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Franz Brentano. 1. Life and Work Franz Brentano was born on January 16, 1838 in Marienberg am Rhein, Germany, a descendent of a strongly religious German-Italian family of intellectuals (his uncle Clemens Brentano and his aunt Bettina von Arnim were among the most important writers of German Romanticism and his brother Lujo Brentano became a leading expert in social economics). He studied mathematics, poetry, philosophy, and theology in Munich, Würzburg, and Berlin.

Already at high school he became acquainted with Scholasticism; at university he studied Aristotle with Trendelenburg in Berlin, and read Comte as well as the British Empiricists (mainly John Stuart Mill), all of whom had a great influence on his work. Brentano received his Ph.D. in 1862, with his thesis On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle. After graduation Brentano prepared to take his vows; he was ordained a Catholic priest in 1864. Brentano has often been described as an extraordinarily charismatic teacher. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Philosophy 156: Different Kinds of Mental States. We said that a mental state or mental process is a kind of condition or process which can be had only by thinking, feeling creatures. Some examples we considered were: pains itches the experience of seeing red hearing yourself think wanting to go on vacation remembering that Henry VIII was an English king remembering your first kiss believing that Harvard is located in Massachusetts emotions intending to do the laundry tomorrow Let's talk a bit about some important categories of mental states.

Representational States Many mental states are representational. Many representational states concern the possibility of things being one way rather than another. When we talk about representational states in this class, we will always be concerned with propositional attitudes like that. Another term that you may see used to describe representational states is "intentional.

" Representational states have some important characteristics which we should take note of. Qualitative States Marks of the Mental. Desire. 1. Theories of Desire There is a simple, conservative theory of desire according to which having a desire is a matter of having dispositions to act. According to this theory, dispositions to act are the only essential feature of desires; the tendencies a person has to feel certain ways or think in certain ways when she has a desire are interesting but inessential tendencies. If Nora desires tea, this is because she is disposed to get herself some tea, and her dispositions to feel good about tea, think positively about getting tea, or to keep having her thoughts turn toward getting tea are merely associated effects of her desire. The simple, conservative theory has a number of competitors, each emphasizing something different from, or in addition to, dispositions to action. In spite of the variety of theoretical options, the simple, conservative theory of desire—the action-based theory—is the most widely-held theory, making it the appropriate place to begin any discussion. 1.6. 2. 3.

Trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve, or simply CN V) is a nerve responsible for sensation in the face and motor functions such as biting and chewing. The largest of the cranial nerves, its name ("trigeminal" = tri-, or three and -geminus, or twin; thrice-twinned) derives from the fact that each trigeminal nerve (one on each side of the pons) has three major branches: the ophthalmic nerve (V1), the maxillary nerve (V2), and the mandibular nerve (V3). The ophthalmic and maxillary nerves are purely sensory, and the mandibular nerve has sensory (or "cutaneous") and motor functions.[1] Structure[edit] The three major branches of the trigeminal nerve—the ophthalmic nerve (V1), the maxillary nerve (V2) and the mandibular nerve (V3)—converge on the trigeminal ganglion (also called the semilunar ganglion or gasserian ganglion), located within Meckel's cave and containing the cell bodies of incoming sensory-nerve fibers.

Sensory branches[edit] Function[edit] Muscles of mastication[edit] Judicial activism and restrain. Swing Justice. Loose constructionist. Strict constructionist. Pragmatic ethics. Pragmatic ethics was discussed by John Dewey (pictured) Pragmatic ethics is a theory of normative philosophical ethics. Ethical pragmatists, such as John Dewey, believe that some societies have progressed morally in much the way they have attained progress in science. Scientists can pursue inquiry into the truth of a hypothesis and accept the hypothesis, in the sense that they act as though the hypothesis were true; nonetheless, they think that future generations can advance science, and thus future generations can refine or replace (at least some of) their accepted hypotheses.

Similarly, ethical pragmatists think that norms, principles, and moral criteria are likely to be improved as a result of inquiry. Contrast with other normative theories[edit] Pragmatic ethics also differs from other normative approaches theoretically, according to Lafollette (2000):[3] Relationship to pragmatism[edit] Criticisms[edit] Moral ecology[edit] Notes[edit] References[edit] Further reading[edit]

Portal:Philosophy/Lists. Western Philosophy. Rationalism vs. Empiricism. 1. Introduction The dispute between rationalism and empiricism takes place primarily within epistemology, the branch of philosophy devoted to studying the nature, sources, and limits of knowledge. Knowledge itself can be of many different things and is usually divided among three main categories: knowledge of the external world, knowledge of the internal world or self-knowledge, and knowledge of moral and/or aesthetical values.

We may find that there are category-specific conditions that must be satisfied for knowledge to occur and that it is easier or more difficult to shape certain questions and answers, depending on whether we focus on the external world or on the values. However, some of the defining questions of general epistemology include the following. What is the nature of propositional knowledge, knowledge that a particular proposition about the world, ourselves, morality, or beauty is true? Intuition is a form of direct, immediate insight. 1.1 Rationalism 1.2 Empiricism 2. 3. Karl Marx. 1. Marx’s Life and Works Karl Marx was born in Trier, in the German Rhineland, in 1818. Although his family was Jewish they converted to Christianity so that his father could pursue his career as a lawyer in the face of Prussia’s anti-Jewish laws. A precocious schoolchild, Marx studied law in Bonn and Berlin, and then wrote a PhD thesis in Philosophy, comparing the views of Democritus and Epicurus.

On completion of his doctorate in 1841 Marx hoped for an academic job, but he had already fallen in with too radical a group of thinkers and there was no real prospect. The German Ideology, co-written with Engels in 1845, was also unpublished but this is where we see Marx beginning to develop his theory of history. The works so far mentioned amount only to a small fragment of Marx’s opus, which will eventually run to around 100 large volumes when his collected works are completed. 2. 2.1 ‘On The Jewish Question’ 2.2 ‘Contribution to a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Introduction’ 3. Postmodernism. 1. Precursors The philosophical modernism at issue in postmodernism begins with Kant's “Copernican revolution,” that is, his assumption that we cannot know things in themselves and that objects of knowledge must conform to our faculties of representation (Kant 1787).

Ideas such as God, freedom, immortality, the world, first beginning, and final end have only a regulative function for knowledge, since they cannot find fulfilling instances among objects of experience. With Hegel, the immediacy of the subject-object relation itself is shown to be illusory. As he states in The Phenomenology of Spirit, “we find that neither the one nor the other is only immediately present in sense-certainty, but each is at the same time mediated” (Hegel 1807, 59), because subject and object are both instances of a “this” and a “now,” neither of which are immediately sensed. Many postmodern philosophers find in Heidegger a nostalgia for being they do not share. 2. In “What is Postmodernism? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Philosophy and the Hippy Dream - Hippyland. Hippies from A to Zby Skip Stone Hippy Philosophy and the Hippy Dream We are stardust, we are golden, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Joni Mitchell/CS&N (Woodstock) So what do hippies want anyway? What is their utopian fantasy? It's easy to criticize the existing system, but just what do hippies have to replace it? We all want to change the world. How? It seems as though there's some kind of "land grab" going on, except it's not just land that people are grabbing, it's resources and power. It's a problem of too many people, diminishing resources, human greed, rampant consumerism, and massive development of the few remaining untouched places like the rainforests.

I'm just beginning to see... Then on an individual basis, hippies maintain that we must get back in touch with that part of ourselves that we lost. Like a true Nature's child, we were born, born to be wild Steppenwolf (Born to be Wild) Many hippies consider themselves pagan. Awesome_life_quotes_1.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 427 pixels) "Seven Blunders of the World" by Mahatma Gandhi.

Reinventing Homework: A Study of "Fires in the Mind" Have you ever considered the idea of reinventing homework? Easier said than done, of course. Nevertheless, consider Kathleen Cushman’s book Fires in the Mind. She asks students critical questions about education from their point of view. She talks specifically on the subject of homework and how to make it more meaningful. From the students’ comments in the chapter, they demonstrate that they know what alternatives to homework they need. Cushman’s students agreed that these common traits were a must: Purpose—There is no secret to what the goal is. The following suggestions were also offered as alternatives during a school day. In-class practice timehave a period specifically for academic supportindividual attention during an extended periodafter-school support Finally, they offered these tips for creating great alternatives to homework: Give students the opportunity to carve out their own path.

This is according to the great kids in Cushman’s writing, and it’s obvious they know what works. The purpose of education. Behind the rhetoric and politics, education is about the outcomes it achieves for its learners. More than being about the nuances of technology, learning space design, curriculum structures and pedagogical practices schools should have effective answers to questions that focus on what they hope to achieve for their learners. How we answer this question should then dictate the measures we utilise to achieve these goals and it is to these ends that we must apply our efforts. The prime goal of educational institutions is not as clear as one may consider. Many will point towards preparation for the future as a key goal and this is what drives much of the educational policies we see at present.

Certainly calls for a STEM or STEAM based curriculum is linked to notions of preparedness for a future in which the economy and industry will require graduates with these dispositions. Preparation for a life of learning may be a more appropriate foundation. By Nigel Coutts. Fighting Student Anxiety and Lack of Engagement with Free Play and Inquiry-Based Learning – A.J. JULIANI. In a recent paper written by Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego State University, she dives into the mental health of our current students: In her paper, Twenge looks at four studies covering 7 million people, ranging from teens to adults in the US. Among her findings: high school students in the 2010s were twice as likely to see a professional for mental health issues than those in the 1980s; more teens struggled to remember things in 2010-2012 compared to the earlier period; and 73% more reported trouble sleeping compared to their peers in the 1980s.

These so-called “somatic” or “of-the-body” symptoms strongly predict depression. That’s not all. It goes beyond high school students: College students also feel more overwhelmed; student health centers are in higher demand for bad breakups or mediocre grades, issues that previously did not drive college kids to seek professional help. And everyone aged 6-18 is seeking more mental health services, and more medication: Dr. Conversation Theory. Conversation theory is a cybernetic and dialectic framework that offers a scientific theory to explain how interactions lead to "construction of knowledge", or "knowing": wishing to preserve both the dynamic/kinetic quality, and the necessity for there to be a "knower".[1] This work was proposed by Gordon Pask in the 1970s.

Overview[edit] Conversation theory regards social systems as symbolic, language-oriented systems where responses depend on one person's interpretation of another person's behavior, and where meanings are agreed through conversations.[2] But since meanings are agreed, and the agreements can be illusory and transient, scientific research requires stable reference points in human transactions to allow for reproducible results. Pask found these points to be the understandings which arise in the conversations between two participating individuals, and which he defined rigorously.[3] Topics[edit] Levels of conversation[edit] Conversation[edit] Cognitive Reflector[edit] Paideia Proposal. The Paideia Proposal is a K–12 educational reform plan proposed by Mortimer Adler.

Adler was a prolific author, and references to the Paideia plan for educational reform can be found in a number of his books listed in the references below. The proposal[edit] The Paideia Proposal is a system of liberal education intended for all children, including those who will never attend a university. It was a response to what Adler characterized as the United States' antidemocratic or undemocratic educational system, a holdover from the 19th century, when the understanding of universal suffrage and basic human rights fell short of 20th century expectations. Adler further believed that a system oriented primarily for vocational training has as its objective the training of slaves, not free men, and that the only preparation necessary for vocational work is to learn how to learn, since many skilled jobs would be disappearing.

Teaching and learning styles[edit] See also[edit] Notes[edit] References[edit] Alan Watts wiki. Alan Watts - Philosophies of Asia (80 mins) Pantheism wiki. Pantheism is the belief that the universe (or nature as the totality of everything) is identical with divinity,[1] or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent God.[2] Pantheists thus do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god.[3] Some Eastern religions are considered to be pantheistically inclined.

Definitions[edit] Pantheism is derived from the Greek roots pan (meaning "all") and theos (meaning "God"). There are a variety of definitions of pantheism. Some consider it a theological and philosophical position concerning God.[4]:p.8 As a religious position, some describe pantheism as the polar opposite of atheism.[5] From this standpoint, pantheism is the view that everything is part of an all-encompassing, immanent God.[2] All forms of reality may then be considered either modes of that Being, or identical with it.[7] Others hold that pantheism is a non-religious philosophical position.

History[edit] Recent developments[edit] "Mr. Categorizations[edit] PANTHEISM: the World Pantheist Movement. Partially Examined Life Podcast - What Is the Mind? (Turing, et al) Past Lectures. Philosophy for Beginners. General Philosophy. A Romp Through Ethics for Complete Beginners | Marianne Talbot. Natural Right, autumn quarter 1962. | The Leo Strauss Center.