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Kalinga University Reviews

Kalinga University, Raipur has emerged as a centre of excellence of higher education in Central India. Strategically located in the Smart City of New Raipur, this University has started carving a niche for itself in the education domain and is rising as a shining star on the horizon of quality education.

Relevance of Big Data across Industry - Kalinga University Reviews - Medium. Big data is high-volume, high-velocity and high- variety information assets that demand cost efficient, innovative forms of information processing that lead to effective decision making, and process automation.

Relevance of Big Data across Industry - Kalinga University Reviews - Medium

Predictive analysis and advance data science, correctly harnessing data can help to achieve better, fact-based decision making and improve the overall customer experience, by using new Big Data Technologies. Organisations can answer questions in seconds rather than days, and in days rather than months. This acceleration allows business to enable the type of quick reaction to key business questions and challenges that can build competitive advantage and improve performances and provide answer for complex problems or question that have resisted analysis. COVID 19- APPALLING TRANSGRESSION OF CELEBRITIES !! – Kalinga University. It is quite embarrassing and heartbreaking to notice the appalling transgression of celebrities during these sensitive hours undergone by the global community when the outbreak of pandemic COVID 19 has smashed the world with its furious attack raising the death tolls in almost millions.


An irresponsible attitude and the recklessness of the celebrities in the key hours has been shocking. This unexpectedly reflects their selfish and self-absorbed tendency to keep aside the health and life concerns of thousands of fans and viewers that have actually made them the ‘CELEBRITY’. The forgetfulness towards those who gave priority to the celebrities by spending their hard earned money to watch their shows and music has reflected their carelessness lowering down their image and popularity graph. Dr. Vineeta Diwan Assistant Professor- English Department. Pocket. Blockchain - An Emerging Technology Perfect for Emerging Economies.

The value development of Bitcoin and Ethereum a year ago impelled blockchain, the basic innovation of all crypto-resources, into standard awareness.

Blockchain - An Emerging Technology Perfect for Emerging Economies

However as the overvaluation of cryptographic forms of money experiences a significant (and truly necessary) adjustment, it stays imperative to comprehend the ramifications of disseminated record/blockchain innovation. We see enormous potential for blockchain in developing economies. Monetary administrations and protection in the United States are refined and offer sufficient solace, accommodation and security measures to support and ensure retail consumers, this trust in unified gatherings, notwithstanding, is certainly not a general reality.

Why College Life might be your last chance to pursue your passion? – Kalinga University. Have you ever wondered that you have been your mom’s favourite child until the school level and then you become all adult and face the new challenges at the college level?

Why College Life might be your last chance to pursue your passion? – Kalinga University

That’s the end of the pampering game. But certainly, we cannot help that as we are molded into a society that makes us believe in the shackles of traditional norms. But certainly, college is the time when you get to face the real world. You are developed in those 3 to 5 years for the rest of your life. At Kalinga University, we make sure that our students participate in numerous activities for holistic development and turned their passion into their profession.

You need to explore your passion and chase after your dreams. Have you ever thought that it is not their fault in real life? People think and believe the ideation that they will figure out what they want to do with their lives. You need to figure out your one true passion at your college level. Critical Thinking: an essential skill for life. According to various studies as stated, critical thinking is the most integral aspect of today’s time.

Critical Thinking: an essential skill for life

There is one of the most treasured skills, which helps human beings to attain massive information on theories. The fast pace, the digitization has landed asked to make influential decisions in a snap of the moment. This issue arises because we are unaware of the circumstances caused by our thinking process. It creates a troublesome situation and reflects on our work. Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Mohammad Azim - Shojaee (CS) Afghanistan. Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Tanin Paiman BCA Afghanistan. Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Abhishek Ritu Raj BTech CS Nepal. Business Management Career? Ask yourself these Questions That’ll Help You Decide If It Is the Right Field for You – Kalinga University. Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Pranshu prenam - BCA (II) Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Khulesh Sahu - BBA LLB.

Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Adebiyi Rodiyat Taiwo - M.Sc (Biotechnology) The crucial role of student cultural exchange programmes in promoting diversity – Kalinga University. A student exchange program is held for the students to travel to a foreign country from their educational institution.

The crucial role of student cultural exchange programmes in promoting diversity – Kalinga University

Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials By Tabish Anwar (B.Tech Civil) Modern technology for dual carriageway production in India – NewsinHeadlines. Modern era is going to implement for highway bituminous street production plan in India.

Modern technology for dual carriageway production in India – NewsinHeadlines

This essentially includes bituminous pavements. In these days, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) Specification for Road Works, 2001 Edition is used for construction of all roads including countrywide highways. Advances in bituminous creation technologies are made within the world each year. Phytochemicals: A cure for alcohol toxicity. Alcohol is a highly intoxicating substance which when consumed in large amounts produce harmful effects on the body.

Phytochemicals: A cure for alcohol toxicity

Blood alcohol content or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is commonly used as a metric of alcohol intoxication for legal or medical purposes. It is usually expressed as a percentage of ethanol in the blood in units of mass of alcohol per volume of blood or mass of alcohol per mass of blood, depending on the country. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) define "binge drinking" as a pattern of drinking that brings a person’s blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 grams percent or above. This happens when men consume 5 or more drinks, and when women consume 4 or more drinks, in about 2 hours ("Quick Stats: Binge Drinking.

" The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2008). Figure- Ethanol diffuses passively across biological membranes. Kalinga University Raipur Student Testimonials. THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF CEMENT - KALINGA UNIVERSITY REVIEWS. Cement is a broadly used material which is presently accountable for 5 to 6 percentage of annual carbon emissions the third-ranking motive of emissions in the back of fossil fuels and deforestation which is the motive for the high charge of carbon emissions from cement lying inside the decarbonisation of limestone.


To ensure, limestone can function as a binder in cement (i.g., the paste that makes everything in concrete stick together), it's miles roasted to liquefaction in a kiln to catalyze a chemical reaction where in calcium carbonate splits into calcium oxide (the cloth wanted for concrete) and carbon dioxide (a waste product). Sixty percent of carbon emissions from concrete results from this process, with the other 40 percentage resulting from power use in production. To compound this very real environmental trouble, sand a normally used aggregate in concrete has been over-extracted and is becoming more and more scarce.

PRACTICE OF DOWRY IN INDIA: HINDRANCE TO WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. In virtually every corner of the world, women are being denied basic rights, raped, beaten and being killed by men.


This happened yesterday, it is happening right now and will continue to happen tomorrow. Women have not been able to fight these abuses and this could be attributed to the existence of certain customs in different parts of the globe, which make them acceptable to the society. Women are considered to be subordinate to their male counterparts to be controlled and dominated by them. Thus, patriarchal oppression has reduced the life of a woman to a mere second class citizen.

Judicial Activism – Kalinga University. Meaning and Evolution Judicial activism comes in to play when there are legislative short-sightedness and executive arbitrariness. The spurt in corruption, lawlessness, violation of human rights, constant erosion of democratic values has lent to an activist role of the judiciary for the smooth governance of the political system. Judicial activism is the due process by which new juristic principles are evolved to update the existing laws to bring it in conformity with the current needs of society and thereby to subserve the constitutional purpose of advancing public interest under the ‘Rule of Law”. In the words of Justice VR Krishna Iyer one of the greatest protagonist of this judicial trend in India- “Judicial Activism is a device to accomplish the cherished goal of social justice. Causes. Colleges are going online because of the Pandemic! All the colleges across the globe have belted up as that came to very short notice.

As the coronavirus is infecting people every day and it has been increasing at an alarming rate. Most of the countries have chosen to go for remote learning. In layman’s term, it refers to online classes. The universities will remain shut until further prior notice. Chasing Globalization: Indian Education System Needs to Reinvent Itself. With the ever-changing trends in the industry, the only thing that remains constant is education. Transformation is necessary, without a doubt! If the economy doesn’t have any transformation, will show adverse results in the globalization. Although, the effects are drastic that can impact the nation widely. To bridge all of this gap, educational institutions play a vital role. How to ace a campus placement interview. Campus placements are one of the challenging phases in a student’s life. It is a mix of excitement and confidence.

A feeling that can change you into a person, into a leader of tomorrow. It is challenging and unturned many stones. Students find campus placement interviews quite challenging. What to do after engineering? M.Tech, M.E. or MBA – Kalinga University. There are so many options for an individual to pursue their career into. However, Selecting the best possible course is an essential ingredient to be successful. This is extremely important that you have chosen a prospective career option. While some students also believe that they need to do further studies after completing their graduation. Kalinga University: A Hub of Multi-cultures - KALINGA UNIVERSITY REVIEWS. Kalinga University offers a multi-cultural environment, to enrich and push these students to their highest potential.

Kalinga University- Innovating Education – Kalinga University. Learning that stands apart. Leadership for us is all about passion, excellence & innovation. Looking for Career Options after 12th (Arts)? List of top programmes to choose from. So you chose humanities as a stream in your 11th standard. What’s next? It’s a dilemma when the students are asked to pick the right option for their careers.