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Cannabis Cures

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Meet the Terpenes: A Visual Introduction from Isoprene to Latex. Inspiration for Meet the Terpenes came from the rhetological fallacies graphic over at Information is Beautiful, while motivation came from a 45°C heat wave this week that prevented any sensible Australians from going outside.

Meet the Terpenes: A Visual Introduction from Isoprene to Latex

So I stayed at home and did this. It took about three days to sketch, research and create. Three days ago, I knew nothing about terpenes. My undergraduate phytochemistry class was really difficult. The teacher was a genius, and put huge amounts of effort into his tutorials, giving us thick booklets at each seminar filled with his hand-written notes and dozens of chemical structures. So this week, I decided to make the graphic I wish I’d had when I took the phytochemistry class many years ago. Cannabis Is In Your DNA. New Times SLO - Publishing Local News and Entertainment for over 29 years in San Luis Obispo County, CA. The following article was posted on January 6th, 2016, in the New Times - Volume 30, Issue 24 [ Submit a Story ] The following articles were printed from New Times [] - Volume 30, Issue 24 By JONO KINKADE Sixteen months ago, Kate Kytle received a grim diagnosis—she had an aggressive form of breast cancer already in the late stages that had spread into her lungs.

New Times SLO - Publishing Local News and Entertainment for over 29 years in San Luis Obispo County, CA

She was told she only had 18 months to two years to live. Will Canadians Soon Have Their Medical Marijuana Covered By Insurance? CBD Seizure Patient. Medical Cannabis: New Hope For Babies Born With Brain Injuries. With support for the nationwide legalization of medical marijuana on the rise, scientists are finally conducting valuable research on cannabinoids – the compounds found in cannabis – to understand their potential use in the treatment of an expanding range of ailments and conditions.

Medical Cannabis: New Hope For Babies Born With Brain Injuries

A study conducted by the Society of Cannabis Clinicians suggests cannabis as a viable treatment for infants suffering from perinatal brain injuries – which occur shortly before, during, or after birth. Marijuana Fights a Very Common, Very Lethal Type of Liver Cancer, Study Shows - Dank Slate. Kids Born To Women Smoking Cannabis During Pregnancy Excel In One Aspect Of Brain Development. Prenatal cannabis exposure benefitted global motion perception, a biomarker of visual neurodevelopment, in preschoolers.

Kids Born To Women Smoking Cannabis During Pregnancy Excel In One Aspect Of Brain Development

Alcohol intake during pregnancy and the subsequent exposure of the child, on the other hand, impaired this measure. (Photo : Torben Hansen | Flickr) Researchers have stumbled on yet another surprising effect of marijuana: smoking cannabis during pregnancy produced New Zealand children who scored better on one measure of brain development. The team from University of Auckland, publishing their findings Nov. 19 in the journal Nature: Scientific Reports, investigated the effects of fetal exposure to recreational drugs, particularly the visual areas of the brain.

The Corrie Yelland Story - The State Tried Kidnapping this Amish Girl to Force Chemo on Her, She Fled and is Now Cancer Free. Will Mexico say sí to weed legalization by the end of October? Mexico’s Supreme Court next Wednesday will vote on a case that many think could set a precedent for widespread marijuana legalization in the country.

Will Mexico say sí to weed legalization by the end of October?

But strangely enough, the forces behind Mexico’s weed-legalization efforts have little do with the greater criticism of a drug war that has claimed tens of thousands of lives over the past decade. The SETH Group - The Action of Cannabinoids in Cancer Cells. Richard Branson Leaks UN Document Calling for Decriminalization of All Drugs.

Mexico Considering Legalizing Cannabis to Weaken Drug Cartels. Mexico — Later this month, the supreme court of Mexico will review the country’s current prohibition of marijuana, as well as the possibility of legalizing the plant for medical and recreational use.

Mexico Considering Legalizing Cannabis to Weaken Drug Cartels

Medical marijuana is currently legal in Mexico, but the black market drug trade in the country continues to cause widespread violence, drug cartel, and gang activity, just as it does in America. Marijuana legalization has traditionally been a very popular concept in Mexico, where people understand the real-life consequences of the drug war and prohibition. However, the United Nations has forced many countries around the world, including Mexico, to comply with the drug prohibition policy the United States government has championed. Now, with many U.S. states choosing to legalize the plant, Mexico is seeing a window of opportunity to change the laws at home, keep non-violent offenders out of jail, and minimize the violence created by the black market.

Cannabis, Medical Science, and Fundamental Human Rights, With Dr. Ethan Russo  Hello!

Cannabis, Medical Science, and Fundamental Human Rights, With Dr. Ethan Russo 

Here's a piece that Dr. Ethan Russo and I wrote that didn't end up getting used for an international policy recommendation piece. DEA Raid on Wisconsin Tribe's Cannabis Crop Infuriates and Confuses Reformers. Federal agents swarmed the Menominee Indian tribe's Wisconsin reservation Friday and eradicated 30,000 cannabis plants, confusing and alarming tribal leaders, policy reformers and attorneys who work with other American Indian tribes considering growing marijuana or hemp.

DEA Raid on Wisconsin Tribe's Cannabis Crop Infuriates and Confuses Reformers

Menominee leaders say the plants were intended for lawful research into growing industrial hemp, which is processed and utilized for fiber, food and oil and is distinguishable from marijuana by its lower levels of the high-inducing compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Growing hemp was illegal in the U.S. for decades until an amendment to the 2014 federal farm bill allowed states to implement pilot programs growing hemp for academic or agricultural research. Canna Clatch Altruistic StrainHunters. We start this conversation with a question: Why are alternative theorists usually cannabis users and why are cannabis users usually alternative theorists?

Canna Clatch Altruistic StrainHunters

We’d like to take a few moments to try to answer this in a round-about-way and use a Qui Bono context to allow people to see why Cannabis is central to human evolution and a systematic program to enslave people and control resources has been perpetuated by the oligarchy with Cannabis and it’s prohibition being central to their success.