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Stars : toute l'actu des stars
Actu people, monde, Photos, Monaco
Il a le vent (hollywoodien) en poupe ! Ironie du sort, Ashton Kutcher, 34 ans, n’a jamais autant tutoyé les sommets que depuis sa séparation ultra médiatique d’avec Demi Moore en septembre dernier. Après six ans d’une vie conjugale plan-plan, l’éternel ado serait-il devenu un homme, un vrai ? Il s’est affranchi de maman Demi Certes, ils formaient tous deux un couple glamourissime. Il a dépassé tonton Charlie Il cartonne tellement dans « Mon oncle Charlie », où il a remplacé Charlie Sheen au pied levé, qu’il est en pleine négociation pour assurer la saison prochaine. Il s’est trouvé son « petit » chez-lui Signe d’un réel affranchissement et d’une vraie prise d’indépendance, Ashton vient de s’offrir son propre « home sweet home ».
Ashton Kutcher : sa nouvelle vie sans demi-mesure - people
Ce garçon est un it boy nouveau genre Ce garçon est un it boy nouveau genre. Le porte-drapeau d’une génération en mal de héros. Un formidable acteur/auteur/réalisateur. Une star des réseaux sociaux qui ne peut plus sortir de chez lui sans provoquer un attroupement. Et un quasi-trentenaire qui met un point d’honneur à bosser avec ses potes. Le quotidien d’un gars très « génération précaire » Pour ceux qui auraient échappé au raz de marée, voici le pitch : en moins de deux minutes, on rentre dans le quotidien d’un gars très « génération précaire », un peu célib, un peu loser, en coloc et vaguement en recherche d’un boulot. A quoi ressemblait donc la vie de notre héros ultramoderne avant le choc « Bref » ? Mais à quoi ressemblait donc la vie de notre héros ultramoderne avant le choc « Bref » ?
Kyan Khojandi: Bref, on l'adore ! - Loisirs
Egérie toute désignée de ces femmes à qui la cinquantaine va si bien La chemise blanche est un peu loose. Le jean cigarette brut souligne une silhouette juvénile. Andie MacDowell, 53 ans de sourire inaltérable et de grâce, a la poigne franche des filles de Caroline du Sud. Elle semble avoir aussi gardé de cette terre natale une sorte d’authenticité. "La sagesse, c’est ça le cadeau lorsqu’on vieillit !" ELLE. Andie McDowell. "J’adore regarder les vieilles dames : elles m’inspirent" ELLE. Andie McDowell. "Pour bien vieillir, je crois qu’il faut rester actif, physiquement, et soigner sa santé mentale" ELLE. Andie McDowell. "Je pratique beaucoup le yoga. ELLE. Andie McDowell. "Je suis intéressée par tout ce qui aide à aller vers la compassion" ELLE. Andie McDowell. "J’aime les vêtements, c’est le côté hyper féminin de ma personnalité" ELLE. Andie McDowell. ELLE. Andie McDowell. "La minijupe, c’est véritablement mon seul tabou" ELLE. Andie McDowell. ELLE. Andie McDowell. ELLE. Andie McDowell.

Andie McDowell : rencontre avec une égérie beauté - Beauté
Cebuano people
The Cebuano people (Cebuano: Sugbuanon) are a Visayan ethnic group in Cebu and form the second largest cultural-linguistic group in the Philippines.[2] History[edit] Oceanic or Austronesian people called Malayo-Polynesians settled Cebu island and the rest of the Philippines around 30,000 years ago. Most Cebuanos today have Malayo-Polynesian ancestry. The famous encounter between explorer Magellan and the local chieftain Lapu-Lapu ended in the death of Magellan at the Battle of Mactan. Today, the population of the island of Cebu stands at around 3,850,000 people; however, Cebuanos live throughout many of the Visayan islands and parts of Mindanao. Culture and festivities[edit] Along with the rest of the Philippines, Cebu was governed from Spain and Mexico, and as a result received heavy Spanish and Mexican influence. Among the island's notable festivities are the Sinulog[6] festival, which is a mixture of Christian and animist elements, celebrated annually every third week of January.
Ilocano people
The Ilocano or Ilokano people are the third largest Filipino ethnolinguistic group. Etymology[edit] Aside from being referred to as Ilocanos (from "i" – 'from', and "looc" – 'bay'), they also refer to themselves as Samtoy, from the Ilocano phrase "sao mi ditoy", meaning 'our language origin'. Ethnic homeland[edit] Provinces where Ilocano people are the largest ethnic group are shown in green. Ilocandia is the term given to the traditional homeland of the Ilocano people. Demographics[edit] Ilocanos number about 9,136,000. Language[edit] Ilocanos speak the Ilokano language (also called Iloko), which is part of the Northern Philippine subgroup of the Austronesian family of languages. Religion[edit] Most Ilocanos are Roman Catholics, while a significant number[quantify] belong to the Aglipayan Church, which originated in Ilocos Norte.[1][2] Diaspora[edit] Many Filipino Americans are of Ilocano descent. History[edit] Spanish Era to the Philippine Republic[edit] Present[edit] Food[edit] Literature[edit]
The Pangasinan (Pangasinan:Totoon Pangasinan) are the eighth largest Filipino ethnolinguistic group. They are the residents or indigenous peoples of the Province of Pangasinan, one of the provinces of the Republic of the Philippines, located on the west central area in the island of Luzon along Lingayen Gulf. The term Pangasinan can also refer to the indigenous speakers of the Pangasinan language, or people of Pangasinan heritage. The name Pangasinan means "land of salt" or "place of salt-making"; it is derived from asin, the word for "salt" in the Pangasinan language. The estimated population of the Pangasinan people in the province of Pangasinan is 1.5 million. Notable individuals[edit] See also[edit] External links[edit]
Pangasinan people

CA - People v. Zapata
THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. JESUS DAMIAN ZAPATA, Defendant and Appellant. No. G047277. Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division Three. Filed September 20, 2013. Edward J. Kamala D. California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). A jury convicted defendant Jesus Damian Zapata of felony false impersonation (Pen. In March 2005, defendant was driving his vehicle when he was stopped by police officer Ramiro Vergara for not wearing a seat belt and failing to signal before turning. After backup arrived, Vergara found a pipe in defendant's pocket, plus bullets and a loaded gun in the vehicle. Vergara completed a prebooking form with the information defendant provided. 1. The extent of the "additional act" has been the subject of considerable case law. In People v. Similarly, in People v. 2. 3.
THE PEOPLE, Plaintiff and Respondent, v. SAMMY BACHIR BACHA, Defendant and Appellant. No. G046373. Court of Appeals of California, Fourth District, Division Three. Filed September 20, 2013. Allen G. Kamala D. California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). Upon being convicted of multiple child sex crimes, appellant was sentenced to an indeterminate prison term of 180 years to life under the Three Strikes law. We need not set forth a detailed statement of facts to resolve appellant's sentencing claim because, as he admits, it involves a "pure question of law" and is "not fact-based." In a bifurcated proceeding, the trial court found true allegations appellant had previously been convicted of one serious felony and six violent "strike" felonies. (§ 667, subds. RYLAARSDAM, ACTING P. [1] All further statutory references are to the Penal Code.

CA - People v. BACHA
yoName - People Search. Search for people across social networks, blogs and more.
This is a follow-up post to my post here. You probably want to read that first. UPDATE: Please note that 'REST is over'. 'Hypermedia API' is the proper term now. A few words on standards versus pragmatism When I wrote my first post on this topic, I tried to take a stance that would be somewhat soft, yet forceful. Secondly, while I think that REST is the best way to develop APIs, there are other valid architectural patterns, too. So who does understand REST? As it turns out, there are two companies that you've probably heard of who have APIs that are much more RESTful than many others: Twilio and GitHub. GitHub: logically awesome GitHub's developer resources are not only beautiful, but thorough. The good GitHub uses custom MIME types for all of their responses. application/vnd.github-issue.text+json Super cool. Their authentication works in three ways: HTTP Basic, OAuth via an Authentication Header, or via a parameter. Their Pagination uses a header I didn't discuss in part I: the Link header.

Literate Programming - Some People Understand REST and HTTP
People suck at technical interviews | Hacker News
I read the comments already posted in this thread before I read the fine blog post. Almost everybody sucks at interviewing. Research shows that even though job applicants think that an interview is one of the more fair procedures for hiring a new worker for almost any kind of a job, it is one of the least effective. There are many discussions here on HN about company hiring procedures. 1. many interview techniques test skills that are at best irrelevant to real working life Yep, that's why you want your company hiring procedures to be based on research and what really matters for finding good workers. 2. you want somebody who knows enough to do the job right now That's the ideal. 3. or somebody smart and motivated enough that they can learn the job quickly Yep, and that's why tests of "general mental ability" are also a very effective hiring procedure, although there are some legal requirements surrounding use of those that you have to be careful about in the United States. Absolutely.
The sixth most widely used website in the world is not run anything like the others in the top 10. It is not operated by a sophisticated corporation but by a leaderless collection of volunteers who generally work under pseudonyms and habitually bicker with each other. It rarely tries new things in the hope of luring visitors; in fact, it has changed little in a decade. And yet every month 10 billion pages are viewed on the English version of Wikipedia alone. When a major news event takes place, such as the Boston Marathon bombings, complex, widely sourced entries spring up within hours and evolve by the minute. Yet Wikipedia and its stated ambition to “compile the sum of all human knowledge” are in trouble. The main source of those problems is not mysterious. When Wikipedians achieved their most impressive feat of leaderless collective organization, they unwittingly set in motion the decline in participation that troubles their project today. Progress was swift.
The Decline of Wikipedia: Even As More People Than Ever Rely on It, Fewer People Create It | MIT Technology Review
The Park People | Welcome
Jo Nesbø | The Official Website
Internally Displaced People in Pakistan
yoName - People Search. Search for people across social networks, blogs and more.
Party People Vector
Cheryl Santa Maria Digital Reporter Monday, September 21, 2015, 7:44 PM - Mashable has gone through the numbers and it's official: More people have died from trying to take selfies than from shark attacks this year. Last week, a 66-year-old Japanese tourist died and his companion injured when he fell down the stairs while attempting to take a selfie at the Taj Mahal. That brought the number of selfie-related deaths to 12, compared to 8 deaths caused by shark attacks in 2015, Mashable reports. Most of the selfie-related deaths have to do with falling. RELATED: Bison attacks woman who was trying to take a selfie The problem isn't the photos per se. Selfies don't just put the photo-takers at risk: They can also cause harm to other people and animals. Earlier this month, hundreds of tourists descended upon a nesting ground for olive ridley turtles in Costa Rica. Selfies have become such an issue that the government of Russia has begun a "safe selfie" campaign. Sources: Mashable | Al Jazeera
Selfies have killed more people than sharks this year
"These figures underline a stark reality: as people are living longer, more and more people will develop dementia in the future." Dr Matthew Norton Analysis from Alzheimer's Research UK estimates 32 per cent of people born in Britain this year will go on to develop some form of dementia in their lifetime. The problem is more severe for women, with 37 per cent of girls born in 2015 likely to eventually develop the illness, compared with 27 per cent of boys, according to the figures published for World Alzheimer’s Day. Dr Matthew Norton, head of policy at the charity, said: “These figures underline a stark reality: as people are living longer, more and more people will develop dementia in the future if action is not taken now to tackle the condition. “Dementia is our greatest medical challenge and if we are to beat it, we must invest in research to find new treatments and preventions.” A brain scan to spot signs of dementia Photo: ALAMY
Third of people born in 2015 'will develop dementia'
People smugglers using Facebook to sell fake Syrian passports to economic migrants