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Publications A wide range of studies, reports, research documents, guides and other resources have been published by COL. Most are available for download, free-of-charge, on this web site. more... COL's regional agency, the Commonwealth Education Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), implements COL's mandate in Asia. more... News Seventh Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (PCF7): Abuja, Nigeria, 2 – 6 December 2013. Excellence in Distance Education Award winners Journal of Learning for Development inaugural issue New resources more...

Raph Koster's Home Page
EssaysThese are full-blown essays, papers, and articles. PresentationsSlideshows and presentation materials from conferences. Interviews and PanelsReprints of non-game-specific interviews, and transcripts of panels and roundtables. SnippetsExcerpts from blog, newsgroup, and forum posts. LawsThe "Laws of Online World Design" in various forms. TimelineA timeline of developments in online worlds. A Theory of Fun for Game DesignMy book on why games matter and what fun is. Insubstantial PageantsA book I started and never finished outlining the basics of online world design. LinksLinks to resources on online world design. All contents of this site are © Copyright 1998-2010 Raphael Koster. The views expressed here are my own, and not necessarily endorsed by any former or current employer. The Core of Fun This was a keynote given at The O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in 2007.
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In 1992, I launched a project at Sun Microsystems in an effort to both predict and guide the future of computing. It drew together the talents of more than 100 engineers, designers, futurists, and filmakers. The output of this effort was threefold: Starfire, the Movie, showing a day in the life of a knowledge worker in the far-off distant year, 2004. In March 2009, Popular Science Magazine reported on a new video Microsoft had just released showing life in the year 2019: "The 2019 Microsoft details with this video is almost identical to the 2004 predicted in this video produced by Sun Microsystems in 1992." The Original Film in Mpeg 4 See the entire film in full digital quality. Tog on Software Design "The 'Starfire' Video Prototype Project: A Case History" Our team set out to explore both the good and bad sides of what we predicted would be an explosive growth in networked computing.
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