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ParamountSong. Sketch of Voronoi. Layout and Composition. Shocking Illustrations Criticizing Our Society (NSFW) Every day in our lives we are bombarded with news and information that pertains to our society by addressing various subjects such as politics, religion, violence, sexuality, behavior, among others.

Shocking Illustrations Criticizing Our Society (NSFW)

Luis Quiles is an illustrator and he sarcastically criticizes the society on these issues and makes his art a way of expressing the most different kinds of emotions: sadness, anxiety, ambition, power, display, anger, happiness, pain and so on… The result could not be better! Take a look. These Incredible, Photorealistic Drawings Will Make You Wonder How a Human Hand Could Create Images So Lifelike. Make your own Kaleidocycles! Harmonograph v1.03 - Pelle's Interactive Harmonograph. Designer Tools from Swantesson Interactive. Google Rainbow. About Google Rainbow is a javascript experiment by Haroon Baig using Google's Image Search API.

Google Rainbow

It should work across all modern browsers, but please no complaints if not. Cooler Kreator (formerly Kuler Creator): DIY Generative Art with Adobe Kuler - created by Visualrinse. CONTINUUM: Ddress. Carnal fury .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2011, commisioned by kunstverein wiesbaden. Create a generated art photo - BETA. Canvas Trees. Yellowtail (1998-) by Golan Levin. Draw. How Tos. Drawing the head & face. Paint. How to draw. How to draw 2. Faces. Tangling. Other People's Art Perals. How to draw. Wisteria. Arc experiment. Ablaze. Abstract Drawing Game. Beautiful Curves. Aleph Null: Color Music. Jim Andrews: concept, programming, design Jan Odvárko: color-picker Thanks to Regina Célia Pinto, David Jhave Johnston, Ted Warnell, Maarten van Emden, Christine Wilks of JSArt, and the British and Irish Poets List--especially David Bircumshaw--for feedback during dev.

Aleph Null: Color Music

Aleph Null is my first piece with the new HTML 5 canvas tag which requires no plugins and works in all modern browsers, including mobile phones. It's exciting to have such a canvas to work/play with in a public technology that is not at the mercy of a corporation's business plan or its continued existence. Such must be the future for net art; it isn't feasible to rely on corporations to support tools indefinitely, whereas technologies developed in the public sphere stand more of a chance of at least achieving their logical growth and form from their potential. Aleph Null is color music. Here is a slidvid of Aleph Null stills. In particular, Ben F. ERASE: The 'e' key erases the canvas and changes the path the shape follows.

Black Hole Design. Untitled. ROPE. Paint Spin Art. Plumage: FineFlickrFeathers. Petals: Fine Flickr Flowers. Hagelslag app. Your Infinite Painting. Joefentonart. Solitude - 2010/2011 - A work in progress on Behance. Solitude by Joe Fenton - 16.jpg (Image JPEG, 936 × 959 pixels) Author Web Design: Build Your Author Platform Online. Below you’ll find links to our Web Design Relief Tool Kits—great resources for creative writers who want to develop a strong author platform with a lively and effective online presence.

Author Web Design: Build Your Author Platform Online

We hope you’ll enjoy these fantastic free resources (and if you do find them useful, we hope you’ll share the information with friends). Please check back to visit these great Web design and promotional resources for writers often; we update regularly. Submission Guidelines. Whether or not the Review Board sends you an invitation to join our client list, every writer who applies to our Full Service will receive a FREE copy of our digital workbook The Goal-Oriented Writer: How To Define And Organize Your Writing Goals once they’ve completed the form.

Submission Guidelines

Wishing someone would help you research and prepare your submissions to literary agents and editors? Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich. Thai photographer Visarute Angkatavanich shoots phenomenal portraits of Siamese fighting fish (betta).

Stunning Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich

The intimate photos are perfectly lit in clear water and look as if the fish are floating in midair. See much more here. Amazing Skull Drawn with a Dip Pen by Alex Konahin. Billy Collins: A Poet's Affection For Emily Dickinson. Before I Got My Eye Put Out - The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: Crash Course English Lit #8. Voices and Visions Spotlight. Although admired for his contribution to poetry — among other things, he founded the imagist movement — Ezra Pound was also considered a controversial figure for his erratic personality and the political views he expressed during World War II.

Voices and Visions Spotlight

Pound saw the poet as a "guide and lamp of civilization," and into his best-known work, the 800-page Cantos, he poured his knowledge of philosophy, economics, art, and history. However divided his critics, Pound's bold theories and poetic experiments set the standards of modernism. View this video => Painting In making "Solitude" by Joe Fenton. StumbleUpon December 3, 2013 This painting is graphite version of the painting Solitude by Joe Fenton.The painting was firstly created with pencil then with ink, acrylic & gouache.You can look ta the details of the painting it is amazing piece of artwork.

Painting In making "Solitude" by Joe Fenton

Sketchpad - Online Paint/Drawing application. The Bureau of Communication - Fill-in-the-blank Correspondence. How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly - StumbleUpon. Translations: Belorussian Introduction: Four Types of Discursive Writing From time to time people express amazement at how I can get so much done.

How to Write Articles and Essays Quickly and Expertly - StumbleUpon

I, of course, aware of the many hours I have idled away doing nothing, demur. It feels like nothing special; I don't work harder, really, than most people. Tutorials - Baby Clothes, Toys, Etc. Patterns. Index of free personality tests and intelligence tests. ‎ Transmuting and Integrating Negative Energy. Greetings Everyone!

Transmuting and Integrating Negative Energy

I’ve spent the last year or so using EFT to release negative beliefs and have been very successful with that process. But I find that while providing short term relief for deep-seated negative emotions, they don’t seem to be fully releasing using this method. Anytime I look at things I don’t like about what-is, the same negative thoughts and associated feelings resurface and I feel like I’m back at square one. It’s no surprise, then, that those unwanted things in reality are still being reflected back to me, eh? Main Page - Astro-Databank, Astrology data and horoscope of 2000. FREE Tarot Readings. Select the Cards for Your Reading. Amazing Celebrity Portraits Out of Spontaneous Pen Scribbles. Inspiration September 18, 2013 Who would have thought that the random scribbling we usually do in boring classes at school or in meetings at the office can actually be used as serious illustration style?

We are a huge fan of doodle art so when we found the works of this amazing illustrator from Malaysia, we couldn’t help ourselves but to share his world to you guys. Meet Vince Low, an illustrator from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia whose works are characterized by whimsical line doodles and spontaneous pen scribbles transformed into intricate illustrations of celebrity portraits used in advertising and other creative projects. Most of his most popular projects on his Behance portfolio are collections of portrait illustration of celebrities and icons. By just using a set of black ink pens, Vince creates realistic human portraits through random scribbling as a unique illustration style.

Kerbyrosanes (Kerby Rosanes) on deviantART. DOODLE ART: “Into the Deep” - 11” x 16” - Uni Pin... Photo July 15, 2013 252 notes.