NetGalley. Free public domain audiobooks. Mrs. ReaderPants: Book Speed Dating: How I Did It and Why I'll Do It Again. Oh, this lesson is awesome!
I've wanted to try it out for awhile now, and I finally went for it last week. I wanted to use a smaller "test" group before trying this with a class of 35 eighth graders, so I tried it with our resource reading classes first. These classes are designed for struggling readers and generally have fewer than ten students. Because of the nature of the class, the students do not tend to be readers, nor are they generally intrinsically-motivated to read. It went SO. So here is what I did: Prep: Decide how you want the tables set up. Action: Students sat at any table. I went through the PowerPoint slides, introducing speed dating and how it relates to our book speed dating activity. Speed Dating with Books! Hello Book Lovahs, How You Doing?
You're Lookin Good! Are you ready to make a love connection and to hang out... with a good book? Get Engaged! So, I've been inspired lately by a lot of amazing teacher librarians who have written about doing this lesson or some kind of variation (resource links below) and though they sounded awesome, they were too much work. Decorations, tablecloths, candles, writing activities, dating profiles on Good Reads, Shelfari, LibaryThing, or Shelfari -- so being naturally enthusiasticaly indolent, I wanted to find a quick & dirty way to get kids looking at books, checking out books, and moving around the library. Hot Set Up! A Daring Blind Date! Let's Date! Vocaroo It I recorded the script & activity directions on Vocaroo - a fun, free, easy voice recording site that requires no sign-up and gives links, embed code, and a QR Code!
Musical Chairs + Book Tasting Rocks! Upon returning from our holiday break, Jennifer Lund and I had a request from one of our Language Arts teachers to schedule her classes for the popular book tasting activity.
We faced two challenges: the teacher wanted to do the activity in two days (a time challenge), and we had a significant number of books checked out that would make it hard to do the activity with the category oriented version we’ve done for the last year. We decided to mix it up and put a new twist on it by incorporating elements of the “musical chairs peer review” activity that Sarah Rust and I adapted last semester from our colleagues in New Jersey. The basic organization included having 35 seats and assigning a book to each “seat.” We used the same open square seating arrangement that we used for the activity with Sarah and made “placemats” of different colors with numbers to help the students clearly see where to sit when the music stopped. Musical Book Tasting+Padlet: A Recipe for Participation. Last week, Jennifer Lund and I tried a new variation on our musical book tasting activity we piloted in January.
Our LSTCs, Hope Black and Logan Malm, wrote a grant for a set of Chromebooks for teachers and students to use with a focus on cloud based applications and resources. After consultation with ESOL teacher Dr. Melinda Byrne, we decided to have students post to a class Padlet wall for their book tasting activity using the Chromebooks rather than the traditional paper ticket we had used with other classes. Because these classes were a little smaller than what we usually see and because these classes had used Padlet in the classroom, we felt this would be a meaningful opportunity to use the Chromebooks with students; we were also curious to see how public responses to books during the book tasting might impact student interest and engagement.
When students arrived, we helped them log into the Chromebooks and the student wireless network. 1. 2. Dr. Like this: Like Loading... A Conversation with Candace Fleming. ReadWriteThink has a variety of resources for out-of-school use.
Visit our Parent & Afterschool Resources section to learn more. More Home › Parent & Afterschool Resources › Podcast Episodes Podcast. 28 Must-Follow Tumblrs for Fans of YA. High School Book Club Titles. If I Stay (350546) Gayle Forman; Lexile: 830L; S, 2009 In the blink of an eye everything changes.
Seventeen year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall what happened afterwards, watching her own damaged body being taken from the wreck. Little by little she struggles to put together the pieces- to figure out what she has lost, what she has left, and the very difficult choice she must make. Heartwrenchingly beautiful, this will change the way you look at life, love, and family. Looking for Alaska (350548) John Green; Lexile: 930L; JS, 2005 Winner of the Michael L. Paper Towns (350274) John Green; Lexile: 850L; JS, 2008 Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar.
Friday Night Lights: A Town, A Team, And A Dream (350543) H.G. Return once again to the timeless account of the Permian Panthers of Odessa--the winningest high-school football team in Texas history. Mrs. ReaderPants: Booktalk Presentations. Booktalk Video Lists.