Collection Development
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School Library Management. Resources for School Librarians - Index Policy Manuals and Other Management Tools.
Library Vendors. ALSC Book & Media Awards Shelf. Book Shifting - Stack Management-Marston Science Library - Guides @ UF at University of Florida. The shift plan is a grid system.
In each box of the grid, you write down the first call number and volume that will be housed on that shelf. You then follow in the next box will the first call number on that shelf. You continue this going from top to bottom, left to right. When you are done you should have one sheet per row for every row to be shifted. Shifting grids are linked below. You determine what call number will go on each shelf by measuring 35.5 inches and accounting for growth space. The process of making a shifting plan is very detailed and when you are done ANYONE should be able to determine where the books should be placed.
Book Discovery Tools. What She's Reading Next. Online Article Archives. Where Children's/YA Literature and Spreadsheets Collide. Collection Development Resources. Book Systems Library Automation Software. Book Systems offers the ultimate library automation solution for all types of libraries - from individual and multi-branch public libraries to individual schools and entire districts to special libraries.
Alexandria Library Software. Book Systems Library Automation Software. Your School Library is at the center of academic development in your community.
Whether serving students, teachers, or parents, your mission is clear: provide fast and easy access to your complete archive of books, videos, and digital media in a cost effective manner. Atriuum, Book Systems’ 100% Web-based library management system, offers you, your students, faculty and staff a comprehensive, reliable, and easy-to-use system providing instant access from any computer or mobile device 24 hours a day.
K-12 Education Technology, Products, Materials, & Services. Library Systems Report 2018. Technologies that focus on supporting traditional library services no longer meet the needs of libraries that wish to strengthen their involvement in new service areas.
Academic libraries are looking beyond efficiencies in collection management or improvements in library-provided discovery services. Instead, they are addressing broader education needs by inserting relevant resources into platforms that support the curriculum and enhance their institutions’ research activities. Public libraries seek technologies that improve engagement with their communities.
Weeding - NYC School Librarian Guidebook - New York City School Library System at NYC DOE Office of Library Services. Weeding/De-selection Guidelines Weeding is an essential component of any collection development plan in order to maintain a collection that meets the needs of students and the curriculum. The weeding. System Unavailable. Follett School Solutions. Home - NCTE.
Best STEM Books K–12. Best STEM Books 2020 Past Wiinners Submission guidelines Reading science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) trade books is the perfect way for students to develop literacy skills while learning STEM content.
Building upon a strong legacy of several decades of recommending outstanding science trade books, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) appointed a judging panel that has selected its second annual list of Best STEM Books. The list was chosen by volunteer educators, identified in cooperation with the Children's Book Council (CBC).
STEM is more than a concept diagram with connections among four (or more) subject areas. Through almost a year of study, the NSTA group came up with these criteria for selecting the best STEM literature for young readers:
AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Each year, AAAS honors the best in science writing and illustration for children and young people by awarding the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books.
The prizes began in 2005 by looking back on decades of outstanding science books and honoring five authors and one illustrator for their significant and lasting contribution to children's and young adult science literature and illustration. Beginning in 2006, the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize began honoring recently published, individual science books.
Welcome to the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal home page!
The Robert F.
Sibert Informational Book Medal is awarded annually to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished informational book published in the United States in English during the preceding year. The award is named in honor of Robert F. Sibert, the long-time President of Bound to Stay Bound Books, Inc. of Jacksonville, Illinois. ALSC administers the award.
Nonfiction Monday – Rounding up the best nonfiction for children and teens. Lynn: You’d have to live in a cave in the wilderness not to know that far too many Americans have a very sketchy concept of what a fact actually is or how to verify it.
The need to understand this important issue is one of national importance these days as it is clear that millions of adults don’t grasp the difference and the impact on our culture is stark. Here, with a great way to start addressing the issue, is Michael Rex with a fabulous picture book, Facts vs. Opinions vs.
Celebrate Science. The Nonfiction Detectives.
YALSA Award for Excellence in Nonfiction for Young Adults. YALSA launched a Teen Book Finder Database, a one-stop shop for finding YALSA's selected lists and award winners.
Search this free resource by award, list name, year, author, genre and more, as well as print customizable lists. This replaces the individual award and list web pages on YALSA’s site that are not searchable and that are organized only by year. YALSA's Award for Excellence in Nonfiction honors the best nonfiction book published for young adults (ages 12-18) during a Nov. 1 – Oct. 31 publishing year. The winner is announced annually at the ALA Youth Media Awards, with a shortlist of up to five titles named the first week of December. Suggest a Title Current Winner & Finalists Official Nomination Lists Previous Winners. Green Earth Book Award - The Nature Generation. “On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we applaud the winning authors for motivating youth and shining a light on the environmental challenges that we continue to face,” said Amy Marasco, president and founder of the organization.
“We recommend these books as a resource to all the teachers and parents giving Earth Day lessons from home this year.” 2020 Green Earth Book Award Winners Mario and the Hole in the Sky, How a Chemist Saved Our Planet, written by Elizabeth Rusch and illustrated by Teresa Martinez (Charlesbridge). The true story of how a Mexican American scientist saved the planet form environmental disaster.
Finalists for 2019 Young Adult Science Book Award Announced — AAAS/Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Built: The Hidden Stories Behind Our Structures, by Roma Agrawal. Bloomsbury. 2018.Built is an informative, entertaining, well-organized, and easily understandable journey through the history of a variety of engineering projects from around the world. It’s all of this as well as an engaging and inspirational personal encounter with an articulate woman structural engineer.Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto, by Alan Stern and David Grinspoon.
Digital Libraries to School Libraries. Census Reporter: Making Census Data Easy to Use.