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Control a Stepper Motor remotely using WiFi to tune a Magnetic Loop Antenna (Blynk/ESP8266/DRV8825) Build a Magnetic Loop Antenna with Remote Wireless Tuning - Practical Guidance. 80-20m Mag Loop STL. <p class="error-message"> My website uses JavaScript for menus etc.
It is currently disabled in your browser! Please (re-)enable it for full functionality. </p> This page provides a top-level description of Small Transmitting Loop (STL) antennas (a.k.a. "Magnetic Loop Antenna", MLA), and my two versions of such an antenna for 80 mtrs and up. Latest page update: August 2021 (expanded the section on vacuum capacitors, added ref. 17A, 17B). Previous page updates: January-May 2021 (expanded the coupling loop motorization section with a linear actuator drive; added new motor drive weather-protection design; added Fig. 86B-86D, added section on modeling; expanded ref. 4B, added Figs: 86E-86G + text; expanded Fig. 15). Telescopic mast. <p class="error-message"> My website uses JavaScript for menus etc.
It is currently disabled in your browser! Please (re-)enable it for full functionality. </p> ©2018-2021 F. Small Transmitting Loop Antenna Calculator. Small transmitting loop antennas, commonly called "magnetic loops" or "mag loops," can give surprisingly good performance when they are carefully designed and constructed.
Although this online calculator is intended to assist with designing and building homemade, ham radio loop antennas for use in the HF bands, magnetic antennas have been constructed that function in the VHF or even the UHF frequencies. The most common material for home building small ham radio loop antennas is common copper plumbing pipe.This calculator enables you to test the design of an octagonal loop antenna and to answer "what if" questions until you arrive at a design that meets your needs without a lot of experience in electronics. Length of Conductor (antenna "circumference") feet Please enter the length of the conductor.
Diameter of Conductor (For efficiency, should be > 3/8" or 1 cm) inches Please enter the diameter of the conductor. Frequency megahertz Please enter the frequency. Units of Measurement. - June 17, 2014. June 17, 2014 Small Transmitting Loops for Portable Use Featuring PY1AHD and his popular AlexLoop design!
<20:12:51> "George N2APB": I hope everyone is following along with the material on our "whiteboard", located at <20:32:36> "Joe N2CX": Ray, K2ULR, interesting, eh? <20:36:45> "Ray K2ULR": Yes! F1FRV's Flea Market. Mise à jour le 15 avril 2021 If you are from Nigeria, French willaya 93, or French "ressortissant" in Ivory coast click here or here.
INFO IMPORTANTE POUR CERTAINS: Ne soyez pas trop influencés par zizi-bey, votre voyage de cet été sur le souque de mare-à-quaiche, ou de mecque-naisse, et autres vide greniers ou braderies locales. N'oubliez pas que 10 Euro, ça ne fait que ~1 paquet de cigarettes si vous êtes fumeur, ou un petit pack de bières si vous en buvez... Merci de m'éviter d'avoir à répondre (parfois désagréablement) à des demandes de marchands de tapis, qui ne connaissent pas la valeur réelle du matériel, ou " D'AGACE-CUL " qui demandent le fractionnement de lots marqués LOT ou LOT INDIVISIBLE, ou qui e-mailent: OK, je suis intéressé, et qui n'envoient jamais le paiement, ou, qui sans connaître le matériel demandent de "revoir le prix" car ils sont "peut être" intéressés.
Je ne donne pas (encore) de noms, mais ils se reconnaîtront. Motorisation pour boucle magnétique . f1frv@sfr.fr. 80-20m Mag Loop. 80-20m Mag Loop. <p class="error-message"> My website uses JavaScript for menus etc.
It is currently disabled in your browser! Telescopic mast. Telescopic mast. Rotary dipole 20-10m. <p class="error-message"> My website uses JavaScript for menus etc.
It is currently disabled in your browser! Please (re-)enable it for full functionality. </p> ©2018-2020 F. Dörenberg, unless stated otherwise. 80-20m Mag Loop. Magnetic loop stepper motor controller yagi ham radio PAØKV Power supply EP-925. Magnetic Loop - Software September 2015 The Loop is working fine, but two things are bothering me. 1- The loop was calculated to have a range from 160 to 40 meter.
Unfortunately the loop can't be tuned to 40m. Too much 'L'. 2- The tuning with a DC motor and some up and down buttons is a hassle. To solve problem 1. the loop has to be made smaller. To solve problem 2. I started searching the web for 'off the shell' stepper motor controllers. But I found a board called "Motor Hawk" which has USB control and is delivered with a dll for all the actions towards a stepper motor.
Here the small controller board, developed and sold by PC-Control in the UK. Here the updated vacuum C control with the stepper motor. It's a lot simplified. Magnetic loop stepper motor controller yagi ham radio PAØKV Power supply EP-925. Magnetic Loop - Part 2 Perfect SWR when the loop is tuned.(160m) Finished you think?
Well, not quite. The weight of the vacuum cap with mounting plate, motor drive, etc. was too much for this Y-construction. Magnetic loop stepper motor controller yagi ham radio PAØKV Power supply EP-925. Small Transmitting Loop Project. Matt Roberts — matt-at-kk5jy-dot-net Updated: 2021-01-19 Introduction Of the many different antenna projects I have built for HF, the most interesting and rewarding project was the small transmitting loop.
After consulting many of the available Internet sources, and by combining ideas, I was able to assemble an antenna that performed well, even under poor band conditions. The experience was so much fun that I built several different ones, all described below. The Cycloid Dipole at the WA7X Beacon. The WA7X Beacon The Cycloid Dipole Note: If you hear the 6 meter beacon, please report it by clicking here. Click here if you hear the 2 meter beacon - AND here if you hear either beacon via meteor-scatter. Are you interested in using a Cycloid Dipole for your own purposes? If so, please read this. Remote tuning for Magnetic Loop (ALEXLOOP) antenna by android app via bluetooth.
Пару месяцев назад мне ко мне попала антенна ALEXLOOP от PY1AHD. Loop Antenna Is Portable. We don’t know if [OH8STN] has a military background, but we suspect he might since his recent post is about a “DIY Man Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna.” “Man-portable” is usually a military designation, and — we presume — he wouldn’t object to a woman transporting it either. [OH8STN] started with a Chameleon antenna starter kit. This costs about $100 and is primarily a suitable variable capacitor with a 6:1 reduction drive premounted and soldered.
Of course, you could source your own, but finding variable capacitors that can handle transmit duty (admittedly, these can apparently handle about 10 W continuous or 25 W on single sideband) can be tricky, especially these days. Although he started with a kit, he did modify the antenna to switch between two different sets of ham radio bands. Remote tuning for Magnetic Loop (ALEXLOOP) antenna by android app via bluetooth. 3D Printing – K1FM.us. I really, really like magnetic loops. After making a bit of a splash with at the Dayton Hamvention and publishing how to make your own on QST I decided to improve the design a bit more, so here I am with the latest iteration of the K1FM Magnetic Loop. The new design improves the older one in a few key aspects: – Entirely 3D printed– Readily available, made in the USA variable capacitor– Easy to assemble Basic geometry and main electrical characteristics remain unchanged:– 4o to 10 meters– 125 inches radiator– 165pF variable capacitor (dual gang series)– QRP power (it actually can handle a lot more but, as you know, using a magnetic loop in close proximity with more than a few Watt is against FCC guidelines and potentially dangerous.
Don’t do that) The new enclosure requires no rework in order to be mounted. Www.ve1zac.com/A New Homebrew Magnetic Receive Loop at VE1ZAC.htm. A New Homebrew Magnetic Receive Loop at VE1ZAC October 2013 On my list of new antennas to experiment with is a magnetic loop with a broadband current amplifier in lieu of the usual resonating components. One can buy a product like this from Wellbrook , such as their ALA1530 series loops and Pixel Technologies and their AM-2 loop. Active antennas constructed by other hams using AAA-1. DIY: How to build a Noise-Cancelling Passive Loop (NCPL) antenna. I’ve gotten an number of inquiries from SWLing Post readers asking for a step-by-step guide to building the passive loop antenna I’ve mentioned in a number of previous posts. This antenna is the homebrew version of the commercially-available Airspy Youloop. It works a treat.
And, yes, folks…it’s fun to build. MoonCalc - moon phase, lunar eclipse, moon position, lunar calendar, moon calculator, moon calendar, map, moon rising, moonset, moon shadow, moon height, full moon, new moon. Indoor Mag Loop for HF - Welcome to g4izh.co.uk. KK5JY AutoCap Loop Tuner. For Small Magnetic Transmitting Loop Antennas Matt Roberts - matt-at-kk5jy-dot-net Updated: 2016-01-12 Introduction Small transmitting loop antennas are becoming increasingly popular. Their performance is quite high considering their physical size, and such antennas have proven successful in some of my recent experiments. For contesting operations, particularly when working "search and pounce", it can be quite a challenge to stay on top of the antenna tuning, since the VFO frequency changes minute-by-minute.
2 Meter Full Wave Loop - The Magic Wand Antenna by WB5ISM. Antenna special on hard-core-dx.com. The Hula Loop medium wave DX antenna Take two children's hula hoops, make a T cross and wind five turns of wire through the hoops. Magnetic loop antenna Car Tuning. Club news. Ak4g4loop Antenna. Amateur Radio. Unlike simple dipole antennas, mag loops can be made to operate over quite wide frequency ranges. A BROADBAND SHIELDED RECEIVING LOOP FOR LOW FREQUENCY DX WORK. Small Transmitting Loop Antenna Calculator. Small transmitting loop antennas, commonly called "magnetic loops" or "mag loops," can give surprisingly good performance when they are carefully designed and constructed. Although this online calculator is intended to assist with designing and building homemade, ham radio loop antennas for use in the HF bands, magnetic antennas have been constructed that function in the VHF or even the UHF frequencies.
The most common material for home building small ham radio loop antennas is common copper plumbing pipe.This calculator enables you to test the design of an octagonal loop antenna and to answer "what if" questions until you arrive at a design that meets your needs without a lot of experience in electronics. Length of Conductor (antenna "circumference") feet Please enter the length of the conductor. Diameter of Conductor (For efficiency, should be > 3/8" or 1 cm) inches Please enter the diameter of the conductor. Frequency megahertz Please enter the frequency.
Units of Measurement 2. Mike Fedler N6TWW - 2 Meter Halo Antenna. WANT TO GO ON 40 METERS? Magloop, single magnetic loop, fractal shape magnetic loop antenna magnetic loop, RigExpert, Rig Expert, MixW. Magnetic loop stepper motor controller yagi ham radio PAØKV Power supply EP-925. Loop Antenna. DL8NDG-Loop. 80-30m Mag Loop. HB9MTN MAGNETIC LOOP FOR 80M - 40M. HB9MTN MAGNETIC LOOP WITH CAPACITIVE LOAD FOR 30-10M. Antennas – LY3H.