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A Long Walk to Water
English Grammar Book. Fun ways to teach English collocations. Do your students have difficulty deciding which words go together in English?
Tim Warre, who won our most recent Teaching English blog award for his Mr Bean video lesson plan, lists his most effective tips for making learning collocations fun. Students frequently have problems with collocations for a number of reasons; the most common being direct translations from their native tongue. An example I come across regularly while teaching in Spain is problems with do/make collocations due to the fact that, in Spanish, the verb ‘hacer’ is used for both.
However, if you were to ask anyone teaching English as a foreign language, the most common mistake they hear while teaching Spanish speakers, I’d bet my house it’d be this one: ‘I have sixteen years old.’ Even though use of the verb ‘to be’ when referring to age is standard English stuff, you’ll find students up to proficiency level still have the odd lapse with this particular collocation. Online flashcard sets Collocation Casino. Grammarly: Free Grammar Checker and Writing Assistant. Ndla. Den magiska dörren -ett romanprojekt – Josef Sahlin. Idé och lärarhandledning av Josef Sahlin 2011 Tryck på länken för att ladda ner en utskriftsvänlig version: Den magiska dörren Läs elevexempel på Den magiska dörren är ett romanprojekt för de yngre åldrarna, i syfte att öka skrivlusten och öva på olika moment i svenskämnet.
Inspiration har hämtats från boken Stråk av bildspråk (Natur och kultur) och dess populära romanprojekt Huset. Läs gärna denna bok för mer bakgrund och förkovran i idéer om skrivprocesser. Upprinnelsen till att jag skrev det här materialet var från början att jag fick en halv klassuppsättning datorer till klassen och med det fick möjlighet att tänka om lite kring undervisningen, hur jag på bästa sätt kunde använda dessa. Arbetet går givetvis också bra att utföra med papper och penna. Anledningen till att det här romanprojektet just fick heta Den magiska dörren är att vi har en synnerligen märklig dörr i skolan där jag jobbar. Att hitta på en historia från ingenting är svårt även för oss vuxna. Framsida. Explain Everything™ Collaborative Interactive Whiteboard App. Showbie – The Heart of Your Paperless Classroom.
Quizizz: Fun Multiplayer Classroom Quizzes. Top 10 Free Plagiarism Detection Tools For eLearning Professionals (2017 Update) - eLearning Industry. Your Review Words - 18 must-try apps for the new academic year. – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS. I am currently on the last day of my summer holiday and have started thinking about new technology I can use in the upcoming year. I have found 18 apps / websites that I am definitely going to try. 1) Evernote.
I am looking forward to exploring this free app / website in lessons. It is predominantly designed for note-taking however it has expanded its uses significantly over the recent past and now you can take photos, create to-do lists and record voice notes. 2) See. 3) Sight Words For Reading. 4) TED-ED . 5) Explain Everything . 6) Showbie. 7) Nearpod. 8) Class Dojo . 9) Haiku Deck . 10) Draw and tell . 11) Animoto . 12) Hopscotch .
5 Invaluable Online ESL Teaching Resources You Can’t Live Without. We all know that class.
The one that never listens unless you have just the right activity or lesson. Or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, that special class that does well with everything—but really thrives when given a truly engaging activity, the one you work extra hard to please. Whether you have the former or latter class (or both, as usually is the case), it’s important to have a collection of tried and true go-to online resources for your ESL lesson planning.
If you’ve ever googled “ESL teaching resources,” you know that there’s no shortage of resources online. But how do you know what works? What sites should you trust? The ESL Teacher’s Tool Belt What’s in your tool belt? To reach the many different types of ESL learners, it’s important for every teacher to have a tool belt, stuffed with all the essentials for teaching English through reading, listening, speaking and writing.
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