12 Ideas On How To Take Better Photographs
Although I primarily photograph weddings and other special events, as a photographer who loves the craft of making photos I still need to get beyond my paying gigs and everyday family photos and explore other subjects to photograph. More-so, it’s important to tear myself away from browsing and admiring wonderful and powerful travel photos posted by other photographers on the Internet, and get out and shoot my own. So in the spirit of sharing, the following are some ideas for those of you who haven’t got out with your camera in a while and made some photographs. Your challenge of sorts is to shoot take 10 different photos in the next month or so. Start At Home Start at home with everyday objects. This photo represents a part of my morning routine. Look around your house or apartment. Capture Rain Drops I must have shot photos for like five years before I realized the beauty of shooting rain drops. Shoot An Out-Of-Focus Shot Shoot Some Art Street Portraits Go To The Zoo Old Buildings Shoot Slow
Tired of delivering the typical stream of status updates on Twitter? Why not try some of the following ideas for other things you can do with the service? Thanks to an open API and a philosophy of interconnectivity, Twitter's vast array of third-party services has you covered on a number of alternative uses for the famed microblogging tool. Let's take a look at a few of them. 1. A service called FileSocial provides a great way to send files smaller than 50 MB. If you want to send a person-to-person file privately, check out FileTwt. 2. Routinely running out of those business cards made of dead trees? When you sign up, the service will pull in the data from your Twitter profile as starter information, and you can add other details to customize your card. 3. Music lovers have a lot of options in this category (see 10 Ways to Share Music on Twitter). 4. The media-specific Twitter tools abound, with a goodly number of options available for image sharing here too. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

TWEET IDEAS: 13 Things to Do on Twitter Besides Tweet

9 Strategies to Make Selling Your Ideas More Successful
A frequent question from people in all career phases is what a person can do to better sell a new idea, whether to a customer or inside an organization. As much as it would be nice to have a standard formula that always works, success really depends on the particulars of your situation. There are, however, a number of common strategies you can consider. Your best course of action is to be adept at using a variety of approaches to make your ideas more powerful and compelling. These nine strategies are a strong start to include in your idea-selling toolkit: 1. Make sure you build fact-based, logical support as the underpinning for your idea. 2. Think about the world’s great stories. 3. Based on whatever is appropriate, create an early mock up of what you’re trying to accomplish. 4. If there aren’t obvious steps for how an idea can become reality, it may be dead on arrival in an organization. 5. 6. 7. Some ideas will be ahead of their time when you’re working on them. 8. 9. Summary
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10 Most Common Misconceptions About User Experience Design
Whitney Hess is an independent user experience designer, writer and consultant based in New York City. She authors the blog Pleasure and Pain. When I tell people that I am a user experience designer, I usually get a blank stare. The term “user experience” or UX has been getting a lot of play, but many businesses are confused about what it actually is and how crucial it is to their success. I asked some of the most influential and widely respected practitioners in UX what they consider to be the biggest misperceptions of what we do. User experience design is NOT... 1. ...user interface design It’s not uncommon to confuse “user experience” with “user interface” — after all it’s a big part of what users interact with while experiencing digital products and services. “Interface is a component of user experience, but there's much more,” says Peter Merholz, founding partner and president of Adaptive Path. 2. ...a step in the process It is the process. 3. ...about technology 6. ...expensive
Report Reader CaseWare - IDEA
CaseWare IDEA 8.4 - Uso del Report Reader
CaseWare IDEA 8.4 - Caso de trabajadores vinculados
Theme: Urban Futures
And there is a very good reason for that development: urban environments hold many promises for a better future simply because of their massive scale and density. Cities generate jobs and thus income, they can provide education, healthcare and other services more efficiently than less densely settled areas. And cities offer the chance to climb the social ladder, especially for women. But the same scale and proximity that provide chances, will also amplify challenges to keep urban life livable. Most cities have never been designed to host a population that soon will surpass that of the entire Netherlands (16,6 million). Environment and sustainability are a huge challenge in dense areas like (mega)cities: from waste management (the vast landfills in India go hand in hand with the waste crisis in Naples, Italy), to air quality (the smog filled cities in China) and the use of (natural) resources. Infrastructure Sustainability Society Design Media

Half Dose #85: The Worms
"Festival of Ideas for the New City is a major new collaborative initiative in New York involving scores of Downtown organizations working together to harness the power of the creative community to imagine the future city and explore ideas that will shape it. The Festival will include a three-day slate of symposia; an innovative StreetFest along the Bowery; and over eighty independent projects and public events." The upcoming festival (May 4-8, 2011) has a bevy of highlights -- keynote lectures by Rem Koolhaas, Jaron Lanier, and Antanas Mockus; panel discussions on the heterogeneous city, the networked city, the reconfigured city, and the sustainable (the last is a mayoral panel) -- and projects related to it, but here I'm focusing on the StreetFest, in particular the competition-winning Tent Design that will punctuate the festival on Saturday the 7th, signaling it as something different than the usual street fair. [Image courtesy Family and Playlab | click image for larger view]
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Ideas Out There | My Ideas on Life, Learning and the Things That Matter
BlueForest - A dark color scheme for IntelliJ IDEA ← Decodified
Up until last November I had been working exclusively with bright editor backgrounds for all my development work. Mostly because the IDEs I used always came with a dark-on-bright default color scheme and I didn’t bother fiddling around with color settings, especially since modern syntax-highlightings makes appealing color schemes much more complex to create.Then however, at the beginning of the last northern hemisphere winter, I got a new monitor that was brighter than all the other ones I had before. Even though it gave me lots of highly appreciated additional screen space I did find that working on a bright IDE background in a largely dark room for hours on end was somewhat more unpleasant than before. This is what Scala source looks like in IDEA with the BlueForest scheme: Over the last 7 months I continuously tweaked the scheme and added missing settings while more and more co-workers adopted it. Cheers,Mathias
java - Bad idea to use String key in HashMap? - Stack Overflow
Navigation - IntelliJ IDEA - Confluence
1. Recent files Most of the time you work with a final set of files. It means you have to switch between them quickly all the time. The real time-saver here is action called Recent files via Ctrl + E (Cmd + E for Mac). By default the focus is on the last accessed file. Another useful feature similar to Recent files is Recently edited files, available via Shift + Ctrl + E (Shift + Cmd + E for Mac). 2. When you are not switching between files you probably navigate within a file. Note that the speed search works here as well. 3. Just like the task switcher in an operating system IntelliJ IDEA provides a switcher between opened files and tool windows. 4. Another useful feature worth to mention is Jump to navigation bar via Alt + Home (Alt + ↖ for Mac). The navigation bar supports the speed search and other actions, such as code generations, documentation popup, etc. 5. If you need to jump over the methods quickly just press Alt + ↑↓ (Ctrl + ↑↓ for Mac). 6. 7. 8.

Fundraising auction ideas
Raising money for your local nonprofit organization or charity can be great fun . However it can also be very stressful trying to think of a suitable event and planning for it. This article will look into some good ideas to help plan an auction to raise funds for your charity. A fund raising auction is a popular fundraising event because it can be done alongside a number of other events. Charity auctions can be run together with other fund raising events and can be a way for people to have the fun of attending a "real" auction, bidding and having fun, whilst raising much needed funds for a good cause. The only real problem with holding a charity auction is that it takes quite a long time to gather all of the different items that you will be auctioning off to raise money. You could also consider auctioning off people; this is a very popular form of charity auction. If you want to auction off items then you could stick to items that are easy to find. Keeping Records Running an Art Auction
Ideas & Advice - The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas
Fundraising Event Ideas
Fundraising Event Ideas Are you looking for fundraising event ideas? Special days and holidays give all sorts of opportunities for a great fundraiser. They provide inspiration for fantastic charity event ideas and convenient hooks around which you can raise money for the causes close to your heart. With a bit of work well known special days such as Easter, Valentines, Halloween can become great money-makers for your organisation. But do not overlook either some of the other quirky little days of the year. Shrove Tuesday (pancake day) - Cries out to have an after school pancake race. The year is full of these sorts of days. Is your school, church, hospice or local hospital named after a saint? And you're not using that saint's day for a fundraiser? The calendar is stuffed full of great excuses to put on an entirely new event or add a twist to something you are already doing. Still can't find a date for an idea that works for you? Invent one of your own. Chocolate Day Angel Festival Santa Run
VideoLectures - exchange ideas
NCSALL: Ideas for a Multilevel Class
by Lenore Balliro Experienced teachers have learned a great deal over the years about making multilevel classes run more smoothly and inclusively. The following suggestions have been distilled from my own classroom experience as well as years of working with other teachers who have helped inform my practice. Name the Differences: Once a classroom begins to solidify as a learning community, you will find a wide range of differences in the class: skin color, first languages, experiences, education, and so on. Clarify Realistic Goals: By negotiating realistic, shared learning goals with students from the beginning, false expectations are less likely to drive students and teachers crazy. Encourage Students to Take Responsibility for Their Own Learning: By assisting students in becoming assertive consumers of their own education, you are providing transferable skills for students to become more active in getting what they need out of a class. A good teacher should ___________ Adapt Videos:
Smart phones (teléfonos inteligentes), impresoras 3D, robótica, redes sociales y medios de comunicación en línea, se están usando en diez bibliotecas públicas que lanzaron nuevos servicios innovadores para los niños y jóvenes de su comunidad. Los diez nuevos servicios fueron creados con la ayuda de pequeñas subvenciones-de hasta 20.000 dólares- del Programa EIFL Innovación en la Biblioteca Pública (EIFL-PLIP),y estan destinados a niños y jóvenes (menores de 24 años) en países con economías en transición y en desarrollo en África, Europa y América Latina. Las bibliotecas utilizaron una amplia gama de hardware y software – computadoras, Internet, Smart phones, herramientas de redes sociales, impresoras 3D, sitios web, entre otras para capacitar a los jóvenes en habilidades técnicas digitales y de comunicación, fomentar la creatividad, confianza, y satisfacer sus necesidades en las áreas de la salud, educación y comunicaciones. Entre los ganadores se encuentran:
10 Nuevos servicios bibliotecarios que preparan a los jóvenes para un mundo de alta tecnología - Beyond Access
Cincuenta ideas para sorprender desde la biblioteca pública - Fenoll
Co-authored by Francine Madera, MADERA inc. Access to information has changed dramatically in the past 2,200 years, yet the basic structure and function of libraries has remained relatively static. Silent rows of books and limited hours? Revamping an age-old establishment takes more than just visionary leadership at the top. We wanted to put our hypothesis to the test in Miami. An experiment was born. Our major takeaways? (2) We as citizens must take ownership of the crucial role we can and should play in our public government. (3) The public is ready for elected and appointed leaders to actively solicit input and create spaces for people to inform them. (4) We must foster an ongoing culture of engagement. (5) There are some pretty innovative things already happening in the library space. There are solutions to community issues laying dormant in the minds of our friends and neighbors.
100 Great Ideas for the Future of Libraries - Fishman
Idea 1
Idea 2
Idea 3
Useful Shops Marketing
#SearchMarketingTop #TopSearchMarketing #MarketingSearchTop #SearchTopMarketing #EuropeanBest #BestEur Top Search Marketing (@TopSearchMarket) 7 September 2017
Shops Marketing Ideas