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We are wastewater,water and organic waste management company in gurgaon

Ro Plant manufacturer. Wastewater Treatment Plant : Kelvinwatertech_IND. Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer - STP Plant Manufacturers & Maintenance Company in Delhi. Much of wastewater produced today is contaminated with both soluble and insoluble impurities such as suspended solids, organics, pathogens, metals, nutrients and other priority pollutants that must be removed prior to discharge back into the environment.

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturer - STP Plant Manufacturers & Maintenance Company in Delhi

They are categorized as follows: pH adjustment chemicals (to adjust pH level of treated water) alkaline chemicals: CaO (calcium oxide or lime), MgO (magnesium oxide), Ca (OH) (calcium hydroxide), Mg (OH) (magnesium hydroxide) acidic chemicals: Sulfuric acid (H2S04), Hydrochloric acid (HCl) Coagulant chemicals Ferric Chloride, Aluminium Chloride (AlCl3), Aluminium Sulphate [Al2(SO4)3] and Ferric Chloride (FeCl3). Flocculent chemicals Anionic polymers, Non-ionic polymers, Cationic polymers Kelvin India, provides its clients with wide range of chemicals mentioned above and those needed for treatment of media filters used in STP, ETP and RO Kelvin provides both types of media filters, ie pressure and gravity filters.

ETP 160 KLD: DM Plant Manufacturer - Demineralization (DM) Maintenance Service Provider. Demineralization Plant/DM Plant-MB Plant We have with us extensive experience in making available precision engineered and functioning Demineralization Plant.

DM Plant Manufacturer - Demineralization (DM) Maintenance Service Provider

These plants come backed with latest ion exchange technology that helps these plants to effectively remove salts including cations and anions from water which as soluble chemical compounds become ionized when dissolved in water. Product Details Demineralization plants available in form of automatic two-tank plants or as mixed-bed plants.

Demineralization (DM) Maintenace/ Mixed Bed (MB) Plant Manufacturer. Demineralization is also called deionization and is used to remove the salts and minerals available in the water to make it drinkable and soft.

Demineralization (DM) Maintenace/ Mixed Bed (MB) Plant Manufacturer

Mineral water consists of adequate of quantity of salts, calcium, magnesium, sodium etc. which is hard to drink so it is preferable by many to make it free from the minerals or salts. Though many people and medical claim to be water with adequate minerals because mineral water prevents much disease because of calcium and magnesium etc. Anyways, demineralization is still performed with help of ION Exchange, RO, and electro dialysis. RO and elctrodialysis are performed to remove the dissolved solids with the help of membrane process where as Ion exchange is softening process which is mostly used to remove the hard minerals such as calcium, magnesium from the water or waste water.

In his process, Hydrogen (H+) and Hydroxide (OH-) are used to replace the negative and positive ions. OWC Machine - Organic Waste Composter & Converter Machine Manufacturer's Company in Delhi, India. Organic Waste Composting Machine Waste management is one of the serious issues of the world as of now.

OWC Machine - Organic Waste Composter & Converter Machine Manufacturer's Company in Delhi, India

Today everyone is aiming for a greener tomorrow. The onus of the management and proper decomposition of the organic waste is on us as well. Considering the same, Kelvin India made an organic waste compost machine which facilitates the efficient conversion of organic waste. It is also the ease of use of the system which makes the machine more user-friendly and demandable. The above stated factors make the machine compatible for easy use. We provide multiple sizes of these systems and they start from 25 Kg 50 Kg 100 Kg 200 Kg 500 Kg 10,000 Kg and various others More about Kelvin composter machines SS Body i.e.

Our organic waste compost machine comes into two principal models – one is the fully automatic organic waste compost machine and the other is the semi-automatic waste compost machine. Let’s see the difference between both Our machines are giving superb performance in.

Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP)

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) STP, ETP, RO, WWTP, ZLD Plant Manufacturer & Maintenance. STP, ETP, ZLD, RO, DM, UF, OWC Machine Manufacturers & Suppliers. Water Softening Plant Manufacturer & Maintenance Work in India. Water Softener Basically, to choose between Kelvin Water Technologies has taken step for processing the hard water and makes it usable.

Water Softening Plant Manufacturer & Maintenance Work in India

Hard water consists of excess quantity of calcium and magnesium which is highly dissolved in water but not suitable for drinking purpose. In fact, hard water may create many problems:- Decrease the water flow rate Increased electricity cost while heating or boiling Washing is not performed in better way Leave white stain on the glass surface Highly indigestive Not suitable for skin Due to the above problems, it is required to soften the water and so the softening water plants are established which plays big role in cleaning this. Softening of water is processed through the ion exchange and precipitation methods. Basically two types of softeners are present to purify the hard water Chemicals based softeners which is usually used in laundries to wash clothes by removing the magnesium and calcium but this water is not fit for drinking. Wastewaste1.