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References for Library Media Specialist position retention

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Cissl_nccs_white_paper.pdf. Study: Good School Libraries Affect Test Scores. Columbia, SC (WLTX) - A study released Tuesday by the South Carolina Association of School Librarians shows that the more emphasis is put on school libraries--and the learning that takes place there--the better scores students receive on standardized tests.

Study: Good School Libraries Affect Test Scores

University of South Carolina Professor Dr. Karen Gavigan outlined the studies five areas of importance at a press conference Tuesday morning. "The presence of librarians and library support staff, instructional collaboration between librarians and teachers, traditional and digital collections, library expenditures, and access to computers," she explained. The study found that the schools which had these five components had better performance on the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards.

One of third-grader Tavetria Amponsah's favorite things to do is to go to the library and read. School Librarian Debbie Cooper says the learning that takes place there is guided by collaboration between her and the teachers, but driven by the students. Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting student achievement. By Debra E.

Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting student achievement

Kachel and Keith Curry Lance on March 7, 2013 Illustration by David Flaherty. Imagine trying to teach kids how to swim in an empty pool. That’s exactly what Baruch Kintisch envisioned when he took a hard look at the effects of his city’s deep education cuts. Philadelphia’s “schools are underfunded; classrooms are crowded; libraries, labs, and special-education services are outdated or nonexistent,” writes Kintisch, the director of policy advocacy and a senior staff attorney at the Education Law Center (see the Philadelphia Inquirer’s “City Schools’ Real Problem,” August 9, 2012). Simply put, students suffer when they don’t have adequate resources—and, in particular, we’ve found that student achievement suffers when schools lack libraries that are staffed by full-time librarians. He’s right. Even wealthy suburban districts find library reductions acceptable. Background Research and key findings Quality school library programs significantly impact the most vulnerable students.

Learning Standards & Common Core State Standards Crosswalk. Skip to main content ALA User Menu Search form A Division of the American Library Association You are at: » AASL » Learning Standards & Program Guidelines » Learning Standards & Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Share this page: Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on Pinterest Print Learning Standards & Common Core State Standards Crosswalk The following pages include tables that help school librarians learn how the AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner and the Common Core State Standards align. English Language Arts Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies. Position Statement on the School Librarian's Role in Reading. Rationale: Reading is a foundational skill for 21st-century learners.

Position Statement on the School Librarian's Role in Reading

Guiding learners to become engaged and effective users of ideas and information and to appreciate literature requires that they develop as strategic readers who can comprehend, analyze, and evaluate text in both print and digital formats. Learners must also have opportunities to read for enjoyment as well as for information. School librarians are in a critical and unique position to partner with other educators to elevate the reading development of our nation’s youth. Reading skills involve thinking skills. The extent to which young people use information depends upon their ability to understand what they read, to integrate their understandings with what they already know, and to realize their unanswered questions. In addition, 21st-century learners must become adept at determining authority and accuracy of information, and analyzing and evaluating that information to synthesize new knowledge from multiple resources. Slw3_2008.pdf.

Leading In and Beyond the Library. AASL_Learning_Standards_2007.pdf. Administrators_panels-color.pdf. CCSSLibrariansBrief_FINAL.pdf. SLMQ CurrentResearchInstructionalConsultantRole InfoPower. MartinRoberts_JF15.pdf. Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role. Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role. Guest Post: The 21st Century School Library: Literacy in a New Era. Posted by Jonathan Martin under Uncategorized | Tags: 21st c.

Guest Post: The 21st Century School Library: Literacy in a New Era

Libraries, St. Gregory | [2] Comments The following essay was written by our new incoming Librarian and Director of Information Literacy, Laura Lee Calverley. She prepared this piece as part of her application for our position. Next week I intend to post excerpts from other essays we received in the course of our search. The 21st Century School Library: Literacy in a New Era Traditionally, the school library has been a house of books, supporting the development of student literacy and learning. The concept of literacy must be redefined, as more and more information is accessible electronically, often in non-linear, interlinked formats. Providing access to learning tools and a learning environment is a key responsibility of the 21st century school library.

It is an exciting age to experience as a reader and a learner.