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Mobile - Video streming - Qik | Share Live Video From Your Mobil Mobile - Video streming - Qik | Share Live Video From Your Mobil At Skype, we know and love that technology continues to evolve. Today, people carry smartphones around in their pockets instead of being tethered to a desk, allowing people to stay in touch on the go. Skype has likewise evolved to help people stay connected from anywhere on any device, and we’ve continued to see growth on Skype for mobile devices. In fact, we’re honored that Skype is consistently rated as one of the top mobile apps on iTunes, the Google Play Store and the Windows Phone Store. We’re always hard at work evolving Skype for mobile, and have continued to add new features, such as group video calling. We’ve enabled video messaging in Skype and fun features such as filters, to make your messages even more personal. Due to these updates, the last day Skype Qik will be available for use will be March 24th, 2016. For more information, please check out Skype’s online support pages.
Pure Agency | Agence Mobile - Mobile Agency |
Agence mobile Agence mobile Votre partenaire mobile et nouveaux écrans stratégiques Les mobiles, tablettes et nouveaux écrans (TV connectées, consoles de jeux…) amènent aux marques de formidables opportunités dans leur gestion de la relation client, mais posent le défi de maîtriser ces supports spécifiques, aussi bien techniquement, ergonomiquement que fonctionnellement. Nos experts ux, créatifs, ingénieurs, consultants et chefs de projets, ont acquis depuis 2006 un savoir-faire « mobilité » et user expérience unique sur le marché. La diversité des projets et des clients gérés leur ont permis d’acquérir une compétence reconnue sur l’ensemble des solutions « mobiles » : Sites web & Applications mobiles BtoC et BtoBMaîtrise des environnements iOS, android, Windows Phone, Kinect, Blackberry, Bada, Windows 8, Smart TV Samsung…Conception en Responsive Web Design La mission de nos experts est de vous accompagner dans la mise en œuvre de votre stratégie mobile, quel que soit votre niveau de maturité sur ces terminaux.
jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile est un nouveau framework javascript dédié aux navigateurs web mobiles, créé par jQuery. Grosse nouveauté dans le monde du web et surtout du mobile. Les créateurs du framework Javascript que l'on ne présente plus, viennent de sortir une nouvelle librairie: jQuery Mobile Framework. Avec l'essor des smartphones Android et iPhone/iPad dans le monde, il devient très intéressant de fournir des applications web compatibles mobile, et pourquoi pas avec des animations javascript qui fonctionnent ! Grâce à jQuery Mobile, vous pourrez développer en Javascript sans vous soucier de la compatibilité des navigateurs mobiles: Comme on peut le voir sur ce tableau, tous les derniers navigateurs mobiles sont supportés par jQuery Mobile. Là encore, on peut constater que le navigateur Windows Mobile est bon dernier du classement... La librairie est aussi très orientée interface mobile et proposera différents widgets pour créer des applications réussies en gardant la philosophie mobile. jQuery Mobile - Le framework Javascript pour mobile made in jQuery jQuery Mobile - Le framework Javascript pour mobile made in jQuery
jQuery Mobile Ceux qui me suivent sur Twitter le savent déjà, je viens de lancer mon auto-entreprise. L’idée que je me suis fixé et de dispenser des formations JavaScript aux entreprises dans le cadre du DIF. Plus d’une fois en conférence, vous (peut-être, qui sait ?) êtes venus me demander si je faisais des formations sur plusieurs jours. Publié dans Non classé Marqué avec ajax, angularjs, chrome, conférence, deferred, dom, formation, gruntjs, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, jQuery-UI, jshint, jslint, mochajs, sizzle, tests Mon ami Quentin m’a suggéré un autre bilan intéressant pour la chronique. Salut à tous, J’ai pris la décision d’arrêter de tenir la chronique jQuery. Deux annonces cette semaine avant que je prenne un petit mois de vacances pour la chronique, voire même le blog. Hello ! Hello tous ! Hello ! Salut à tous ! Salut à tous ! Salut à tous ! jQuery Mobile

An Introduction to jQuery Mobile An Introduction to jQuery Mobile In this tutorial, you’ll be introduced to jQuery Mobile Basics and Usage, with the help of a Sample Flight Search and Results Page About jQuery Mobile The Objective of jQuery Mobile is to deliver top-of-the-line Javascript in a unified User Interface that works across the most-used Smartphone Web Browsers and Tablet Devices. Getting Started jQuery Mobile is very unobstrusive as it doesn’t mandate the inclusion of various Javascript files and also there is no need to use Heavy Javascript Calls to achieve the end results. Here is a Boilerplate HTML that we will use to build our Sample Flight Search Application. [html] <title>jQuery Flight Search</title> <h1>Page Header</h1> <p>Content</p> <h4>Footer</h4> [/html] In the Head section we include the Core jQuery and jQuery Mobile Libraries, to be used by the Rest of the Pages. Within the Body Section of the HTML Document, the Content is essential divided into 1 Main Section and 3 Sub Sections: For our Tutorial Flight Search Page $(‘#return’).hide();
As smart mobile phones are all over the place, the need for mobile web pages rises. Building a mobile web page is different in many ways then building a “normal” web page. To help us, smart people have developed a unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Yes, it’s jQuery Mobile. So, let me show how easy it is to use it. So open up your favourite editor and enter this code in: Now save this page as index.php and open it up in the browser. If you look closely, you will some strange attributes like data-role. So, let us do something fancy now. External linking By default, when you click on a link that points to an external page (ex. products.html), the framework will parse the link’s href to formulate an Ajax request (Hijax) and displays the loading spinner. Open a new file and paste this in: Save this file and load it in the browser. Internal linking Above is only code inside the body tags. Themes jQuery Mobile Tutorial: Basics | CodeForest jQuery Mobile Tutorial: Basics | CodeForest
Recently jQuery Mobile Alpha 2 was released. One major goal of the project is to reach more than the top-tier mobile Web browsers such as those used in Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, BlackBerry OS, mobile versions of Window and Hewlett-Packard’s Web OS. With jQuery Mobile, developers can write applications for a number of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. Although jQuery Mobile is still relatively new, I was able to find some of excellent jquery mobile tutorials. How to Build an RSS Reader with jQuery Mobile This is maybe the first jquery mobile tutorial that I found in the net. jQuery Mobile: What Can It Do for You? In this article, elated is sharing detailed jquery mobile tutorial which look at some of the key features and benefits of jQuery Mobile, and show some examples of how this new framework can help you build top-quality mobile apps in next to no time. Getting Started with jQuery Mobile & Rails 3 Creating a Simple App Using jQuery Mobile 5 Excellent jQuery Mobile Tutorials | 5 Excellent jQuery Mobile Tutorials |
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Estimation des frais de résiliation - Boutique Orange Ile de la Réunion
accédez directement au désimlockage de votre mobile Orange Tous nos mobiles fonctionnent uniquement sur le réseau Orange. Retrouvez les modalités de déverrouillage en boutique ou sur cette page. les points à vérifier avant de formuler votre demande Nous vous recommandons de formuler la demande de désimlockage avant la résiliation effective de votre forfait auprès de votre opérateur. avotre mobile doit être un mobile Orange Si votre mobile n'a pas été acquis chez Orange, contactez l'opérateur où le mobile a été acquis. bvérifier que votre mobile est toujours simlocké Avant d'effectuer la demande de désimlockage, insérez la carte SIM d'un autre opérateur dans celui-ci. cmunissez-vous du numéro IMEI du mobile concerné. sur le mobile pour l'obtenir. Si votre mobile Orange est acquis depuis moins de 3 mois, la prestation de désimlockage est facturée 76€ pour les offres avec engagement. haut de page obtenir le code désimlockage en ligne de votre mobile Orange Accédez à la page de désimlockage désimlocker votre mobile désimlocker votre mobile
désimlocker votre mobile bouygues telecom désimlocker votre mobile bouygues telecom We and our partners do the following data processing based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest: Store and/or access information on a device; Create a personalised ads profile; Select personalised ads; Create a personalised content profile; Select personalised content; Measure content performance; Apply market research to generate audience insights; Develop and improve products; Select basic ads; Measure ad performance; Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug; Technically deliver ads or content. These technologies may process personal data such as IP address and browsing data to offer following functionalities: Actively scan device characteristics for identification; Use precise geolocation data; Link different devices; Match and combine offline data sources; Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification. Votre vie privée est précieuse, protégeons-la ensemble

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TheLink TheLink website is no longer available for new orders. However, your custom is very important to us so hopefully we can help. For queries with existing orders from TheLink, call us on
Hanging Mobiles & Stabiles - The Mobile Factory by Unigami
Make a mobile art project Make a mobile art project First thing to do is to find the objects that will hang from your mobile... they should be small and light for a simple mobile (although, keep in mind, that there are some really cool mobiles made with huge plates of welded steel)... but to start, keep it simple. For the one I made for my daughter, I used little alphabet blocks into which i sunk a tiny screw-eye (sold for attaching wire to the back of picture frames). For this instructable, I used tea-bags because they were handy. Next thing is to find some hanging wire. Then, you need some tools, specifically, pliars and nippers. Wherever you work, do your best to get a hook in the ceiling. Finally, I want to acknowledge a video that I watched while working on this.
Why Buy A Calder When You Can Make Your Own Abstract Mobile? From the December 1954 issue of Popular Science, "How to make an abstract mobile," instructions which were preceded by "How to Make a Christmas Tree Mobile": You can really express yourself in an abstract mobile. Unlike the Christmas-tree mobile, which is a literal mobile designed to represent a definite object, the abstract mobile gives the builder free rein, unlimited as to size, shape, or mood. The design and balance of an abstract mobile can make it move dreamily, solemnly, or wittily--like the difference between an exuberant fountain and a lazy, meandering stream. From this photo in Hanns Reich's 1962 book Children and their Fathers, it looks like there's at least one dad who really expressed himself: How to make an abstract mobile, Popular Science December 1954 [google magazines via dinosaurs + robots, which has helpfully large scans]
As of July 2012, Google Notebook has shut down and all Notebook data should now be in Google Docs. As previously announced, in most cases we were able to automatically export the Notebook data, so please visit Google Docs. Also please update any bookmarks or links to Notebook so that they point to Docs instead. Here are answers to some questions about this transition. Where is my auto-exported notebooks data? For auto-exported documents, you should see a new document in Google Docs for each notebook you had in Google Notebook. If you are having trouble finding the new docs, search for “Imported from Google Notebook” in the doc list. What happened to public notebooks? All public notebooks were unshared. What happened to bookmarks stored in Bookmarks data is not affected; you will still be able to access your bookmarks at I’ve never used Google Docs. The Google Docs team has put together a getting started page here. Why did you make this transition? Mobiles
SALT Mobile Systems - Mobile Computing
heise mobil - Handy & PDA: Blaue Erweiterung
Mobile and Development Intelligence
N810 « tnkgrl Mobile Today I have to return the Nokia N800 I’ve been evaluating for the past 2 weeks, thanks to NSeries WOM World… But I’ve also been playing with my Nokia N810 for about 10 days now! I used both devices for similar tasks, in similar situations for several days (blogging, web browsing, checking email & RSS, chatting, listening to Internet radio). I installed the latest (non-beta) firmware and applied the same settings to each tablet. I only personalized and tested the existing applications (home screen, web browser, RSS, email, IM, video call, Skype and media player), although I also tried the GPS (N810 only). I paired both devices to my Sony Ericsson K850i for heaps of HSDPA goodness via Bluetooth :) So which one is the winner? First, I’m not going to review each tablet here – there’s loads of info on the tubes already. If you’re on a budget, or need lots of storage for your growing pr0n media collection (up to 32 GB with two 16 GB SDHC cards), the N800 is the winner.
Today I have to return the Nokia N800 I’ve been evaluating for the past 2 weeks, thanks to NSeries WOM World… But I’ve also been playing with my Nokia N810 for about 10 days now! I used both devices for similar tasks, in similar situations for several days (blogging, web browsing, checking email & RSS, chatting, listening to Internet radio). I installed the latest (non-beta) firmware and applied the same settings to each tablet. I only personalized and tested the existing applications (home screen, web browser, RSS, email, IM, video call, Skype and media player), although I also tried the GPS (N810 only). I paired both devices to my Sony Ericsson K850i for heaps of HSDPA goodness via Bluetooth :) So which one is the winner? First, I’m not going to review each tablet here – there’s loads of info on the tubes already. If you’re on a budget, or need lots of storage for your growing pr0n media collection (up to 32 GB with two 16 GB SDHC cards), the N800 is the winner. Like this: Like Loading... Nokia N810 vs. N800 « tnkgrl Mobile
SurveyGizmo - Mobile
SurveyGizmo - Mobile
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