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16 Point Origami Modular Star Folding Instructions - How to Make a 16 Point Origami Modular Star. This is an easy origami modular star.

16 Point Origami Modular Star Folding Instructions - How to Make a 16 Point Origami Modular Star

It is not difficult, only time consuming since you will have to fold the same unit 16 times before you can start assembling the modular star. Made this origami? Comment and Submit your photo using the comment box at the end of this page! Origami Modular Star Step 1: Start with a 6 inch x 6 inch (15cm x 15cm) origami paper, color side down. [AEF] GHOST WORLD (2001) Accordion paper folding // Candle holders. I‘ve been playing around with accordion paper folding for about a year now and thought it was high time that I put something on the site!

Accordion paper folding // Candle holders

The technique is really addictive. This project shows how to make a simple candle holder. All you need is some paper, a glass jar and a little bit of glue so it’s a really affordable project. If you fancy having a go then you will find a full how-to after the jump. ***IMPORTANT*** If you want to use this as a candle holder please make sure that you put a glass jar inside the paper cuff and ensure that there is no paper hanging over the top of the jar (otherwise it may set on fire). Can I use a Kindle Fire to send and receive emails? Capítulos OnLine - Español Latino - Temporada 1. Consejos para ser un programador autodidacta sin morir en el intento. El mundo de la programación es, para muchos, apasionante.

Consejos para ser un programador autodidacta sin morir en el intento

Incluso algunos lo tacharíamos de orgásmico. Quizá sea por esa sensación de "crear", por puro amor a las máquinas (¿alguien ha dicho cylons? ¿Nadie? Tsk, vaya.) o por las matemáticas, pero el caso es que cada vez son más los que ven ese encanto en este mundillo, y esa comunidad de programadores autodidactas está proliferando cada vez más deprisa. Daria “Road Warrier” (11 of 65) DepositFiles. DIY Anchor Statement Wall. A statement wall can be a great way to spice up a plain white room.

DIY Anchor Statement Wall

Rather than add a bold color to the walls, we decided that a nice print would be a good change. The best part about this wall is that it's a low-cost, high reward project! Supplies: craft foam, a small piece of cardboard for mounting, super glue, scissors, small paint brush, black paint (I used acrylic), masking tape 1. Draw out an image for your stamp onto paper. Download sarmil01edwdsub.rar. Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance (Completa) HD Sub Español. Free Online Games from Adult Swim Games. Futurama OnLine. Guess The Movie. ★★★★★ Now Featured as a Google PLAY STAFF Selection App ★★★★★ Try and Guess the Movies from exceptionally beautiful, minimalistic posters!

Guess The Movie

The concept is simple, can you guess that movie based on a simplified poster of it? Guess The Movie is a refreshing change from the plethora of boring logo quiz games out there! We use some exceptionally beautiful posters with minimalist artwork to give you a clue to help you guess the movie. If you’re lucky you can see famous face or popular logo and guess the film by first chance! Hipster. The term "hipster" is cross-applied from the 1930s Beatniks.


The modern hipster is a composite of individuals with a certain bohemian life situation and lifestyle. He or she rejects "mainstream" culture and embraces and contributes to independent culture, and prides him/herself on this. Interactive Origami Sculpture. Latest Home & Delicious. YAY!

Latest Home & Delicious

It's time for a new issue of one of my favourite e-mags, Home & Delicious! Always awesome spaces and spectacular photography from Halla Bára Gestsdóttir & Gunnar Sverrisson of Iceland. Total eye candy on a Friday. You're welcome. ;) Los 15 mash-ups más increíbles de la historia del Internet. Esta es la colección definitiva de los mejores mash-ups hasta ahora.

Los 15 mash-ups más increíbles de la historia del Internet

No importa cuántas veces hayan visto algunos de los clásicos que hay aquí. Véanlos de nuevo. No se van a arrepentir. "Gangnam Style" vs. Manera facil de compartir sus archivos. Oficios diversos. Si las actrices fueran totalmente chimuelas... Términos y Condiciones 7Boom es propiedad de Medios Brutales S.A de C.V, con domicilio en Tiburcio Montiel 96-A, Col.

Si las actrices fueran totalmente chimuelas...

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Tumblr Users Online Counter. Un tributo a los insectos caídos. Written on Sep 28, 2012 // Arte Urbano, Photo.

Un tributo a los insectos caídos

Regularmente nos encontramos a lo largo de la ciudad en banquetas, puentes, calles y demás, algunos altares o tributos de personas que murieron en aquel lugar, señalado por cruces, velas, flores y otras veces hasta fotos, pero qué hay de todos los insectos que han muerto por todos lados. Con humor acido y también creando conciencia Rodney Dangerfield un gran cómico expresa mediante pequeñísimas instalaciones como los insectos no reciben ningún respeto. Ver Pelicula Dieciséis velas 16: Sixteen Candles (1984) DVDrip Online: Descargar Peliculas Gratis DVDRip en 1 Link en linea Audio Latino. The Original Best Piano App Online.

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