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Broadcast Yourself. CONVERSATIONAL LATIN. Latin Declension Song. Latin Definitions for: dicere (Latin Search) - Latin Dictionary and Grammar Resources - Latdict. Improve your Spanish with the Coffee Break Spanish Espresso — Radiolingua. Coming up in this episode: In this week’s Coffee Break Spanish Espresso Mark discusses the verb irse which he saw on a poster in the Spanish town of Málaga.

Improve your Spanish with the Coffee Break Spanish Espresso — Radiolingua

This poster gives us the opportunity to look at the difference between ir and irse. In the Subjunctive of the Week segment, Fernanda introduces us to dudar que, and our Quotation of the Week looks at a lovely quotation about travel from St Augustine. View the video episode (members only) If you’re already a member and you can’t see the video above, please log in. Listen to the lesson Accessing the Premium Version The premium version of the Coffee Break Spanish Espresso is packaged in seasons of 10 lessons. Video version of the episode: with our synchronised flashcards you’ll understand the words and phrases in each lesson more easily;Lesson notes and exercise: we provide notes on the grammar points and vocabulary included, and transcripts of all Spanish conversations.

It’s over to you! Key image. Latin verb duco conjugated in all tenses. Ars Amatoria - Ovid - Ancient Rome - Classical Literature. (Didactic/Elegiac Poem, Latin/Roman, 1 CE, 2,330 lines) Introduction | Synopsis | Analysis | Resources “Ars Amatoria” (“The Art of Love”) is a collection of 57 didactic poems (or, perhaps more accurately, a burlesque satire on didactic poetry) in three books by the Roman lyric poet Ovid, written in elegiac couplets and completed and published in 1 CE.

Ars Amatoria - Ovid - Ancient Rome - Classical Literature

The poem provides teaching in the areas of how and where to find women (and husbands) in Rome, how to seduce them and how to prevent others from stealing them. A very brief general summary of the three books of the “Ars Amatoria” may be listed as follows: Book1: Part I: His task. Book 2: Part I: His task. Nunc est bibendum (Odes, Book 1, Poem 37) - Horace - Ancient Rome - Classical Literature. (Lyric Poem, Latin/Roman, c. 30 BCE, 32 lines) Introduction | Synopsis | Analysis | Resources “Nunc est bibendum” (“Now is the time for drinking”), sometimes known as the “Cleopatra Ode”, is one of the most famous of the odes of the Roman lyric poet Horace, published in 23 BCE as Poem 37 in the first book of Horace’s collected “Odes” or “Carmina”.

Nunc est bibendum (Odes, Book 1, Poem 37) - Horace - Ancient Rome - Classical Literature

The poem is a song of triumph over the defeat and death of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, and probably dates from the autumn of 30 BCE, when the news of Cleopatra's suicide reached Rome. The poet exults that now is the time for drinking, dancing and celebration. Although such festivities would have been wrong before, while Cleopatra still posed a threat to Rome, it is now appropriate to bring out the vintage Caecuban wine and to honour the gods with a Salian-style banquet.

M. Tullius Cicero, Against Catiline, ORATIO QVA L. CATILINAM EMISIT IN SENATV HABITA, chapter 1, section 2. Nuntii Latini XXV annorum. Pe 29.8.2014 3 min pysyvästi kuunneltavissa Die Lunae proximo (1.9.) viginti quinque anni acti erunt, cum conspectus noster hebdomadalis , qui Nuntii Latini appellantur, divulgari coeptus est.

Nuntii Latini XXV annorum

Kalendis enim Septembribus anno millesimo nongentesimo undenonagesimo (1.9.1989) accidit, ut prima emissio nuntiorum huius generis ex studio Radiophoniae Finnicae Generalis foras exiret. Inde mos initium cepit, qui deinceps iam per quartum saeculum continuatur. Reijo Pitkäranta Initium Nuntiorum Latinorum Principium Nuntiorum Latinorum in tempus incidit, quo res Europaeae valde mutabantur. Quid anno 1989 acciderit Medio mense Novembri anno millesimo nongentesimo undenonagesimo (17.11.1989) conspectus Latinus his verbis iniit: Murus Berolinensis apertus est. Nuntii de Estonia et de Diana. Nuntii Latini viginti quinque annos complebunt.

Nuntii Latini ubique terrarum noti omnium longinquissimus conspectus rerum est, qui regulariter Latine emittitur.

Nuntii Latini viginti quinque annos complebunt

Programma ab docente Reijo Pitkäranta, professore linguae Latinae emerito Tuomo Pekkanen et lectrice linguae Latinae Virpi Seppälä-Pekkanen redigitur aliis latinistis adiuvantibus. His annis praeteritis Nuntii Latini innumerabiles eventus historicos rettulerunt ab Unione Sovietica dissoluta muroque Berolinensi defracto usque ad navem traiectoriam Estoniam submersam. Hic conspectus rerum usui est studentibus ceterisque auscultatoribus linguae Latinae peritis non solum in Finnia, verum etiam in ceteris nationibus, quarum cultores Latinitatis complectitur. Praeterea praebet programma materiam Latinam variam unicamque ad usum didacticum aptam scholis diversarum civitatum. Linguam Latinam etiam nunc florentem cernere possumus in nominibus institutorum, diagnosibus medicinalibus et denique in nominibus botanicis zoologicisque.

How to Learn Declensions in Latin: 15 Steps.