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TuckExecEd sur Twitter : "Leveraging Social Networks to Drive Collaboration and Improve Execution #leaders #corpculture. Businessinsider. One of the most counterintuitive traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts.


Yes, the more successful you are and the more talents you have, the harder it is to run a business. While you may think that being smart, motivated and talented would logically make someone the best possible candidate for entrepreneurship, unfortunately, this is often not the case. The Prettiest Girl at the Party — @ Medium. Meet Me at the Corner of 'And' and 'Why' Killing the Golden Goose: From Waste to Potential. The Life Out Loud: Turning Dreams Into Reality With Vision Boards. How do you keep your heart alive when something you're aching for hasn't happened yet?

The Life Out Loud: Turning Dreams Into Reality With Vision Boards

How do you heal from heartbreak? What do you do with dreams that are so big they feel overwhelming? Well, have you ever tried making a vision board? It's often one of the first assignments I give my coaching clients -- a powerful visual way of creatively connecting with your hopes and dreams. It's fun and easy, too. I recommend hanging the completed project on a wall near your bed, so that you see it first thing before you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning. Photo credit: Peter Zakhary Given my fondness for vision boards, I was excited when, a few weeks ago, I was introduced to Julie Thorne Engels, founder and CEO of Bettyvision.

Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down Crying Trying To Explain Something That Every Woman Sadly Already Knows. Dustin Hoffman - Actor TOOTSIE, RAIN MAN, THE GRADUATE Dustin Hoffman: Murray Schisgal, who has been my dear friend for over 30 years, kicked off "Tootsie" with the thought of how would you be different if you had been born a woman?

Dustin Hoffman Breaks Down Crying Trying To Explain Something That Every Woman Sadly Already Knows

It was in a conversation we had one time. Not what does it feel like to be a woman? All sexes have asked themselves the question, "What would it feel like to be the opposite sex? " Leader to Leader - Journal. 41 Female Founders Every Entrepreneur Should Know. Women comprise 47% of the U.S. workforce, but just 25% of the STEM workforce.

41 Female Founders Every Entrepreneur Should Know

While the tech sector has a reputation of being occupied by white males, women are making a go at careers in STEM fields. The success of prominent female leaders such as Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg and Yahoo's Marissa Mayer are bringing more attention to women in the tech sphere. But beyond the Sandbergs and the Mayers, there's a crop of women who are not only leading, but also launching tech startups. Below, we highlight 44 accomplished female founders; with businesses ranging from fashion and ecommerce to careers and social networks, these movers and shakers are changing the face of tech. Alexa von Tobel, CEO and Founder, LearnVest. 5½ Timeless Commencement Speeches to Teach You to Define Your Own Success.

By Maria Popova The great and terrible truth of clichés, why success is a dangerous bedfellow, and how disappointment paves the way for originality.

5½ Timeless Commencement Speeches to Teach You to Define Your Own Success

It’s that time of year again, the time when cultural icons and luminaries of various stripes flock to podiums around the world to impart their wisdom on a fresh crop of graduating seniors hungry to take on the world. After last year’s omnibus of timeless commencement addresses by J. K. Rowling (“Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is something on which to pride yourself. Across them runs a common thread of what seems to be as much a critical message, the message, for the young as it is an essential lifelong reminder for all: No social convention of success should lure you away from or could be a substitute for finding your purpose and doing what you love.

It is extremely difficult to stay alert and attentive, instead of getting hypnotized by the constant monologue inside your own head (may be happening right now). Envisioning Peace: Can Futures Thinking Aid Conflict Resolution? “Why is it so hard to break out of cycles of violence?”

Envisioning Peace: Can Futures Thinking Aid Conflict Resolution?

This is the question Tessa has been thinking about since she was a child. While it may seem woefully naive for many of us, Tessa is motivated by a desire to get back to the fundamental issues, and begin to look for real solutions. When she temporarily left IFTF to go to Fordham University for graduate school, Tessa began to think critically about the role that futures thinking might play in trying to answer this question. The Journal of Futures Studies recently published her article, Future Peace: Breaking Cycles of Violence through Futures Thinking, which explores this question. Women in the World 2012: Meryl Streep's Tribute to Hillary Clinton.

Secretary Clinton Delivers Remarks at the 2012 Women in the World Summit. Homepage - Jagriti Yatra - Awakening the entrepreneurial spirit. Our Mission - revolution. David Damberger: What happens when an NGO admits failure. Speed Over Greed. Anyone who wonders why we don’t have more start-ups hasn’t noticed that it is the hardest job in the world. You start from nothing. One team I was working with in the spring of this year just oozed joy when they had earned their first $49 from someone they didn’t know.

Getting to this point…building the beta and the early ideas had taken nearly two years of Pizza-my-Heart-filled moments. They had sweated pixels that created ease of use, and the website colors that deemed them friendly, and the customer requirements of a marketplace. They had taken classes together and work on 16 different (major) versions of the business plan. Yet, now it was time to add another few key roles. What to do? Just put yourself in the receiving end of this decision. Commitment can come from two places. Image via Wikipedia.

Entredonneur. = concept meaning 'giving to the in between', proposed to balance the concept of Entrepreneur which means 'taking from in between' and has therefore a predatory significance.


Six Habits of SOCIAL Entrepreneurs.