nd Edition and then put back for 3rd Edition). Luckily, there are a few games in which orcs are not merely the enemy. Fang and Blood--The Role-Playing Orc Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws. - Friedrich Nietzsche, from "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" Undoubtedly, half-orcs first popped into Dungeons & Dragons when someone said "Hey, we have half-elves, so why don't we have half-orcs too?" So what, then, is an orc? The orc as we know him today is almost entirely a creation of J.R.R.
The Inside Scoop on Gaming

Social gaming survey reveals key trends among players
A survey of social game users in the US and UK has discovered that - contrary to the typical gamer profile - the average social gamer is a 43 year old female. According to the survey's findings, 55 per cent of social gamers are female, while 46 per cent of American respondents were aged 50 and above. That figure dropped to 23 per cent in the UK. Just 6 per cent of gamers surveyed were aged below 21. The study - carried out by the Information Solutions Group on behalf of PopCap Games - was an online one completed by almost 5000 people. Of those 5000, 1202 - 24 per cent - said that they played social games for more than 15 minutes a week. Female gamers, the study found, were more likely to play social games with real-world friends than male gamers were - 68 per cent of them compared to 56 per cent of males. The vast majority - 95 per cent - said they played social games multiple times per week, while 64 per cent said they played at least once a day.
A new study published today by Pew Internet finds that teens and young adults are blogging less and using social networking sites more, with the prominent exception of Twitter. Pew's Report surveyed 2,253 American adults and 800 U.S. teens to get a reading of how they use the Internet, which gadgets they own, and which social media tools they use the most. Some of the data will surprise you. The Internet's Everywhere Here's a no-brainer: Young adults use the web far more than older adults. In its study, Pew found that 93% of teens and young adults go online, compared to only 38% of adults over 65 years of age. Among those teens going online, 63% say they go online at least once a day, with older teens more likely to go online than younger teens. Most are connecting with high-speed connections as well. The Internet's getting faster and more accessible. The Laptop Is More Popular than the Desktop In terms of gadgets, more teenagers have cell phones (76%) than a computer (69%).
![Teens Just Don't Blog or Tweet [STATS]](
Teens Just Don't Blog or Tweet [STATS] The Video Game Atlas
Windows Phone 7 Gaming: What We Know So Far
At a presentation for developers in March, Microsoft showed a single Xbox Live game running on three different platforms. First came the PC, then Windows Phone 7, and finally the Xbox 360, each one picking up where the last left off. Developing games for all three would be a breeze, Microsoft promised, and it seemed that by connecting the three screens, the company’s gaming strategy would go where the competition hadn’t. Five months later, Windows Phone 7 gaming is still somewhat of a mystery. Microsoft still has until the holiday season to impress gamers with Windows Phone 7, but there are a lot of blanks to be filled in. Windows Phone 7 games will be divided into the “Xbox Live Marketplace,” which will be curated by Microsoft, and the “Windows Phone Marketplace,” a free-wheeling library similar to the iPhone App Store. As for existing Xbox Live Arcade games, the vast majority of them will not be playable on Windows Phone 7.
Seems like in this age of texting, IM, and Facebook messaging, the art of conversation has waned. We've even noticed friends now communicating regularly via chat features built into social games like Words With Friends as an alternative channel to keep in touch with friends and family, skipping communication apps altogether... Another friend mentioned none of her friends are really updating their Facebook profiles any longer, having migrated over to the photo-social network of Instagram instead, everyone keeping up to date on each others' lives via photo updates. Similarly, we've heard of cases where a person can be most easily reached using Zynga's Words With Friends app, which has a chat feature between players. Natasha might take a couple of days to respond to an e-mail or Facebook message, but make a new move in a Words game and she's on it in minutes. What form of technology or media do you use the most to stay in touch with friends and family members? (Images: 1.
iPhone Generation Staying In Touch Via Social Gaming, Instagram
ESRB and SF Giants: Dream Team To Help Parents Understand Gaming Ratings
When it comes to who has influence over my kids, sports idols rate very high. We are a SF Giants fan family – and my twins were lucky enough to play in 2 years of Little League where there team was called the “Giants”. So of course the SF Giants have a huge impact on my sons. Their dedication, hard work and teamwork are something I remind my sons to model in their own life. The ESRB is an organization that not only assigns content ratings for computer and video games, but also helps parents understand the content each game. The PSAs,” which feature the players explaining the ESRB rating system and encouraging parents to use it when buying games for their families, will begin running on television and radio stations throughout Northern California as well as on the video display boards in AT&T Park during Giants home games.” Buster Posey shared information about the Giants/ESRB public service announcement: My teen knows that he can play games with the ESRB rating “T” for Teen or below.
Easy Drag & Drop Diablo® III skills and functions to mouse buttons. Diablo® III look and feel driver for Mac OS X and Windows. 10 million clicks per switch, 3x that of normal gaming mice. 3 illuminated zones including scroll wheel, CPI indicator and the Diablo® III logo. Best-in-class technology provides extreme precision and reliability. Finely engineered shape suits all grips to ensure maximum control and comfort. Scalable pointer speed up to 5,000 CPI. Automatically adjusted lift distance locked to ~1mm across surfaces. © 2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. A new generation of heroes must prepare against the evils that threaten the world of Sanctuary. The Diablo® III mouse was designed with an ambidextrous shape and an optimized size, making it a versatile tool for all types of gamer grips; palm, claw, or swipe. Well, maybe not actual fire, but this mouse has some serious gaming durability. Remap all 7 ergonomically placed buttons with predefined skills and commands.
SteelSeries Diablo® III Mouse
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