SAP NetWeaver Identity Management (SAP IdM) Common standards - Security. Currently Being Moderated A service-oriented architecture (SOA) enables loosely coupled applications to be assembled from a set of internal and external services that are distributed over a connected infrastructure. This distributed nature makes addressing security concerns a critical success factor, paired with the primary concern to establish an interoperable framework that enables security for services, applications, and users in a trusted environment and complies with established corporate policies. Average User Rating (0 ratings) inShare0 Are you sure you want to delete this document? Security: Security Patch Process FAQ. See You can find another FAQ showing additional aspects on security notes there, too. This page shows security notes published by SAP. To find security notes about other components like the operation system, network or the database you should scan other sources like NIST, too.
A presentation about Security Patch Processes is available at -> "AGS Security Services - Security Patch Process" (Adobe PDF) You can Access the file via the Media Library as well. There you find the documents "Arbeitspapier SAP Security Patch Day" (German) or "Working Paper SAP Security Patch Day" (English), too. See Overviewsee Reporting the results of System Recommendations using Configuration Validation see All security notes are published on the Service Marketplace. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Preparation: RSECNOTE EarlyWatch report to automatically check for SAP security notes - SAP Security. Over time SAP has released a number of OSS notes to fix security issues within the SAP system. The only problem is how to easily know what these are and whether you need to implemented them into your system. Well that’s where the SAP early watch alert report comes in. This report checks your system for security relevant notes and outputs a brief description of each issue, the note number which fixes it, how this note can be implemented and whether it has already been applied to your system.
The specific notes checked by this report is controlled online by SAP via an RFC call. Therefore if new security notes become available these will be included without any need to update your SAP system further. In order to use the SAP earlyWatch report you simply need to implement note 888889 via transaction SNOTE. Once note 888889 has been implemented execute transaction ST13, enter RSECNOTE into the Tool name and press execute. Return to SAP Security main menu. SOX: Potential changes in the evaluation of internal control over financial reporting.
As I open my email these days, I see people suggesting that we are about to enter a new era of assessments for SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404). Some are excited; some are in despair. Some are keen to jump on a new bandwagon and sell seats at classes on assessing internal control over financial reporting using COSO 2013 (COSO is preparing to issue an update of its 1992 landmark Internal Control Framework). Others are lamenting the advent of a checklist-approach to SOX assessment that they believe is implicit in the drafts of COSO 2013. A few continue their quixotic attempts to brand the COSO Internal Control Framework (ICF) as inept, preferring a totally different approach. So let me see if I can bring some sanity to this excited confusion. In my opinion, the 1992 ICF provides a reasonable basis for SOX assessments. Those who criticize COSO ICF as failing should look, not to any defect in the framework, but to defects in its use – by external auditors and those influenced by them.
Like this: 8 Tips for a successful SAP licensing audit part 1. Moshe Panzer, Xpandion This article has been contributed by Moshe Panzer, CEO of Xpandion. Part 1 of 3: Getting into the Right Mind Set Once a year you receive an email reminding you that the time has come (again) to file your company’s SAP licensing report. Whether received directly from your regional SAP office or forwarded to you by your manager, an email mentioning an impending SAP audit is a stressful prospect in any organization. You are compelled to face decisions and actions regarding reconciling all users and their corresponding licensing types, reassessing and evaluating the status-quo of licenses or reallocating numerous licenses. The price range of the different SAP licenses is huge. Begin the journey to your successful SAP audit with the help of the following 8 tips. 1 – Prepare ahead of time A successful SAP audit begins with the realization that you are facing a process which requires time, effort and teamwork. 2- Consider previous audit inspections 7 – Remember the engines.
Roles and assignment of authorizations to User. Enterprise role management. SAP SU01. Information for SU01 is presented below. TransactionCodes: Quickly Find SAP Transaction Codes helps you quickly find SAP TCODES! Use the search box below to find what you need. Thank you for your visit! SAP T-Code SU01 User Maintenance SAP Uses This Report to Generate SU01: SAPMSUU0 SAP T-Code Description: User Maintenance SAP T-Code: SU01 SAP T-Code ID: 13868 You can directly query IT-Toolbox here: SU01 It's unlikely but possible that there is a visual tutorial posted (Google images) or a relevant video guide (YouTube) Ask, answer, comment on SU01 HERE! See latest user comments by clicking here! Fh2 Information, data and images on this site are provided solely for reference purposes. You may be interested in the following SAP Transaction Codes as well: SU01 - User MaintenanceSU01D - User DisplaySU02 - Maintain Authorization ProfilesSU03 - Maintain AuthorizationsSU05 - Maintain Internet Users.
Gestion fine des autorisations SAP. Comment accéder de façon sécurisée à la transaction SE16 ? Les transactions SE16, SE16N ou SE17 sont d’une grande utilité pour les équipes de maintenance SAP, les administrateurs systèmes, ainsi que pour certains utilisateurs experts. Elles permettent d’afficher le contenu des tables SAP. Ainsi, ces transactions contribuent fortement à la bonne marche du système et il paraît difficile que les consultants n’y aient plus accès. On constate souvent, dans de nombreuses entreprises, que certains utilisateurs se voient retirer l’accès à ces transactions. Pourtant, les autorisations SAP ne permettent pas de contrôler finement l’utilisation de ces transactions, ce qui implique des choix difficiles : Pour ceux d’entre vous qui sont, ou devrez satisfaire à la réglementation SARBANES-OXLEY (SOX), vous serez également confrontés à la même difficulté sur vos copies de systèmes productifs et sur vos systèmes de développements.
SAP SU01 Create new user. SAP SU01 Create New User 1. Go to SU012. Click button 3. 5. 5. If you want to give all authorizations, in "profile" tab add sap_all and sap_new profiles. Related Posts by Categories. SU01 myths. Gestion des utilisteurs SAP. Gestion des utilisateurs SAP Ce Tuto a pour objectif de définir une méthodologie pour toutes les opérations afférentes à la gestion des utilisateurs SAP. Pré requis Comptes SAP d’exploitation ou d’administration Définitions et concept Fiche utilisateur : Ensemble d’informations décrivant les paramètres et les droits d’un utilisateur dans SAP. Profil d’autorisation : Collection d’autorisations (profil simple) ou de profils (profil composite).
Autorisation: Affectation de valeurs aux différents champs d’un objet d’autorisation. Objet d’autorisation : Objets contre lesquels sont effectués les contrôles d’autorisation. Groupe d’activité: Ensemble de profils d’autorisation décrivant une activité particulière dans SAP. Un utilisateur doit obligatoirement posséder un UserID pour se connecter à un système SAP. A ce compte doivent être attribués un ou plusieurs profils d’autorisations spécifique(s) à la fonction de cet utilisateur. Exemples d’objet d’autorisation : Document applicable ou de désactiver. How to setup CUA in SAP System. SoD. Systems Applications Products audit. Systems Applications Products audit is an audit of a computer system from SAP to check its security and data integrity. SAP is the acronym for Systems, Applications, Products. It is a system that provides users with a soft real-time business application.
It contains a user interface and is considered extremely flexible. In an SAP audit the two main areas of concern are security and data integrity. Overview[edit] Systems, Applications, Products in data processing, or SAP, was originally introduced in the 1980s as SAP R/2, which was a system that provided users with a soft real-time business application that could be used with multiple currencies and languages. For the next 10 years SAP dominated the large business applications market. There are three main enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems used in today’s larger businesses: SAP, Oracle, and PeopleSoft. Security[edit] Segregation of duties[edit] Security is the first and foremost concern in any SAP audit. System changes[edit] The top 20 most critical SoD conflicts in SAP. SOX audits require checking that incompatible tasks and system rights are assigned to different individuals in order to avoid any conflict of duties.
Segregation of duties (SOD) has always been an important component of the control environment because its impact in fraud prevention and the alignment between IT and the business. SOD enhances the IT principle of minimal privilege. Both manual tasks (eg. approvals by signature) and system roles should be included in these audits. The type and number of conflicts between transactions are always a challenge for SOX scoping . For instance, there are more than 150 high risk incompatibilities reported by SAP.
Even SAP provides an extensive framework for maintaining role-based security (eg. I created a list with the top 20 most critical segregation of duties conflicts in SAP to help in this process. For the complete list of high risk SOD conflicts in SAP: Solutions SAP pour la gouvernance d'entreprise, la gestion des risques et la conformité aux réglementations. Governance, Risk and Compliance (SAP GRC) SAP Fraud Management Released with New SAP Audit Management Solution SAP Fraud Management Release 1.1 SP02, powered by SAP HANA, was released on February 10, 2014 together with a new solution, SAP Audit Management, powered by SAP HANA.
The product provides an organizational wrapper for the SAP Fraud Management and SAP Audit Management solutions. Extended Anti-Corruption Content with SAP Fraud Management Release 1.1 SP01 SAP Fraud Management has been released to customers in Release 1.1, Support Package 01. SAP Fraud Management, powered by SAP HANA, combines an intelligent and efficient infrastructure for detecting fraud and supporting investigation with the speed and power of the SAP HANA database. Experience the SAP HANA application SAP Fraud Management at zero costs Now, you can explore the SAP Fraud Management completely free in the cloud. SAP GRC version 10.0 updates. SAP GRC 10.0 delivers value. The voice of the SAP customer has never been stronger. I’ve just spent a full day at the SAP Insider GRC 2011 event, where over 700 GRC professionals from all over the world gathered to network, share experiences and hear about new developments from SAP. This is an annual event, co-located with SAP Insider Financials 2011 and HR 2011, the 9th of its kind, and my 4th.
As a conference within a conference, the message from SAP had a dual focus for GRC 2011, but with a common theme – delivering more value to its customers by listening carefully to their needs. Previews of the upcoming release of GRC 10.0 (currently in ramp-up with general availability planned for Q2) were a testament to the fact that the voice of the SAP customer has never been stronger. Sanjay Poonan, SAP’s President of Global Solutions & Go-to-Market, delivered the general keynote entitled Creating Competitive Advantage with Business Analytics. It was refreshing in that the keynote itself was less about the latter (SAP’s products) and more about the former.
SAPexperts on GRC. We’ve Done Some Remodeling! You may have noticed only six SAP Experts listed at the top of the page. Don’t worry. All the content is still here. Some of it just has a new home. This is what we’ve done. The SAP Experts IT Hub is now SAP Professional Journal All content from the Solution Manager, Mobile, and HANA hubs are now part of SAP Professional Journal All content from the GRC hub is now in both Financials Expert and SAP Professional Journal All content from the Project Management hub is dispersed among the remaining SAP Experts.
You or the account administrator at your company should have received notification from us about these changes and how they affect your license. Here are the ways we might have modified your license as a result of the changes: You do not need to log in again to access to the new home of the content you originally licensed.
SAP GRC | SAP Security Guide – Your #1 SAP Security Online Resource. SAP BusinessObjects Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) offers a variety of solutions for corporations to address a wide variety of topics including corporate governance, risk management, and regulatory compliance. SAP BusinessObjects GRC can be broken down into several components: SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 – Offers an effective continuous monitoring solution to help maintain proper segregation of duties (SOD) enabling the organization to confidentiy prevent fraud throughout the organization and control excessive access.
SAP GRC Process Control 3.0 - A solution for internal controls management giving the internal audit and controls teams better visibility into key business process and to help ensure accuracy of financial statements. An integrated approach to SAP GRC Access controls part 1. GRC. GRC Access Control - Documentation SAP. BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0. Using Microsoft Office in analyzing SAP SoD. SAP SoD audit remediation. The ERP Security Blog. SAP Security and audit services. Getting started with security. Companies exposing critical SAP services to the Internet. SAP BO BI Security - SAP PRESS Bookstore.
SAP security expert. Getting Started With Security « Sap Security Pages.