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Ashley Ella Design About. How to Write a Kickbutt Blog Tagline + a Worksheet - Design Your Own (lovely) Blog. 20 Best Tools to Create and Build Your Online Portfolio. In today’s Internet world, online portfolio is an important tool you can use to promote yourself and establish your personal employment brand.

20 Best Tools to Create and Build Your Online Portfolio

It is a platform where you can display things like your resume, cover letter, certificates as well as examples of your work. Additionally you can include your contact information like phone number, email and, why not, your social media profiles such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Just gather all these information about yourself and put them in one place online, so that your potential customers, employers and other online visitors can know you better. Here we’ve found 20 most popular platforms that can host your online portfolio! These services are great for building your personal brand and displaying your amazing work online. Business Name & Tagline Guide - Big Brand System - Week 1: Discover Your Brand Persona - Letter Shoppe. All About Me Theme Page at Rethinking Unpopular: Erika Napoletano at TEDxBoulder 2012. Great Branding You Can Smell From Miles Away. About - Meg Worden. “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf I’ve been a hair stylist, yoga teacher, studio owner, newspaper columnist (old-school blogging), a nutrition coach, and a full time mother.

About - Meg Worden

I served rum runners on the beaches of Key West. I lived in a 1972 VW pop-top camper van for half a year. I think the fact that there is a digested wasp in every fig is beautifully brutal. I still engage in the occasional romantic affair with my angst. I am intuitive and ambitious with a healthy dose of cynicism. Branding vs. Identity. Small business branding and small business identity get confused all of the time.

Branding vs. Identity

How To Pair Fonts Like A Pro — Dapper Fox Design - Branding + Website Design. Script or cursive fonts are fairly obvious.

How To Pair Fonts Like A Pro — Dapper Fox Design - Branding + Website Design

You can easily identify this category when you see type that is created from handwriting and has strokes that are varied and fluid. I typically recommend choosing no more than 3 fonts per project. If you go overboard with different fonts, your final product can end up a jumbled mess. Since nobody wants that, try to keep your font selection to a minimum of 3 different fonts. Now that we understand what each of these broad categories of fonts actually means, let me show you an easy trick to pair like a pro. We have two options when pairing fonts: Pair different font familiesUse weighted text to create visual contrast between two fonts in the same family. Choose a font from any of the three categories: serif, sans serif or script. There are a few more tips to creating that perfect font combination. Determine the weight of your primary font. The Endpin: Quick + Easy Bio Generator. How to Write a Professional Social Media Bio.

Talking about yourself is hard.

How to Write a Professional Social Media Bio

Doing it in 160 characters or less is even harder. That’s probably why so many of us end up stressed about crafting the perfect professional bio for Twitter – or LinkedIn, Facebook or other social networks. It has to set you apart, but still reflect approachability. Make you look accomplished, but not braggy. Appear professional, with just a touch of the personal.

How to Create A Powerful Social Media Bio. Do you want to improve your social media connections?

How to Create A Powerful Social Media Bio

Then you need a powerful social media bio! Your bio is an expression of your story. It’s a culmination of your education, skills, specific strengths and career highlights. It’s promotional, but not spammy. The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King. If you’re a designer, entrepreneur, or creative – you probably haven’t been asked for your resume in a long time.

The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King

Instead, people Google you – and quickly assess your talents based on your website, portfolio, and social media profiles. Do they resonate with what you’re sharing? Do they identify with your story? Are you even giving them a story to wrap their head around? One are the days of “Just the facts, M’am.” Writing portfolios - a how-to guide. By Nicholas Holmes So, you're incredibly proud of your work and you're ready to show it off online.

Writing portfolios - a how-to guide

Time to dive into creating a pretty writing portfolio, right? Wait! Craft the Perfect Social Media Bio in Three Easy Steps — ITERATE SOCIAL. Writing a social media bio can be challenging for a lot of creative entrepreneurs because we wear many hats.

Craft the Perfect Social Media Bio in Three Easy Steps — ITERATE SOCIAL

Your business might look something like this: You are an interior designer who makes jewelry and sells hand-lettered poetry. Or you may be a graphic designer who is also an illustrator and makes fabric, and home decor. You are proud of all of your skills and want everyone to know about all of them, but it has also left you feeling unfocused and pulled in many directions. How to Create A Powerful Social Media Bio. Personal Branding Guidebook From A to Z. Branding vs. Identity. How To Write Your Business Tagline. Tara here.

How To Write Your Business Tagline

We all grew up with catchy slogans – “just do it,” “got milk?” Or “a diamond is forever.” They’ve been etched in our brains because of how consistently they’ve been used – and all the ways and means these big-budget brands have impressed them upon us. But even without big budgets, trending one-liners and themes are still impressing and influencing us and our peers in the realm of the creative entrepreneur, now more than ever – from hashtags that catch on like wildfire, to pinnable quotes that strike an irresistible chord.

Tips for Naming your Business. The name is arguably the most important decision you will make about your business. It can describe who you are, what you do, and can be your first opportunity to establish a relationship with your customer. It’s the ultimate first impression, and of course, you want to make it a good one. How to come up with the name for your business is the most challenging part, because the possibilities are endless. How to Curate Your Digital Identity as an Academic - Advice. In 2009, anyone who searched my name on the web would first encounter the opinions of a disgruntled Midwestern undergraduate who lambasted me for being an unfair, unprofessional, and essentially ignorant professor. Oddly enough, the student was angry because I had begun incorporating Twitter into the classroom.

I was among the early advocates of using the social-media site in teaching, especially in large lecture-based courses. While many of the 120 students in my introductory film course embraced the Twitter assignments I devised, a handful revolted, including this particular student. He took to the Internet to express his belief that social media had no place in the college classroom, and any professor who thought otherwise was not only oblivious to Twitter’s intent (It’s for socializing, not learning!) , but also graded her students unreasonably. Take control. After that, buy a domain name ending in .com or .net. Many scholars also include their own blog(s) on their websites.