Cureline Human Tissues
Political Cartoon: "Groundhog Day" by R.J. Matson
Why do gamers spend hours amassing points for rewards that don’t really exist? Because games are fun. What does this have to do with health communications? Health communicators are trying to use game mechanics to hook people into doing things that will improve their health. Getting people to begin a new health behavior is difficult…that’s where the fun comes in. Gamification is the new buzz word. Investing in your future good health or relating present behaviors to the future just doesn’t have as much impact as the immediate rewards of the behavior. According to health game aficionados, since people are more interested in reward in the present than what will happen in the distant future, communicators need to think out of the box. Here are some ideas to keep in mind when making a behavioral intervention, at ,for example, a workplace, into a game. Second, it is important to find out the key motivators for the audience. Fifth, use social and monetary equivalent rewards.
The Power of Play
Nigeria Health Watch
This guest blog was written by Jeanette Strydom, the communications officer at Africa Health Placements, a member organization of GHC based in Johannesburg. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Pneumonia — Africa’s silent killer — is responsible for more deaths of children under the age of 15 than AIDS and malaria combined. This forgotten killer, however, does not receive the same amount of attention as AIDS, TB and malaria do. Pneumonia causes inflammation of one or both lungs in the chest — usually due to infection — which causes a disruption of the normal process of gas exchange, in turn affecting oxygen supply to the tissues. This infection is completely preventable but also potentially fatal if the correct antibiotics are not administered. Pneumonia kills more children per year than any other illness – the death rates are around 1.7 million children worldwide, every year. It has been proven that with the rise of HIV in South Africa, pneumonia cases among children have escalated. Like this:
Pneumonia in Africa – The silent killer
SENATE DOC. # 264, 1936
Health Freedom Doesn't Exist
Play health Jewel Game
Spoken English lesson - How to talk about Sickness?
2. What is Health
Cognitive health
Physical health
Health | Pearltrees
What is health-care spending? - Health-care spending
Because American health-care spending is fragmented between individuals, employers and the government people can mean a lot of different things when they talk about health-care spending. In general, though, health-care spending refers to the official government measurement of National Health Expenditures. The vast majority of health-care spending goes towards personal health care — things like trips to the doctor and prescription drugs. Health-care spending has sharply outpaced economic growth in recent decades. More dollars spent on health care means fewer dollars going to other things. Compounding the problem is the fact that there's little consensus on whether the increased costs of health care are leading to proportionate gains in actual health. A handful of studies here, here, and here have attempted to pinpoint the reason why health-care costs typically grow a lot faster than the rest of the economy. New technologies tend to contribute to the growth of overall health-care prices.
Health | Pearltrees
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Bibliotherapy for Teens: Health/Mental Illness
By Erin E. Moulton on November 6, 2014 It’s been a quiet day at the reference desk at the rural public library where I work, but the hum begins to pick up as the afternoon wears on. Teens drift in, looking for books, movies, and video games. One of my regulars approaches me. He comes up to the desk once a month or so, and always for the same reason. “Do you have any books on anxiety?” I decide to skip the reference interview with him. “Sure let me show you,” I say, quickly heading toward the 600s. “No,” he says, picking at the binding of the book nearest him. “Can you give me any more details on what you might want?” “Definitely not what I’m looking for,” he mutters as he disappears. The next time he comes in, something is different. So he doesn’t want clinical information. I go to the catalog, hoping to find one before I lose him. My friend starts turning away. “Let’s have a look over here,” I say, heading to the teen space. My friend takes it, then nods, turns, and slips away. Erin E.
These Scholastic Choices-approved resources are fully vetted by our team.* With one-third of all teens turning to the Internet for health advice (and two-thirds of adults!), knowing what is reliable has never been more important. That's why we're sharing our go-to resources. Our list includes all the major categories that affect teen well-being—physical, mental, and emotional health. Spread the word! If you feel like we're missing anything important, feel free to send us an email: • General • Fitness & Nutrition • Anti-Bullying • Mental Health • Drug Prevention • Grief • Relationships & Sex Ed. • Driving Safety • Technology General • MedlinePlus: All of the results for this vetted search engine have been reviewed to ensure they're accurate, current, and objective. • With over 4 million members, this is one of the largest global organizations for young people and social change. Fitness & Nutrition Anti-Bullying Mental Health Drug Prevention Grief Driving Safety

The 33 Best Online Resources For Teen Health