Introducing: The Skills Lab. As a freelancer, your work skills are the primary considerations for employers to hire you.
When you bid for a project, the employer will check on your skills list to see if they’ve found the right match for the job they posted. Although it’s easy to just enter these in your profile, wouldn’t it be better if you have something to back your skills up or prove your expertise level? You can do that by testing your skills. Exams Redefined The Skills Lab, formerly known as “Exams,” gives you an entirely new experience for testing your skills. It has just been released to 100% of users, and you might want to take a look at the page. Skills Tests The Skills Lab offers tests for basic and complex skills commonly needed in online freelancing. If you choose to buy a skills test, you will be directed to its page which displays details such as the number of questions, test duration, passing percentage, instructions, fee, and more. What’s in it for you? Ready to test your skills? Las 10 charlas de TED que todo emprendedor debería ver (con Bonus)
Elemental recibe premio Premio Zumtobel por diseño de Constitución. En la Serpentine Gallery de Londres se dio a conocer a los ganadores del Premio Zumtobel, entregado por la empresa austríaca del mismo nombre, y que distingue a proyectos a nivel mundial en tres categorías: Innovaciones aplicadas, Edificios y Desarrollos urbanos.
Se presentaron 356 propuestas para este concurso. Alejandro Aravena, arquitecto y académico UC recibió el premio por el Plan de Reconstrucción Sustentable de Constitución. Jürg Zumtobel (primero a la izquierda) con Alejandro Aravena (en el centro) y su equipo de Elemental, ganador en la categoría de Desarrollos Urbanos, junto a los representantes de Unitydesign, oficina de Indonesia, nominado con el proyecto "Megaciudades Skeleton" en Yakarta. “Si algún poder tiene la arquitectura es el poder de síntesis. Mientras más complejo el problema más necesidad de sintetizar. "En Constitución la población ha logrado aplicar la innovación necesaria para asegurar su protección contra futuras inundaciones.
Magaly Arenas, marenasz@uc.cl. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Request for Proposals. The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy regularly issues requests for proposals (RFPs) in a variety of topics and welcomes submissions that meet the guidelines.
The RFPs are posted over the course of each year; the previous year's RFPs are listed here for guidance. RFP: Municipal Fiscal Health Research Initiative Download RFP The ability of local governments to provide vital public goods and services to their citizens, and to prepare for an increasingly urban future, depends greatly on their fiscal situation. As a part of our work on Municipal Fiscal Health, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy sponsors research addressing the challenge of promoting the fiscal health of municipal governments at all levels. Deadline for Submission of Full Proposals: September 30, 2015 RFP: Program on the People's Republic of China International Fellowship.
Emprendimiento. Opción a capital. Otras Convocatorias.