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Pearltrees videos. Exploring the impact of Apple's iPad on schools & schooling. Thinkspiration™ The Inspiration® Software Blog. One hundred acres of rainforest are cut down each minute to help fuel our 85 million tons of annual paper consumption in the United States.

Thinkspiration™ The Inspiration® Software Blog

This equates to each American using about a single 100-foot Douglas fir tree every year in paper products. These products include the notebooks, handouts, books, printed documents and more that are used in classrooms across the United States. While at times it is necessary for students to have paper copies or hand-written notes, paper conservation is a lesson that can begin in the classroom with the help of technology. Why Teach Paperless? The use of paper is not only costly to districts’ tight budgets, but it also is hard on our environment.

This diagram, created in Inspiration®, may be downloaded for any non-commercial use. What Tools Help You Go Green? Below are just a few ideas you can incorporate into your classroom: With so much technology at our fingertips, we can cut back on our paper consumption. Mona Westhaver. Technology in the Classroom: Technology Integration Ideas that Work. Technology has become integrated in the classroom in so many ways, that we often don't even think about how we are using it.

Technology in the Classroom: Technology Integration Ideas that Work

The Education World Tech Team offers lessons and activities to help educators make better use of technology tools for instruction, and to help students improve their technology skills within the context of the regular curriculum. Included: Integration activities that utilize the Web, PowerPoint, Excel, digital photography, SMART Boards, and more. In more and more schools today, technology is recognized as an instructional tool, not as a subject of instruction. Still, many educators, less familiar and less comfortable with technology than their students, struggle to seamlessly integrate a growing list of technology tools into their regular curriculum. "Using technology in the classroom is becoming easier for teachers," instructional technology consultant Jamye Swinford told Education World. "Refdesk also has links to newspapers, listed by state and country.

Cell Phones in the Classroom: Ideas for How to Make it Work. Written by: Bright Hub Education Writer • edited by: Elizabeth Wistrom • updated: 11/29/2012 Controversial it may be, more and more teachers are daring to use cell phones in the classroom.

Cell Phones in the Classroom: Ideas for How to Make it Work

This article tells you why. The DebateThe use of cell phones in the classroom has been the subject of much debate recently. Many feel that it is an inappropriate use of technology because it is something that will be misused by students. While this is still a valid concern, the evidence to the contrary is growing. References Teaching experience. Mobile Learning Solutions for the Classroom This series explores a variety of mobile learning solutions for K-12 classrooms and gives tips on how to fully integrate these devices in education. Elementary School iPad Apps. Create and publish your own wikis and blogs.

Elementary School iPad Apps

Use these web services to communicate and collaborate with your friends and coworkers. It's easy to edit this page and create new wikis. To edit this page, click the Log In (lock) button, log in as a wiki administrator and click the Edit (pencil) button. To create a new wiki, log in, then click the Add (+) button and choose New Wiki. Content previously available at this address is temporarily available at If you're looking for our iPad wiki content, it's still online at: Calendar | Change Password | Profile Manager.

50 Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom. Assistive Technology Helps Challenged Kids Get the Most from Learning. Students come in every shape, size, and type.

Assistive Technology Helps Challenged Kids Get the Most from Learning

They learn at different rates too. Teaching can be tailored to compensate for the different learning needs of most children inside the regular classroom. Some children with measured disabilities will require focused instruction in one-on-one or small-group settings. But other children who need help to keep up with their peers -- especially those with more severe disabilities -- can benefit from machines designed to help them learn! Such "assistive devices" aid their learning, understanding, and participation in the regular classroom environment. Assistive devices include any device that disabled children (or adults) might use to help them learn and function more effectively. Many companies today are turning their research and development to assistive technologies. Assistive Technologies, Inc., located in Naperville, Ill., provides assistive devices to schools and individuals.

Pat Linkhorn is the parent of two children with special needs. Lesson plans and resources for your SMART Board - SMART Exchange.

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